2017年8月22日 星期二



當你的注意力偏移到左邊或右邊,你的摩訶拉希什米原理(Mahalakshmi Principle)就會產生問題。甚至霎哈嘉瑜伽的練習者時常也會偏到左,或偏到右,(所以)練習者必須(隨時)省思觀察自己,因為我們來到霎哈嘉是為了(在中脈)昇進,(而不是要迷失在左邊或右邊)

假如你走到右邊去,你(可能)開始和集體的領導人爭吵,找他的種種缺失,如此你就變成耶穌基督所講的"喋喋不休的靈魂"(murmuring souls),你開始講領導人的壞話。這些各地的領導人都是我親自任命的,我知道他們有那些問題,也知道他們没有那些問題,他們和我有密切的連絡,所以你們不必去評論他們。若你去注意、評斷他們,只是妨礙你自己的進展,且妨礙霎哈嘉的發展而已。

另外有些(偏到右邊的)人會試圖去發明新方法,這種人是最麻煩的,因為他們的自我(ego)給他們很大的制約,以致於他們看不見他們(這樣做)有什麼問題,他們不知道自己正在做"反神" (anti-God)的事情。他們不只給自己製造麻煩,也帶給他人許多問題。任何開創新方法的人都會遭受苦難,他們的臉上没有喜樂,他們只是想炫耀而已。這是非常非常危險的事!我看過各種嘗試這些新把戲的人,他們最後都陷入許多的麻煩。因為霎哈嘉有它自己獨特的文化與方法,這些都是完全經過我批准認可的。没有必要去開創新方法。假如要採用新的方法,他們應該離開霎哈嘉。這是一種自我,而且是最糟糕的一種!你們不應該和這種人有任何關係。在霎哈嘉裏,所有的一切(方法)已完全研究好了,所有的知識都已妥當準備在那裏。自創方法的想法是源自一種(特殊的)自我,在這種自我之下,他們無法正確感應生命能量(vibration),所以他們就從摩訶拉希什米原理偏離出來。(註一)


註一:Shri Mataji在另一談話也提過此,請看: "不要去嘗試新的方法" ( http://sahajataiwan.blogspot.co.nz/2016/03/blog-post.html  )

墨爾本集體在1991也發生類似的事,整個集體幾乎散掉,Shri Mataji 1992 親自到澳洲處理這個問題,在墨爾本也親身治療許多因這些錯誤方法而感染的練習者,在3月離澳前最後一次演講,還在大庭廣眾逐一唱名這些能量有問題的練習者,教他們如何繼續治療自己。

註二: 江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 摩訶拉希什米普祭(Mahalakshmi Puja)的談話1993-09-08. JSM ! 敬請 Sahaja 兄弟姊妹們指正.

Now this Mahalakshmi principle goes out of gear because of left or right side movement of our attention. Even people come to Sahaja Yoga and they start going either to the left or to the right. One has to keep a proper watch, because you have come to Sahaja Yoga to ascend.

Now, if you move to the right side then you start fighting with your leader, finding faults with the leader, and, as Christ has said, you become ‘murmuring souls’ – you start talking ill about your leader. I have appointed Myself the leaders, and I know what’s wrong with them or what’s not wrong with them. They are in close contact with Me, so you don’t have to judge them, by that you are hampering the progress of Sahaja Yoga and your own. 

Then there are other people who try to find out new methods. Such people are extremely difficult because their ego, conditions them so much that they don’t see what’s wrong with them, and they don’t know they are doing anti-God activities. They are not creating problem for themselves but for others also. Anybody who starts like this suffers a lot, there is no joy on their face, they just try to show off and it is very, very dangerous! I have seen people who have tried all these tricks and fallen into lots of problems because Sahaja Yoga has it’s own culture, it has it’s own methods which are absolutely approved by Me. There is no need to start some new methods, if so they should get out of Sahaja Yoga. This is the worst type of ego! And one should not have anything to do with such people. Already everything has been researched in Sahaja Yoga. All the knowledge is already there, but this comes from a kind of a ego which doesn’t feel the vibrations very well, and then you try to push away from the Mahalakshmi principle.

The left side people, when they move, they fall into the trap of other type of gurus or other type of readings, even in Sahaja Yoga. Sometimes people who’ll get too much attached to their wives, to their children, to their family, too much attached, they become very left-sided. They have no joy and they don’t want others to enjoy. Such people also should go out of Sahaja Yoga. Till they have overcome their attachments they should not be in Sahaja Yoga.