有時候我也常測試你們,譬如說我講: "現在是晚上九點。" (譯者:時鐘所顯示的其實並非九點),來看看你們有什麼反應(註一)。有些人的反應是:"是的,母親如此說,那就是如此。" 我可以看到這種人慢慢地在建立他們的虔誠信仰之心(faith),他們正邁向真正虔誠的境地。如果我說一些非常荒謬的事,他們只是露出微笑,他們知道我在測試他們,所以他們不講什麼,也不做什麼,而只是微笑。如此慢慢地,當我講一些他們不知道的事,他們就會說:"是的,應該是如此,母親應該做過,所以她才如此說。"(註二)
註一:譯者:即習慣性說不的人一定立即說:"不對,現在是幾點....",Shri Mataji是希望藉此類的問話,來讓練習者可以發覺自己的一些習慣,即自我(ego)或非我(superego,或譯"超我")。
註三: 江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 在錫呂克里希納普際(Shri Krishna Puja)的談話1992-08-16. JSM ! 敬請 Sahaja 兄弟姊妹們指正.
Now, right
Vishuddhi people will always try to correct Me. I’ve seen it. It’s very simple
for them. If I say anything, “No.” First words. Different types “no’s” there
are. Sometimes, “No!” Sometimes it is “No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no!” They will contradict Me or try to put their own idea, and then
they discover that it was wrong; they should not have said it.
Say for
example, if I say, “I saw these things lying here.”
They said,
I said, “I saw
with My own eyes and once I see something, you know, it’s registered, it’s
I say, “All
right, just try to find out.”
“It’s there!
How is it we didn’t see?”
I said,
“Because your ‘no’ was written on your eyes, I think, you couldn’t see
And then
they’ll pull their ears – that’s the best. But if you see that, “This is a
habit I have of saying ‘no’ to things.” So first of all, I also test you.
Supposing I say, “It is just now nine o’clock in the night”, you just say
“yes”, let’s see what happens. Try to see. You see, I test you many a times
like this and then I see that some people, if I say so, “All right, if
it’s so, if Mother has said, it is so.” And then it starts building up their
faith very well. I can see they’re, clearly how they are coming into the realm
of real faith, and there when I say something absurd they’ll just smile. They
know, “It is Mother is just testing us”, you see, so they just smile. They
wouldn’t do anything, but they’ll just smile. And then if it is so and if they
don’t know, they’ll say, “Yes, it must be. Mother must have done this or said