2017年8月9日 星期三



某些人有一種成天照鏡子的習慣,這是非常不好的,因為這種習慣會帶給你一種奇怪可笑的自我(funny ego)。看錫呂克里希納的相片,是遠比看你自己的臉孔來得更好,如此你的面貌會變成像錫呂克里希納。經神科医生將自戀(narcissism)視為一種疾病,這是很正確的。



註一: 江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 錫呂克里希納普際(Shri Krishna Puja)的談話1992-08-16. JSM ! 敬請 Sahaja 兄弟姊妹們指正.

But some people have a habit of looking in the mirror all the time, which is very wrong, because it gives you a kind of a funny ego. Is better to look at Shri Krishna’s photograph than to look at your own faces, so that your face will become like that of Shri Krishna; instead of you start looking in the mirror all the time. What will become of you, God knows, because maybe if you go to your past, God knows what you’ll become. So also I’m thankful to psychiatrists that they don’t like narcissism. But it’s very dangerous to all the time watch your face in the mirror, very dangerous. It creates a very funny personality, that you start telling yourself, “Oh, I’m Napoleon.” So you become Napoleon, and start behaving like Napoleon. Next day you find one Napoleon walks out of the bathroom!

So one has to be careful not to pay so much attention and importance to your own self, but to your Self which is within, which is your Spirit. And if you look after that side, then all these things will happen in such a beautiful manner.