當昆達里尼( Kundalini )上升時,第一件發生在你身上的就是你的健康改善了,這是因為副交感神經系統的完滿(parasympathetic fulfillment)。副交感神經系統( 譯者:即指中脈) 給你自覺與光(enlightenment),然後會流到交感神經系統,所以你的健康改善了。..........
昆達里尼會幫助治療大部份的疾病,少數的例外是因為有外來人為因素的干擾。例如霎哈嘉瑜伽毫無疑問是可以治療腎臟病,但是若這位病人已使用機器( on the machine, 譯者猜:指已洗腎),我們已試過,我們發覺他的腎臟病是無法被治癒,霎哈嘉瑜伽只能延長患者的生命,而無法治癒他。.........
在你的升進中有一個很大的關卡(hurdle),即你的身體的因素( Vyadhi, 即 bodily element)。你不應該被身體的狀況或問題纏住,或甚至往下拖累太多。每一個身體都有一些問題,你應該忘記它,隨著你的升進,這些問題會逐漸改善,當然有一些人需要花比較長的時間。但最主要是你的靈性的升進,(而非身體的改善),所以不要總是纏著我說:" 母親,請治療我,請治療我!",你應該說:" 請母親給我靈性的生命(spiritual life)" ,如此你(的身體)將自動地被治療。或許某些人要花一些時間,但這没有什麼關係。
註一:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji
的談話1979-12-10. JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。
And you know
also when the Kundalini rises the first thing that happens that your health
improves. Because of the parasympathetic fulfillment. Because parasympathetic
gives you enlightenment which flows into sympathetic and your health improves.
I will not tell about it very elaborately today because time is short. But, if
you read My… I would say I haven’t yet written much, but if you listen to My
lectures, and some of them which are written down, you will know how Kundalini
helps to cure most of the diseases, except for which are being tampered by
human elements, like a kidney trouble now has been cured by Sahaj Yoga. No
doubt, we can cure kidney trouble. But a person who has been on the machine,
we’ve tried, cannot be cured. We can give him longevity, but he cannot be
cured. .........................You are a spiritual benefactor but as a
byproduct, the body of the person improves because if Christ has to be
awakened, if God has to come in this body, then this body is to be cleansed. It
is done by Kundalini.
this is one of the greatest hurdles you have got is the Vyadhi, is the bodily
elements. And the bodily element also should not take you down too much. If
[THE ..del] we have some problem, forget it. Gradually it will improve, with
some people it takes time to get all right. But the main thing is, to get to
your spirit. So do not always say “Mother, cure me, cure me, cure me.” But just
say “Mother give me the spiritual life,” and you will be cured automatically.
It may take time in some people, doesn’t matter. You have been sick all your
life, doesn’t matter. Little more time.