2016年12月12日 星期一



你們霎哈嘉練習者幫我拍的相片是大大不同於一般非練習者 幫我照的相片。至於那些不是由人觸碰,而是一直對著我的相機(譯者:應是指錄影機)則可以捕捉到許多特別的景象,這往往是人所操作的相機無法做到的。........有一次我看到一張我的相片,我告訴某人說:這張是你拍的。他很訝異地問我是如何知道。我答道:因為你所有輪穴的狀況都呈現在這相片上。從我的相片我可以分辨出是誰幫我拍照的。(1985-04-20)

或許你知道,有一些人(初次)看到我的相片就感覺到涼風(cool breeze),但是當他們看到我本人時,他們反而感覺不到涼風。因為當他們看到我的相片時,他們内在仍是有相當的無知(darkness, 註一),也因為這些無知,他們相信我,相信只是相片的我;但是一旦他們看到我本人,他們却不願接受我。(註二)
另外有一個例子也非常類似。有一次我叫Gregoire(Advent 一書的作者)去德里某處,對一群德里大學女學生演講介紹霎哈嘉靜坐。他是一位年輕帥氣的白人,那些女學生對他(的演講)都印象深刻,當他提及有一個人(即母親)可以喚醒昆達里尼( Kundalini )等等,許多人(只看到相片)都可以感覺到能量(vibration)。但是當她們後來見到我本人時却感覺不到能量。你看,她們從Gregoire的演說可以感覺到能量,卻不是從我本人。當然她們後來都轉好了,都可以感覺到能量。此例是頗能說明這個現象的本質。(1979-06-20)

.......火的本質(essence)會給你所有火的精微(subtle)特質,首先它會燒掉你的負面能量(negativity)。你們都看過在相片前的燭火會摇曳閃動如跳舞一般,此時表示它燒掉一些負面力量(negative forces),這是因為我的相片及你(註三)將燭火激發與活化(enlightened)(1982-08-01)

註一:darkness在此處不甚好翻譯,字面的意思是指陰暗、無知、瞹眛不明等。譯者只能揣測Shri Mataji 的意思。
註二:譯者以為這或近似"遠來的和尚會唸經""近廟欺神"(台灣諺語,指住在遠處者相信該廟靈驗,而附近的居民反而不相信) 的心理現象。
註三:在此段的前文Shri Mataji提到:霎哈嘉練習者對火的祈求會召喚火的本質。
註四:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 的談話 1985-04-20, 1979-06-20, 1982-08-01. JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

Like you people, when you take my photograph, I’m very much different from the photographs taken by people who are not Sahaj Yogis. Sometimes I look in those photographs, otherwise, as if I am standing with somebody with a pistol at my back. (laughter) But the camera, which is not touched by anyone, which is facing me all the time, records so many things which normally people cannot. Now you know that the people who were taking very good photographs have suddenly lost that power, because their ego has come up. They have started thinking they were very great photographers, this, that and thinking no end of themselves. So their photographs are not showing such results. The other day, I saw a photograph of Mine and I told the person who has taken the photograph and he was amazed. How did I know? I said: “I can see all the chakras represented in this photograph.” From the photograph, I can make out who has taken the photograph.(1985-04-20)

Even you may know that some people will see my photograph, all right? And they get the cool breeze. But when they see Me fully, they cannot. Because when they see the photograph there’s a lot of darkness still in them. So they believe into Me because of that part of that is darkness, because I’m just a photograph. But as soon as they see Me they just don’t want to accept Me.
We had a very nice place in Delhi. I asked Gregoire to go and speak to the girls of Delhi University, him being a young white person and handsome and all that. They were all very much impressed. [INAUDIBLE] when he was saying that there’s somebody like that they were feeling the vibrations all right. But when they came to Me, they never felt any vibrations. Just imagine, from Gregoire they were feeling, not from Me. But then they recovered from it and now they are much better off. This was the thing. (1979-06-20)
Fire has been worshipped since very, very long time by many gurus, prophets – they worshipped fire. And the essence of it was that we should have the quality of fire. Now, when the saints like you invoke the fire, you invoke the essence of fire. Essence of fire is ‘Swaha’. And this essence of fire gives you all the subtle qualities of the fire. First of all, it burns away your negativity. You have seen that on the photograph when you have a candle and if there are negative forces it flickers, it dances. Because of you and My photograph the fire of the candle has been enlightened.(1982-08-01)