2017年8月29日 星期二







註一:這是Shri Mataji常提到的一個觀念。

註二: 江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji Navaratri Puja的談話1992-09-27. JSM ! 敬請 Sahaja 兄弟姊妹們指正.

So you can’t understand, you can’t understand God. Please understand one thing, that for to understand God is an impossibility. But you can be in connection with God, you can be in the company of God, you can be blessed by God, you can be looked after by God, you can know lots of things about God; but you cannot understand.

This is another thing one has to know, that you cannot understand why God does these things, why He does this, why He does that. You cannot understand, you cannot explain it. I mean, somebody can even say here, “Why did He make swastika?” Then, “Why did He make Omkara?” I mean here the people are so arrogant that they can even ask God, “Why did You exist?” They can go to that limit, you know, there’s nothing surprising. So this arrogance, this ego has blinded us from God. We think no end of ourselves, we are very self-opinionated, and we do not know much about it.

So this Power, this Shakti is the one which has given you Self-realization, will also give you God-realization; but still you will not understand God. You have to go above God to understand Him. How will you understand? Supposing there’s something below you, you can understand; but something above you, how will you understand? Supposing somebody is down below in Cabella and wants to understand about My house, will he understand? He has to go above the Cabella to see My house.

So the Source from which we have come, we cannot understand that. We cannot judge, we cannot say why; that is God’s wish, God’s desire, whatever He does. So what we have to say: whatever His wish, we’ll be happy with that.