2017年8月3日 星期四





假如你没有真正來自內心的虔誠奉獻,那你無法接近母親,也不可能接近上帝,我們可以說這是一種要接近母親和上帝的條件,一種已先天存在的限制條件,這即是所謂的"經由虔誠而獲致"( achieved through devotion, bhakti gamya)的真義。假如一個人對我說 "好吧!你來提升我的昆達里尼(Kundalini)" 那樣子我是無法提升他的昆達里尼,甚至他七世都無法獲得自覺;但是假如他說:"母親,能否請妳給我自覺。" 那麼昆達里尼一次就升起來了(註二)


註一:Shri Mataji 在另外一次談話有提到:許多人都以為真正的導師不會有火爆脾氣,這是錯誤的想法。


註三:另有一篇譯文也談到對上帝的信仰:"什麼都是可能的 -----一個上帝的故事"

註四: 江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 在導師普祭(Guru Puja)的談話1992-07-19. JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正.

Once I went to meet one real guru. Oh he was a very horrid fellow otherwise! He has slapped so many people, thrown so many people down from the hills and all that kinds of things he has done, no doubt. But still for me he has tremendous regards. I went to him, so he just started talking to me as if he would talk to a Goddess. He said, “How do you find these worldly people here?” I said, “Alright, after all I have created them!” (laughter) “Ah but,” he said, “Still but, you are God, with your power why don’t you change them a little bit?” I said, “That’s what is the problem. I have given them freedom. I have said, ‘alright it’s freedom to you. You can choose if you want to get transformed or not,’ I cannot force. ” He said, “But God Almighty you are, you can do anything.” I said, “I can do everything but I do not want to do certain things; and one of them is to take away the freedom from them. That is their freedom to choose. That’s given to them because, if they are to have the ultimate freedom, they should have this little freedom intact.”

So he was quarrelling with me about this, he said, “But when you are God Almighty there could be some other method these horrible people, what to do?” I said, “Your concern is alright and I understand because you are a guru, but when I am God Almighty supposing, then, my style is different. I can’t be like you.” Then he said, “That’s true! You can’t be like me.” That is what I found in him. He was talking to me only as if I am God standing before him. And then he told all the disciples, “You see, you praise, you praise the Lord, you praise Her, ‘suti kara’, because God is fond of praise.” I said, “Really?” “Yes! (laughter) If you praise the Lord then He gives you everything, I have seen that. I always praise him. Whenever I want something to be done I just praise him and he does it for me.” So, I said, “It’s true, I must accept it.” because He’s bhakti gamya (achieved through devotion) .

You cannot get to Mother unless and until you have really bhakti from your heart. Is all already sort of a built in restriction. What can you do? If you don’t have bhakti you cannot get to Mother, no you cannot. You cannot get to God. But if you have bhakti then you can get to Mother. Is written bhakti gamya. If somebody says, “Alright. Raise my Kundalini!” I cannot raise his Kundalini, not [only that] but for seven lives he won’t have realisation! But if somebody says, “Mother will you please give me realisation.” Once!

So not only humility but bhakti. And bhakti is only possible if you have your faith. That’s the thing is the faith which is challenged nowadays by all kinds of stupid people; intellectuals, these horrible people who are taking out yarns out of their head, or also by science and this so-called ‘Catholic Church’ and this Church and that Church.

So your faith in God has to be absolutely, absolutely untarnishable. Nothing can disturb that. That’s very important. You have seen all the miracles of God, you have seen how you’re working out his powers. You have known all these things. But still the faith in God is missing. The person who has complete faith on God is called as the one … is God himself they say. Is called as Paramchaitanya. The guru is called as the one who is himself Brahmachaitanya. So when this faith in God is absolutely established in you that, “There is God Almighty. He’s Almighty, and that I am the messenger of that God.” Just this understanding, when it becomes absolutely firm in you, then you are in the Guru pada.