Shri Mataji:假如你可以不用相片來學霎哈嘉靜坐,那麼當然是非常好,問題是並無法這樣。開始學霎哈嘉靜坐時你需要一些幫助,這就為什麼初學者使用相片。你若不需要相片,那是OK的,但你將會發現你是需要相片的。
觀眾再問:請問您如何喚醒昆達里尼( Kundalini )?
Shri Mataji:這原本就是我的工作(譯者:母親的意思是:我生來就會)。就像母親大地讓種子發芽,她是如何做到的?這個能力天生就内建在母親大地之内,這就是她的能力(power)。(2000-06-01)
Shri Mataji:假如你可以不用相片來學霎哈嘉靜坐,那麼當然是非常好,問題是並無法這樣。開始學霎哈嘉靜坐時你需要一些幫助,這就為什麼初學者使用相片。你若不需要相片,那是OK的,但你將會發現你是需要相片的。
觀眾再問:請問您如何喚醒昆達里尼( Kundalini )?
Shri Mataji:這原本就是我的工作(譯者:母親的意思是:我生來就會)。就像母親大地讓種子發芽,她是如何做到的?這個能力天生就内建在母親大地之内,這就是她的能力(power)。(2000-06-01)
Shri Mataji:我的相片有一些特別的係數(coefficience),所以它可發出能量。其實我比較希望有一些古代聖人的相片可以取代我的相片,但是看來是没有,沒有任何一個降世神祇或聖人曾經拍攝相片(因為那時候没有相機),甚至在世時也没有留下任何寫真畫像。假如你知道他們的一生,你就知道為什麼,因為他們在世時,幾乎都被迫害,有太多人追在背後試圖迫害他們。........(1990-08-11)
Shri Mataji:我的相片有一些特別的係數(coefficience),所以它可發出能量。其實我比較希望有一些古代聖人的相片可以取代我的相片,但是看來是没有,沒有任何一個降世神祇或聖人曾經拍攝相片(因為那時候没有相機),甚至在世時也没有留下任何寫真畫像。假如你知道他們的一生,你就知道為什麼,因為他們在世時,幾乎都被迫害,有太多人追在背後試圖迫害他們。........(1990-08-11)
你可以使用我的相片,因為它有能量。但是人們往往會質問為何使用我的相片。其實近代是人類史上第一次可以拍攝相片,克里希納(Shri Krishna)没有相片,羅摩(Shri Rama)也没有相片,耶穌也没有,穆罕默德也没有,只有近代才有相片。我們可以說相機的發明來的正是時候,如此才可能有大規模的自覺。許多人已經藉由相片得到自覺,那你為什麼不試試呢?假如你可以從相片獲得一些助益,為什麼你不做呢?
註一:江瑞凱綜合摘譯自 Shri Mataji 有關相片的談話 1983-03-13, 2001-06-01, 1990-08-11, 1982-04-28. JSM !
practice of Sahaja Yoga must be done without thinking too much about it. First
you just try it, more trying – because if you start doubting, I tell you, your
progress will be much less.
So first, just like a scientist, to try to accept one by… there is nothing that has to be done, you do not have to pay Me anything of course, you do not have to do any acrobatics or anything.
But for example a small thing like my photograph, you see, many people say, “Why Your photograph?” So “Use your photograph” I say, if that works out, you see. It is something surprising: that’s how people are challenging Me “Why Your photograph?”. “Why don’t you use yours? I will be very happy, use anybody’s”… but doesn’t work out, what to do now? It’s My photograph that works out, but even if you do not like it, you have to use it – what can I do?
Is as simple like that, you see; but in that I do not gain anything from you, I do not want anything from you, nothing material that you can give Me. But you will enjoy, you will enjoy My love, you will enjoy. It is all for your own enjoyment, everything is done.And this is a special time we are born in, we have a special responsibility.(1983-03-13)
So first, just like a scientist, to try to accept one by… there is nothing that has to be done, you do not have to pay Me anything of course, you do not have to do any acrobatics or anything.
But for example a small thing like my photograph, you see, many people say, “Why Your photograph?” So “Use your photograph” I say, if that works out, you see. It is something surprising: that’s how people are challenging Me “Why Your photograph?”. “Why don’t you use yours? I will be very happy, use anybody’s”… but doesn’t work out, what to do now? It’s My photograph that works out, but even if you do not like it, you have to use it – what can I do?
Is as simple like that, you see; but in that I do not gain anything from you, I do not want anything from you, nothing material that you can give Me. But you will enjoy, you will enjoy My love, you will enjoy. It is all for your own enjoyment, everything is done.And this is a special time we are born in, we have a special responsibility.(1983-03-13)
What is the purpose of having the photograph?
Mataji: The thing is, if you can do without the photograph, nothing like it,
but you need something to support and that’s why people use the photograph. If
you don’t need it, it’s alright, but you will find you will need it. Alright?
How do you awaken the Kundalini?
Shri Mataji: That’s My job, I will do it, alright? It is very simple, how does the Mother Earth sprouts the seed, how does She do it? It is innately built in Her, that power, isn’t it? What else?(2000-06-01)
Shri Mataji: That’s My job, I will do it, alright? It is very simple, how does the Mother Earth sprouts the seed, how does She do it? It is innately built in Her, that power, isn’t it? What else?(2000-06-01)
Mother, is it a symbol of Your photograph that gives vibrations? The willpower
[can’t understand the rest of the question]
Mataji: It’s true. My photograph luckily has some sort of a coefficience that
it emits vibrations. I mean, I would like anybody else’s photograph if it does,
because it’s a good idea; but I don’t think there’s anyone like that, because
none of the incarnations and none of the saints were photographed. It’s very
surprising, nobody was photographed. At the most, and also, nobody was portrayed
in their lifetime, because you know what happened to all the saints and to all
the incarnations: when they lived, everybody was after their lives. No question
of having so many people. I mean, even Christ had hardly twelve people and how
they tortured His life! Actually, if you see His public life, He lived hardly
for three and a half years and they crucified Him. So, this is what the world
was. It’s not so bad now. I mean, nobody is going to crucify Me, but still
there were no photographs. So, the modern times has another advantage that they
have photographs, and they will show you lots of beautiful photographs and
things which will stun you. (1990-08-11)
– ah – with Sahaja Yoga you can cure many diseases and for the time being you
can use My Photograph, because it has got vibrations. Now people say, that why
Mothers Photograph is to be used? Because this is the first time somebody has
taken a photograph.
short discussion amongst the Yogis, Shri Mataji asks: What’s it?]
because you see, Shri Krishna’s Photograph is not available, Shri Rama’s is not
available, Jesus’s Photograph is not available, Mohammed’s Photograph is not
available – now only you can take photograph. So Photography has also come at
the right time, so that we can really have a collective emancipation. Many
people have got realization through photograph. So why not do it? If you can
get advantage of it, why not use it? Ah, another question people have, that why
it is Mother who, who has to do it? But I said, that you do it, I will be very
happy. If you could do these things yourself, I’d be the happiest person,
because then I’ll have some leave.(1982-04-28)