2016年12月12日 星期一




假如你有一張我的相片,從這張相片我會看到你的問題(譯者:即你的問題將會反映在相片上)。例如有一次我去一個房子,屋内有一張我的相片,但是這張相片完全變黑了!所以我問屋主:"為什麼我的相片變黑了?誰曾到這房子?",那位住在這房屋的女士告訴我:"我的一位長輩曾在屋内施行黑巫術(black magic)"。所以類似於此,我從我的相片可以知道相片擁有者的問題。其實從你(自己)的相片,任何一位霎哈嘉練習者都可以看出你有什麼問題,因為你的相片也散發出你的能量,反映出你的問題,所以我也利用你(自己)的相片來照顧你。(1983-09-01)


註一:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 的談話 1980-07-15, 1983-09-01, 1978-01-31. JSM ! 敬請Sahaja 兄弟姊妹們指正。

say My photograph itself has vibrations, for example here. Now this photograph if you keep it here and if you start misbehaving or say doing something which is insulting to this photograph. The attention in this photograph will stay for a while otherwise, then it disappears. You’ll find the photograph will become black and the attention will go away and there won’t be any vibrations coming, sort of it slipped off, sleeps off the thing.(1980-07-15)

So now if I give you a photograph, on that photograph I get the reflection of what your problems are. Like once I went to a house and their photograph in that house, My photograph had become absolutely black. So I asked, “How this photograph has become black? Who came here?” So the lady who stayed there was the aunt who was [being/doing] practicing black magic. That’s what this lady told Me, [the miss/means], that “This aunt of mine who came here, she was practicing black magic in this room.” But from My photograph I know what problem you have. So I do use My photograph. Also I use your photograph, by caring for it. Your photographs also give vibrations. Any one of these yogis can tell what’s wrong with you, only seeing the photograph.(1983-09-01)

This photo here has got vibrations, that’s why keep it in a proper place and use it in a proper way. From the picture itself thousands have got their self realization in western countries and have got rid of their diseases. That’s why don’t insult the photograph. I am telling you in advance. I am not as simple as I appear. A lot of personalities are sitting within me so don’t try to do anything wrong. One is Shri Hanumana who is standing right there on the door, when you are leaving he will give you all one pappach. Go home straight forward, humbly and acting respectfully towards the photograph. I am telling you this. This is the photograph. You all can get it. One rupee is not much anyone. Otherwise if we start distributing for free then its done. Some are standing outside who can get it from there.(1978-01-31)