一. 首先,你不應該有生理上的疾病(physical problem),也應該有能力完全治療自己。縱使不能治療他人,至少可以治療自己。你應該是感覺自己健康且快樂,而不是每天抱怨這裏痛、那裏痛的人。
二. 你應該是一個平靜和氣的人,你不會生氣。或許你有時候會演出一齣生氣的戲,但是你不會陷入憤怒或其他情緒之中。你不只可以靜觀,也可以演戲,但那只是演戲而已。因為有時候客串一下憤怒的演出也是有必要的,但是你要確定你是完全的抽離與沒有任何執著。在演出之前你必須先成為演戲的大師,要成為演戲的大師則你必須先成為你的真我(Self),當你和你的真我合而為一時,你可以清楚知道自己在做什麼、在演什麼戲,你就是真正的演戲大師。
三. 你會放較多的注意力在大自然,如自然界花開花謝是如何在進行、大自然是如何變化及運作等等,及放在天空、星星及種種。你應該能享受周遭千奇百態的各種生物,就是單純的享受它們。這種享受可以是難以言喻的深遂。
四. 當你看到一個美麗的風景或事物,譬如你到了一個美麗的地點,有一種喜樂會自你的頂輪傾注而下流到全身,這應該是你曾經有過的經驗。或是當你看到一件美麗的事物,你突然進入無思慮的狀態,當下你就只是看著它,而滿滿的喜樂就這樣傾注到你全身。
五. 你對各宗教不會有分別心,即視眾宗教如一。你不會去責備批評宗教,但有可能去責備那些自稱有宗教信仰但却是愚笨的信徒,因為他們根本沒有遵循他們的宗教的原理。
你只看到各宗教的根源,這根源是相通的。所以你不會去責難任何宗教、及它的先知及降世神祇。我指的是你内心根本就不會去做這種事,而不是你刻意不去犯這種錯,你會自然而然去尊重他們。譬如說你是一個基督徒,但你會去尊重印度教的經典。若你是一個印度教信徒,你會去尊重伊斯蘭的可蘭經。如此才是處在中脈,假如不是這樣,那你仍然不是一個霎哈嘉瑜伽士。你不應該對宗教有任何的敵意,沒有宗教是錯的,是追隨宗教的人走錯了路。他們不是追求金錢,就是追求權力,總之就是愚昧。對各宗教的信徒而言,其他宗教都是異端;但對你而言,每一個宗教都是你的宗教,所以你不會是一個基本教義派的信徒(fundamentalist, 譯者:堅信只有自己的宗教是唯一的正教,其他宗教皆是異端),你不會成為維護基本教義及打擊異端的戰士。
註一:在談了上述五點後,Shri Mataji 花很多的篇幅談基督教的保羅(Paul)、聖經及教會組織,由此談到另一種偏離中脈的情況,請看:"從保羅、基督教談到不要詮釋我所說的", ( http://sahajataiwan.blogspot.co.nz/2017/05/paul-steven-confession-guilty-interpret.html )。由於這個課題Shri Mataji談過不下百次,譯者將之獨立出來另成一篇。
註二:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 在錫呂摩訶拉希什米普祭(Shri Mahalakshmi
Puja)的談話1992-02-20. JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正.
So you watch out that, “Are you in the center or are you going to the left or to the right.”
First of all, those who are in the center should not have any physical problems. Should be able to completely cure themselves. If not others, they should be able to cure themselves.
Secondly, a person who is in the center is a very peaceful person. He is never angry. He might put up a show that you are angry. But he doesn’t get involved into anger or any emotions whatsoever. He just watches and he can act. He can act to be in that feeling of temper also lust, greed, anything – but just to act. Because sometimes this acting is needed so he can use it. But you should be sure, first of all, that you are completely detached. So first of all, before acting you must become a master of acting. And for that you have to become your Self. If you become your Self then you are a master and you can see where are you going................
To fix up our Mahalakshmi principle, you have to see that your physical being is all right, is normal, no problem.
I am not meaning the modern ways of looking at health but that you should feel healthy and happy.
You should feel that there is no problem with your physical being. But if you are a complaining type (like) I am here paining, I’m paining there, then there is something wrong with you. This is the first criteria that you are in the center.
Then your attention should be more towards nature – how the nature is, how it is blossoming, how it is working out. It should be towards the sky, stars and things. Just to enjoy all the creation that is around, just to enjoy it. That’s an enjoyment which is really so surprisingly deep.
When you see something, beautiful scene or something – you go to a very beautiful place, then a kind of a joy that pours in you from your Sahasrara, that also you must experience.
Also you must experience your thoughtless awareness, that is when you look at something beautiful you should suddenly become thoughtless. Just start seeing it. The whole joy will start pouring on you.
Then another thing is that you should not differentiate between religions. You should not condemn any religion. But the people who are stupid and call themselves religious, they can be condemned, because they are stupid. They have not followed the principle of religion at all. They are not realized souls and that’s what they are making a mistake. So that’s all right.
For example churches can be condemned, but not Christ, not the Bible, not at all, never.
So, when you see to the roots – roots are all right, but now as I said, that these flowers have been plucked by people and they are fighting.
So you should never condemn any incarnation, any religion, any prophet. I mean you will not condemn. It is not question of I’m saying, “Don’t do it”.
You will just not do it. You will respect all of them automatically, because now you are born into it.
If you, say, are a Christian, you will respect Hindu scriptures. If you are a Hindu you’ll respect an Islamic Quran. That has to be there.
If it is not so, then please know that you are not yet a Sahaja Yogi. There should be no malice about any religion whatsoever. No religion has done any wrong so far. It’s the people who follow them in a wrong way, use it for money, use it for power and also are stupid. For them it’s different.
But for you, every religion is your own religion. So we cannot be fundamentalist. We cannot fight for fundamentalism.