我們可以說石頭是單純、純真的(innocent),除非你去打石頭,你才會感覺到石頭打你,否則它不會上前來打你。石頭是純真的,河流也是,所有被創造的物質(matter, 譯者:指被創造的東西)都是純真的,它們不會奸詐狡猾(cunning),它們也不會操縱(manipulating),也不會有攻擊性(aggressive),這些都不是它們的屬性。
我說它們是純真的,指的是它們都在全能上帝(God Almighty)的控制之下,它們没有自己的自由意志(free will)去做它們想要的。它們所做的一切完全是來自上帝的指揮和命令,所以它們是純真的。
至於動物,它們也是如此,除了少數之外,大多數的動物皆是。這就為什麽它們被稱為"pashu",這意思是:它們完全在全能上帝的控制之下。一隻老虎的行為就會像老虎,蛇就像蛇;但是人類就不一樣,有些人的行為會像老虎,明天他可能像一條蛇,後天則是一條蟲。人們(可以)没有固定的人格特質,動物則没有自由意志去改變它們個別的特質(individuality)。動物是被放任在那裏,太初之母(Adi Shakti)並不去管它們。它們(自遠古以來)已被創造,它們就是在那裏繼續存在。當然它們的存在是有一個目的,這目的只有一個,即是支持人類(的存在),因為人類是演化的最高典範(at the epitome of evolution)!
太初之母創造萬事萬物就是為了創造人類,並最終讓人類得到他的自覺(Self-realization),讓人類了解到他的生命的意義,讓人類聯結到這無所不在的上天大能(All-pervading Power),讓人類進入上帝的國度(Kingdom of God)。這些都是太初之母的工作。
真知派的聖經(Gnostic's Bible)和我講的是一樣。在遠古時代,亞當及夏娃也是"pashus",即如同動物一般,完全在上帝的控制之下,是没有自由意志。他們不穿衣服住在依甸園,除了吃之外,也不會多想什麼,如同動物一般。然後太初之母以一條靈蛇(serpent)的形象出現,告訴他們:"你們必須去吃這個知識的禁果(the fruit of knowledge),因為她希望他們開始演化。這並不是上帝的主意,上帝不會去做這種頭痛的事,上帝不會認為有必要去製造一些麻煩;但是太初之母有她自己的方式與想法,她知道她有能力來創造奇蹟,她有能力來使人類了解這些知識,並使他們真正擁有這些知識,所以她說:"你們必須去吃禁果,你們必須試著去了解這些知識"。新種族的人類就如此誕生,他們會去追求什麼是知識,他們開始從原始人逐步演化、再演化。
"( http://sahajataiwan.blogspot.co.nz/2016/08/shri-mataji-shri-mataji-kay-great.html )
註二: 江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 在Navaratri Puja的談話1992-09-27.在1992-10-01的談話,Shri Mataji亦再重述重點一次。JSM ! 敬請 Sahaja 兄弟姊妹們指正.
Now if you see
the stones, they’re innocent. If you hit the stone you’ll get the hit,
otherwise it doesn’t come up and hit you. They’re innocent. If you see the
rivers, they’re innocent. Everything that has been created as matter is
innocent. It is not cunning, it is not manipulating, it is not aggressive –
nothing of the kind.
innocent, means they’re under the complete order of God Almighty. They do not
have their own free will to do what they like. Whatever is done is with the
absolutely under complete command of God Almighty, and so they are, we can say
they’re innocent, because they have no free will to do what they like.
So then if you
see to animals also, they also are innocent, except for very few. Most of them
are innocent, innocent in the sense that they are called as “pashu”– means they are
completely under the control, pasha,
of God Almighty.
A tiger will
behave like a tiger, and a snake will behave like a snake. But in human beings
somebody will behave like a tiger, tomorrow like a snake and third day like a
worm. There’s no steadiness. For this you cannot say that this gentleman is
today tiger, so tomorrow he will not be a snake.
They have no
free will to change their individuality. They are left alone. So that is not
the job of the Shakti to bother. That’s already been created, they are there,
and they are existing. They have a purpose, that’s why they are there; and the
purpose is only one, is to support human beings, because you are at the epitome
of evolution.
So She has
created all these things just for you to be created, and ultimately to get your
Self-realization; to have meaning for your life, to get connected to this
all-pervading Power, to enter into the Kingdom of God. All is Her work.
So we can say
nine times She came, and the tenth time She is supposed to give realization to all
of you....................
Is a fact, and
that is where human beings fail, because they have a free will, and they don’t
know why to obey anyone or why to listen to anyone, and why to accept anyone.
That’s why, though you have to be given Self-realization, the task is very
difficult; because you are not used to a way where you don’t have to use your
free will. Specially in the Western countries, people have choices even for
their cereals. I was told that in America there are 126 types of cereals. This
kind of nonsense if you are doing, your ego definitely bloats out, and you
think that “We have a right to decide for ourself.” And you cannot accept
somebody who can tell you that this is not right, and this is not
They have been
given freedom; that too, you’d be amazed, that the freedom was given to Adam
and Eve, but how it was achieved, we should understand this.
In the Gnostics
Bible it has come out what I’ve been saying, that Adam and Eve, both of them
were like pashus,
under the complete control of God – no free will. They would have lived in the
nude in the garden of Eden, would not have even thought of knowing anything
more than that, but to eat, live like animals. They were just like animals.
Then it is the Shakti itself took the form of a snake, and went and told them
that “You must have the fruit of knowledge.” She wanted to evolve. That was not
the idea of God Almighty, because it’s quite a headache, you know, to do such a
thing. He thought, “What is the need to have such headaches around Me?”
But Shakti knew
Her own style. She knew that She is capable of lots of miracles, and She can
make these human beings understand the knowledge, and She can really make them
knowledgeable. So She said, “You must eat this fruit, and you must try to know
the knowledge.”
So a new type
of human race started, which wanted to know what is the knowledge. You have
seen that we had all kinds of primitive people before. Then they started
evolving, evolving.......................
So you can
imagine that we have now brought to the fruitfulness of the promise given long
time back, that you will have the knowledge. And you have the knowledge. But
with this knowledge you should be identified, and you should know that you have
this knowledge, and that this knowledge can be given to others. And we can
transform this world into a beautiful world, and fulfill the vision of Adi
She created you
for this purpose, brought you out from human level to the superhuman level for
this purpose, and that is what you have to do it. (1992-09-27)
So I’ll tell
you what happened really. That all the animals are called as “pashu”, means
they are under the complete control of God Almighty and they have no awareness.
So idea of the Father was to make human beings, alright, who would not look
like animals, but who would be completely under His control. Because it’s a
headache you know, to give freedom to your children. But the Primordial Mother
thought that this is not alright. The children must know the knowledge. So She
became the snake and told them that you better eat the fruit of knowledge.
Otherwise if She had not told, we would have been less (more?) like animals. By
that, human beings got their freedom. Of course they make mistakes. They have
made lots of mistakes in their choices, doesn’t matter, but they all can get
their realization.
So this is the culmination of that desire of the Primordial Mother, that people should get their Self-realization and they should know everything. That is how you are all Sahaja Yogis now.(1992-10-01)
So this is the culmination of that desire of the Primordial Mother, that people should get their Self-realization and they should know everything. That is how you are all Sahaja Yogis now.(1992-10-01)