2016年12月28日 星期三

你的昆達里尼( Kundalini )

----你的昆達里尼( Kundalini )----


我們知道昆達里尼是一種純潔的願望(pure desire),但我們不知何謂純潔(purity),它表示一種没有情慾(lust)、没有貪念(greed)、沒有其他種種慾念的一種純潔高尚的願望(chaste desire)。這個力量是你的母親,她就位在三角骨裏面。她知道所有關於你的一切,如同錄音帶記錄一切。她對你有完全的知識(即知道一切),因為她是如此地純潔。她知道你每一個輪穴的問題,在接觸這輪穴之前她就知道。在喚醒她的過程,她不會帶給你任何麻煩,因為她已完全準備妥當,而且她已把自己調整得十分合宜。假如某一個輪穴有阻礙,她會耐心等待,慢慢地穿過打開此輪穴。

你的昆達里尼是太初力量(Primordial Power)在你身上的反映。在你體內,她就如同一束一束交纏的能量,就像麻繩是由許多細絲相互交纏所構成一般。在人身上,這些如細絲般的能量有3乘以72121108次方這麼多(21×21×21......10821相乘。譯者:約等於600.....6後面有1420)。但是當你的昆達里尼初次升起時,只有其中的一、二絲升起、穿過頭蓋骨囟門(fontanel bone)區域。因為她必須經過最内層的梵脈(Brahma Nadi)而上(註一)。她是以螺旋狀的方式上升,昆達里尼是螺旋狀的型式,三脈的通道也是螺旋狀的。........經由梵脈,昆達里尼開始將這些能量絲往上送,這會使輪穴鬆弛,輪穴一旦鬆弛,整個交感神經系統(sympathetic nervous system)也會開始放鬆。當昆達里尼抵達額輪(Agnya Chakra)時,你的眼睛就會鬆弛,你的瞳孔開始張大,此時你的眼睛就可能變成像我的眼睛一樣,非常黑且完全放鬆。所以你可以很輕易地從一個人的眼睛知道他的昆達里尼已升到那裏。假如她已穿過額輪,則他的眼睛必然是瞳孔張大。額輪之後,昆達里尼就進入頂輪。此刻她是知識(knowledge)、愛(love, compassion)和注意力(attention)的純粹之光(pure light),這三種特質是在這能量之内。

其他的能量(如電能、光能)是無法思考的,無法自行調整,它們無法自行控制自己,它們必須由人來操控。但是昆達里尼這種能量是一種活生生的能量(living energy),她知道如何掌控自己,她是會思考的。打個比喻,如果你看過種子發芽,它的根的尖端細胞(譯者:即指生長點)可以說是如同有一個小小的昆達里尼,它知道如何穿過軟土,如何繞過石頭,發現水在那裏。


註一:譯者:梵脈是指中脈(內分三層)的最內層。Shri Mataji 此處可能指因為梵脈的通道最初是非常窄,所以只有一二絲可以通過。請參考譯者另一篇譯文:擴大你的中脈(1988-01-10)

註二:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji  太初靈量崇拜 (Shri Adi Kundalini Puja)的談話1991-08-11. JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正.

First of all, I think this is the most important thing to understand about your own Kundalini, as Self-Realization is Self-Knowledge. And the one who gives you Self-Knowledge is this, your own Kundalini, because when She rises She points it out what are the problems on your chakras.

Now, we say that it is pure desire, but we do not know what purity means. It means your chaste desire. It means it has no lust, greed, anything in it. That power is your own Mother and is settled in your triangular bone. She’s your own mother. She knows everything about you, it’s like a tape recorder. She knows everything about you and She is absolutely the knowledge – because She’s so pure. And whatever chakras She touches, She also knows what’s wrong with that chakra – beforehand. So She’s quite prepared, and She adjusts Herself fully so that you do not get a problem by Her awakening. If any chakra is constricted, She waits and goes on slowly opening that chakra.

Now, this Kundalini is the primordial power which is reflected within you. And within you, in a human being it is like many strands of energy. So it’s like a rope and these energies are all twisted together to form this Kundalini. In a human being these strands are three into seven — that is twenty-one — raised to power 108. But when your Kundalini rises, one or two strands out of this come up and pierce the fontanel bone area – only one or two. Because it has to pass through the innermost nadi, known as Brahma Nadi. It’s all a spiral throughout because Kundalini is a spiral and these nadis are also – are like a spiral like this. So the innermost nadi is the Brahma Nadi. The outermost nadi is the right side and the second innermost is the Ida Nadi.

So, through the Brahma Nadi She starts sending those threads. By that they relax the center. By the relaxation of the center the sympathetic nervous system also starts relaxing. And when it goes to the Agnya Chakra then your eyes start relaxing, your pupils start dilating, and your eyes can become like Mine, very black, absolutely relaxed.

So, you can easily see in a person how far is the Kundalini. If it has pierced the Agnya, then the eyes will be completely dilated and will be shining. And then She enters into the Sahasrara.

Now, it is absolutely pure light of knowledge, love, compassion and attention. All these three things are in that energy. We know of many energies – like electrical energy, we know of light energy, we know of other energies. But these energies cannot think, they cannot adjust, they cannot work on their own. They are to be handled by us. But this energy, itself, is the living energy and knows how to handle itself. It thinks.

If you see a seed being sprouted, you’ll find at the tip of the seed there’s a small little cell which knows how to go around the soft places and then how to encircle the stones and then how to find its way to the source. That cell has got, I would say, a little Kundalini in it, the way it moves. ................................

So you are the one who can know about yourself — that is Self-Knowledge — and also you can know about others because of the Kundalini’s purity, it’s the reflector. And the more you become a better reflector, the more Kundalini shows.

So, for us it is important to know that our Kundalini’s awakened, that is the pure desire, that’s the pure Mother of ours. Each one has got a separate mother, individual mother, and that this Kundalini, whichever we have our own separate, different from others in a way that She – Her awareness about us is different. But, in Her function, in Her methods, She’s just the same in everyone. She has Her- She knows about Me, She knows about you, She knows about you, [Shri Mataji shows different persons] so She’s different in a way, in the knowledge. But the way that She works in everyone is just the same. You wouldn’t find somebody’s Kundalini in the stomach, somebody’s in the throat. It’s in the same place and it moves the same way. It cures the same way. It works the same way, except that it has the knowledge. For example, if you have two Mercedes cars, they work the same way — exactly the same. But supposing if I have to go from here to, say, Frankfurt, then the road is circuitous, so she has to go in a circuitous way. But another Mercedes, which has to go on a straight route, it will go on a straight route. But the working is the same.

Only the knowledge She has about you being particular – She knows you very well out and out. Remember this. You cannot cheat Her.