註一:譯者:Shri Mataji的
"詮釋(interpret)" 指的是:去解釋、去揣測、去延伸他人所說的,當我們去如此做時,往往就會用自己的頭腦、想法及經驗,這樣子可能已非他人的原意了。詮釋並非指去理解,而是有不太了解但妄加註解的含意。
註二:Shri Mataji 在談話中也提到:基督教會在歷史上曾對外大力追殺真知派(Gnostics, 即真正從中樞神經知道真理、知道耶穌教導的人),而由教士構成的金字塔結構的教會組織則成為追逐錢與權力的場所,教會變成了徒有外表,而無内在追求的宗教。這也是Shri Mataji 一直很反對將霎哈嘉變成一個組織的基本原因,因為她不希望霎哈嘉成為另一個宗教。
註三:在另一譯文"你處在中脈嗎?"(1992-02-20)中所指的第六種未處在中脈的狀況即是這個。該譯文請看:http://sahajataiwan.blogspot.co.nz/2017/05/center.html 。
註四:Shri Mataji 對保羅及基督教的批評散佈在各個談話,可謂是不下百次。在1992-02-20 及1992-02-25兩次談話又特別對此談得多,本譯文主要是根據這兩篇。除了談此話題外,Shri Mataji 也以此為借鏡談到她不希望相同的錯誤也出現在未來的霎哈嘉,即她特別不希望霎哈嘉變成像教會一樣的組織,也不希望大家用自己的想法來詮釋她所說的(如保羅詮釋基督一樣)。JSM ! 敬請 Sahaja 兄弟姊妹們指正.
If in the Bible, if you remove Paul you will cleanse most of it. If Paul is not there, I tell you, most of the Christianity can be cleansed out, because he started confessions, he started all this nonsense. He started making people feel guilty, I mean, and treating women as nothing. All Mr. Paul has done it and he had no right to be there in the Bible because he never knew Christ.
He was an epileptic and he saw some cross means some sort of a… I don’t know how far it is truth. But he said he saw a cross. So what? Seeing the cross doesn’t mean you become the cross.
Also he wanted to jump on the platform. Nice platform is made, all right, for you. And he has powers, and he wants to have powers, so, he jumps on the platform. Then he organizes Christianity. All his mistery. Never in the Bible is said, never Christ said, that you should organize Christianity, nor has He said that you should confess or you should feel guilty. All the time He has been talking of forgiveness. In that short time also, He has given the truth to us.
But I mean, if somebody wants to interpret, then it goes wrong.
So this – another point of a sahaja yogi is, whatever I say they don’t have to interpret, they know it exactly what I say.
If they start interpreting, then there is something wrong with them. Their brains are not all right, they are not normal.
You cannot interpret Me. Whatever I say, I say in a very simple English language. I do not use Shakespearean language or something like that. I modulated My Standard of English up to the normal common people’s language, and if you start interpreting it, that means something definitely very, very wrong with you.
There is nothing to interpret. I am saying straightforward things which need not be interpreted. This is a very important thing.
But many sahaja yogi’s who are half-baked, I should say, start interpreting Me, because they think they have brains to interpret.
You have no brains of that caliber that you can interpret Me. There are no interpretations. Whatever I have said, I have said it and there is no need to interpret. This is one of the signs that you are not in the center.
Either you have been possessed or you have become egoistical. So, one, to keep yourself in the center, to be solidly sahaja yogi’s, first of all there should be no interpretations of what I say.(1992-02-20)
The other day
very clearly I said, that he is like a squatter you see. He was very clever,
was never with Christ. He had nothing to do with Christianity. He actually
killed one disciple of Christ whose name was Steven. Then he was epileptic. And
he says he saw some cross. So what? This is supraconscious experience is not
Spiritual experience, whatever he might say. But he thought that it’s a very
good platform for him, and because he is a, person with a, administrative
capacity, he was an officer, with the Roman Government. So he thought it would
be a nice now idea that he should jump on the platform and he should take over,
and that’s how because he was like that you see they were fishermen, Matthews
and all these were fishermen so, he started dominating. And he said I’ll
organize Christianity. I’ll do this.
And he gave his
own color to Christianity and they, really the way he talked about Christ his
Mother and all that, was such that nobody can say definitely that they were
Divine personalities. He also didn’t like to talk about the Immaculate
Conception which was a fact, and Thomas ran away from there because, He was
surprised the way he was trying to twist everything to his advantage. And He
came down to Egypt where He wrote all His treatise and put them in a jar there,
and then He came to India. Now about fifty years back they have discovered that
jar, and found it out it’s known as the Gnostic knowledge.
He used to call
them Gnostics ‘Gn’ word means knowledge as you people are Gnostics, ‘those who
know’ you see. Not mentally but you know it, on your central nervous system.
There’s a word in Sanskrit for that is bhod, from where the word Buddha has
come, to know on your central nervous system and another is veda from where the
word Veda has come. So he ran away but, I read the history of that place is
that, that when people started telling them that: ‘We are Gnostics,’ and this
thing, for days together I mean not it’s only during his time but even, three
hundred years after that, anybody who said that he was a Gnostic and he had the
knowledge of these things, anyone anywhere, was murdered and killed by these
bishops you see. So the whole religion went into the hands of these bishops
and, also you can call them the people who were appointed by the pope.
So it became
hierarchy and priesthood and this and that without any Realization. So the
religion became absolutely a superficial thing. That’s why they may be
Christians anything. There is a, religion not within, it’s without. No
experience of it. That’s why those who are Christians can commit any sin,
Muslims can commit any sin they talk the same thing because whether you read
Koran or Bible it’s just the same, not much of a difference any one of these
books. But when it comes to explain they’re very good at explaining, but to
their private lives it has done nothing. It’s all in the Bible you see. As they
say: ‘The Saying of Puranas are in Puranas.’ They don’t go inside. Only after
Realization these things you can absorb and you understand, and then automatically
you become that. You don’t have to be told do this do that, is not necessary.
So Paul is
absolutely… but the whole Christianity is based on Pauline methods and all
that. (1992-02-25)