2017年8月15日 星期二



摩訶拉希什米原理(Mahalakshmi Principle,註一)是我們昇進中最重要的,這原理(或譯:力量)原本即在我們的内裏,但是在我們未達到一個狀況之前,它是不會被喚醒的。這狀況即是指:人們(開始)發覺他們並不滿足現有的生命狀態。像在富裕的國家,人們的物質生活都很好,不只有食物,日常生活所需也都很充足,人們也有錢、有很舒適的生活,但是這些並不能給予人們生命的喜樂,人們會開始問一些基本的問題:"為什麼我活在地球上?難道只是被生下來、賺些錢,然後就死掉嗎?""生命的意義及目的是什麼呢?" 當諸如此類的問題開始敲著人們的内心時,這個摩訶拉希什米原理就被喚醒了,追尋的道路正式展開,人們變成了一個求道者(seeker)

所以我們無法強迫一個人去追尋,這是一個天生内在的動力,當它開始向外顯露時,人才會開始這個歷程。當你開始想去發覺更内在的意義,如"我的生命的目的是什麼?"時,這表示你開始重視你自己,而且可能你也觀察到周遭的人的生活,他們沈溺在各種娛樂和刺激,可是他們並未有真正的喜樂,這些都帶給你疑惑,於是你就開始尋找答案。你可能去找書,去探尋靈性的課程,去接觸宗教等等。這表示摩訶拉希什米原理在你内裏展現,你開始追尋真理了!這個原理(或指力量)在過去五十年(譯者:約指1940~1990)非常活躍。我應該説這是(因為)一個新時代將開始,即目前將從"鬥爭期"(Kali Yuga,即指黑暗時代、末法時代)過渡到"完滿期" (Satya Yuga),目前正是介於兩者之間的過渡期(Krita Yuga或譯 "成就期")。在這個過渡期,無所不在的上天大能(All-pervading Power of Divine Love)變得非常活躍(註二),這大能即是太初母親(Primordial Mother)的力量。由於這力量變得活躍,人們同時也突然間覺知到他們需要去追尋,有非常多的人是如此。

註二:關於過渡期的特色,請參考另一譯文:過渡期 (  http://sahajataiwan.blogspot.co.nz/2017/01/kritayuga-shri-mataji-yogis-kritayuga.html )

註三: 江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 摩訶拉希什米普祭(Mahalakshmi Puja)的談話1992-10-01. JSM ! 敬請 Sahaja 兄弟姊妹們指正.

So this Mahalakshmi principle is the most important thing for our ascent. This principle is within us but is not awakened before we have achieved a certain amount of situation where we find that we are not yet satisfied with our life......

But in the affluent countries, it so happens that people start feeling that now, we have got this money, we’ve got all the comfort of life, but still it’s not giving us the joy of life..........

And then, the basic principle questions: “Why am I on this earth? Is it just to be born and make some money and then die?” When such questions start coming into the minds of the people, then this Mahalakshmi principle gets awakened and the seeking starts, and they become Sadakas – means seekers.
So this principle cannot be forced on anyone. It is something just as innately it starts manifesting. When you try to find what is beyond, after all, what is the purpose of my life? Because you start respecting yourself. Also you see around yourself people who are indulging into pleasures of life, but there is nothing joyful in them. So this kind of thing, that is your atmosphere you can call, your national life, your family life, everything starts giving you questions. That questioning itself, you see, all the time, makes you seek the answers to these questions. Then you start reading books, you hear from somebody that you can get spiritual training, you go to that place, I mean, you just turn to those things..........

This principle was very active from the last fifty years, I should say and a new era started, that is the Kali Yuga, and now it is the Krita Yuga – means this All-Pervading Power of Divine Love, which is the power of the Primordial Mother, became active, simultaneously with the people who suddenly became aware that they have to seek, so many of them.