2016年12月17日 星期六



前言:治療或不治療他人?Shri Mataji 似乎有過不同的說法,本譯文收集第二種的談話。請同時參考另一篇(第一種的談話:"不要治療他人,只需用我的相片")。相信大家讀完兩種不同的談話,應該可以了解Shri Mataji 的想法。



你必須努力去提升、完成自己,在這之前你不要用心在他人、去幫助他人;但是一旦你已有所成就( 譯者:即升進到一個程度),你就可以開始幫助他人、給他人自覺。你没有必要去擔心你會因此被感染或有其他的麻煩。但是在你有所成就之前,你是不應該幫助他人。你應該先幫助自己,開始時可以自私一點。除非你自己都很OK,而且你知道所有保護自己的方法,否則你不應該沈溺在利用霎哈嘉去幫助別人。但是當你變成一個專家,當你有這些專長時,你應該去幫助他人。..........(1983-09-27)



註一:就談話的次數而言,Shri Mataji談及"要去幫助他人"是遠不如"不要治療他人,只需用我的相片"。

註二:摘譯自1982-04-28, 1983-09-27, 1991-12-29, 1995-07-16。

But We are not interested in curing people, because if the cured people are going to do some work for Sahaja Yoga, than it is of some use. [to the translator: cured people] I mean you will not have any lamps repaired which cannot give light to others. [to the translator: Say it again!] Now those who do not want to help others, who just want to use Sahaja Yoga for their own purpose are of no value to Me. It is a very selfish attitude and Sahaja Yoga is not meant for people who are selfish. Those who think for others, those who want to do good to others and give them enlightenment are My proud, I am proud of such children. If a, a Sahaja Yogi is very selfish, only looking after one-self, then after some time he loses vibrations. So one has to know, that if you are cured you must learn how to cure others and you must know how to give enlightenment to others. Now, it’s a collective happening, Sahaja Yoga is a collective happening, it is not for an individual. (1982-04-28)

So if you want that you should really have the complete bliss of Self Realization, you have to become a little serious person about it. Shallow temperament is not going to help you, or looking at it as if like another guru shopping business it is not going to work out. You have to work to see that you establish yourself, till you have established you are not to work on other people but once you are established you can start working on other people, giving them Realization. There is no need then for you to bother that you will catch from others, or anything; but before that you should not try to help others. First help yourself, selfishness to begin with. Unless and until you are all right and you know all the methods of protecting yourself, you are not to indulge into Sahaja Yoga practices which helps others. But when you become an expert, when you have an expertise then you should do it. Like a mechanic who doesn’t know how to repair a car, they spoil it more. So better become an expert for which you don’t have to pay anything, you don’t have to do much about it but only to understand how you have to move the Kundalini within you, how you have to establish it back, what problems you have and how you have to cure. You will be surprised you won’t be aware of problems that you have.(1983-09-27)

when we are not using our hands, our feet, our brains for Sahaja Yoga: we are not creating vibrations within ourselves. The same body that is yours can just become a bundle of vibrations, if you start using these vibrations. But if you don’t use these vibrations you’ll have problems, the problems, all the time, and you will not understand: “Why? I am doing everything, I am doing this” – because you are not using your vibrations. You have to use your vibrations in every way possible, wherever is possible, to help others to get all right, to get well. You can at the most take a bandhan if you like, if you think that it might hurt you or something, but at least use My photograph. And after the photograph you can just touch the person, there’s no harm. After all, if you are afraid even of any troubles, then what’s the use of becoming a sahaja yogi? (1991-12-29)

Now, many people say, “Mother, cure this person, cure that person.” There’s no need. You all can cure, you are so many. You can cure anyone you want to, but you bring that person to Me. It’s not needed. Just you can cure anybody you feel like. You can solve all their problems yourself. One little bandhan can solve it. But for that you should be the source of love. Once you give a bandhan the…this powerful love takes over – “Alright, I’ll do the job.” But for that you have to be the master of this beautiful thing. (1995-07-16)