2016年12月12日 星期一



我的腳的相片對自我(ego)及非我(superego) 非常好。對那些受制於自我及非我的人,腳的相片可以幫助許多。因為此種人都非常粗俗(gross,註一),腳的相片可以解決此問題。如果他們看到我臉部的相片,他們的自我就跑出來批評:這臉是如此如此等等;他們的非我也可能帶給他們一些障礙;甚至内在的超意識(supraconscious)也會浮現而帶來問題。但是腳的相片則不會,反而可以糾正這些問題,甚至這個人是超意識亦然。腳的相片不只十分有力,而且可以直搗這些人最粗俗的核心。不論是酒徒或是其他種種不好的人,如罪犯等,你只要用腳的相片,就可以矯正他。臉的相片對他們則是没有用。臉的相片是給求道者(seekers)用的,但對這些完全無可救藥、積習難改的人,腳的相片是最佳的。對那些自我超級大或非我超級大的人,腳的相片是非常重要。


Shri Mataji:這是一個好的提議,值得試試。(1980-05-17)


註二:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 的談話 1980-05-17, 1985-06-12. JSM ! 霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

Now what are good My feet for?
Yogi: Agya.
Shri Mataji: Very good for ego. And also superego. Is very good for people who suffer from ego or superego, My feet. Because, such people are very gross. And the feet solve the problem. So just use My feet.
If they see My Face, the ego will start working, “This face is like that, it should be like that – this, that.” Superego might give problems. Even supraconscious will give you problems. But feet, even if you are supraconscious, they’ll correct your problems. Feet are not only powerful but they go up to the grossest point where you are. Any type of person. Say, a drunkard and all the bad thing you are talking, a criminal. Some sort of a man. You just use My Feet, he’ll be alright. Face won’t work for him.
Face is for the seekers. But for all such people who are absolutely incorrigible type, feet is the best. Those who have extreme ego, those who have extreme superego – extreme. Feet are very important. You also sometimes watch My feet. That’s a very good way, exercise. Just watch My Feet to get rid of your grossness. Just watch with your eyes. How are you going to watch through your Sahastrara? (laughter) But also with Sahastrara you can see.
Yogi: Mother, do You think if we used Your feet in the photo in the newspaper advertising we’d get more people?
Shri Mataji: Will be better idea.
Yogi: We’ll try that.
Shri Mataji: But you see I don’t know. (laughter) Try. Very good idea. You see on My books and all that we have tried. On so many things I have tried, put My feet. Indians understand it.
Yogi: Do you think they’d understand in the US?
Yogi: Well, you don’t have to say Your name in the same thing.
Shri Mataji: Let’s put My feet.
Yogi: Will just let it work through. We’ll put Sahaja Yoga, we won’t say anything about Whose feet they are.
Shri Mataji: Try. It is very good. They’re tremendous. See all the lights reacting.
You see? (1980-05-17)

And just I told her because I know what Protestants are because I was born in that horrible cult. Very mental, sophisticated. You see, Catholics are left-sided. They are left-sided people, Catholics are. They are very emotional and these are mental people and they have made a science out of God.
Where are they catching? But you must clear it out. It’s very simple. I have found out one method. Try it; it helps. Today only I have found it out. If you use My feet, the photograph of My feet and put your attention to it with your hands towards it, it works out very well. Try that. Worth trying. Today it worked out very well with people. I think it will work out with you people. If you can have a nice photograph of the feet, just put there, clean it properly. You may watch it, put your hands on that like this and watch it and see it. Sit in the same light and after that you can put some flowers or something or some kumkum on that, but before that you just watch it and see. Maybe it might help. (1985-06-12)