前文:Shri Mataji 在此談話中,除了談到摩訶拉希什米原理的種種,及處在中脈的特癥等等,突然話鋒一轉談到此方法。它既是一個很簡單的深度靜坐法,也是一個簡單的清潔方法。在其他談話Shri Mataji 也曾簡短提到此方法,請同時參見註一的連結,以了解全貌。
有一個很簡單的方法來回歸(譯者:或言保持在)中脈,即是試著將你的注意力放在我的昆達里尼(My Kundalini)之上(或之内)。不論你有任何的問題(譯者:指輪穴或能量),只需將你的注意力放在我的昆達里尼,你就會一切變好,你會變得無思慮。
有一個很簡單的方法來回歸(譯者:或言保持在)中脈,即是試著將你的注意力放在我的昆達里尼(My Kundalini)之上(或之内)。不論你有任何的問題(譯者:指輪穴或能量),只需將你的注意力放在我的昆達里尼,你就會一切變好,你會變得無思慮。
註一:Shri Mataji 在另兩個談話也談過類似的,用在靜坐或清潔輪穴,請參見:"太初靈量(Primordial Kundalini ) 與你的靈量" ( http://sahajataiwan.blogspot.co.nz/2016/11/primordial-kundalini-reflection-powers.html ) ; "母親(Mahamaya)的輪穴與一個清潔輪穴的方法" ( http://sahajataiwan.blogspot.co.nz/2017/01/mahamaya-power-puja-vibration-catching.html )。在上述兩篇,Shri Mataji 有進一步提到用此一方法的條件:但你必須有相當的深度,你必須謹守對我的禮法(protocol),而且是正確地遵循,........你必須發展出完全的順服。
註二:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 在錫呂摩訶拉希什米普祭(Shri Mahalakshmi
Puja)的談話1992-02-20. JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正.
I would say, there is a simple one that you can do is just to be on My Kundalini. If you can, just try to be in My Kundalini – on My Kundalini. Just put attention. You can, all of you can. Any problem, just put your attention onto My Kundalini. And you will be all right. You will just become thoughtless, because there is no thought.
This is the best way to do it, is to just solve all problems by putting attention on My Kundalini and by that your ego will definitely dissolve, because then you will know that Mother is doing everything, I am doing nothing, so why should I be proud of it.
Also the conditionings will dissolve because My Kundalini is absolutely pure. That’s – It is not attached to anyone. It is not even attached to Sahaja Yoga. It is not attached to anyone. The job it has got to do is to nourish everything. If it can nourish well and good. If it does not nourish, well and good.