2016年3月16日 星期三



一般人的注意力(attention, 註一)都是扭曲的、不純潔的,這就是為什麼耶穌基督來世的時候講:你不應該有邪淫(adulterous)的目光(註二)。這"邪淫"(adulterous)乃廣指"不純潔"(impurity)的意思。一般人眼睛向外看到一樣東西,就會勾起了一連串的思緒,如為什麼我没有這樣東西?我如何去弄到一個?及其他種種的為什麼要如此,或為什麼不要如此等等的思緒。這些思緒都是不純潔的,往往會將你帶向物質帶向低下。若你看到一樣事物,腦筋立刻興起一些思緒,這表示你仍未跨過寬恕輪的門檻。對一個瑜伽士而言,無論你看到什麼或碰到什麼,你應該要保持無思慮的靜觀狀態 (thoughtless awareness)。當你隨時都達到這種狀態,那些扭曲的、不純潔的思緒就會離你而去,不會進入你的注意力之中,不會再影響你。此時你的目光完全是純潔的,如耶穌基督所要求的。你的目光就如同太陽光一樣,太陽光可以滋養樹葉,使它更茁壯,你的目光則可以在周遭創造一個純淨的氣氛,將無所不在的神聖力量( Divine Power)的喜樂傳遞給這個世界。

我對你們有一個要求:將所有的不純潔的思緒從你們的目光中去除。我們有Nirvichara 的口訣(mantra) 可以幫助你,不要讓這些不純潔的思緒主宰你。當思緒來襲時,可以唸 " Yen Neti Neti Vachane" ( 它不存在!),或唸 " Kshama Keli, Kshama Keli" ( 我原諒!我原諒!)

註一:Shri Mataji 常用的 attention 不完全等於中文的注意力。中文的注意力常指眼光所及的外在之處,Shri Mataji attention 則更包括内在的思緒、想像、情緒等等,即泛指"腦筋轉到的那裏"

註二:摩西的十戒中有"你不應該犯通姦罪" ( Thou shalt not commit adultery.)。聖經記載中耶穌基督更進一步講:如果你用淫穢的眼光看一個婦女,那在你的心中你已經犯了通姦罪( But I tell to you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.)。這即是每次 Shri Mataji 談耶穌基督都會提到耶穌基督的名言:"你不應該有邪淫的目光"( Thou shalt not have adulterous eyes.) 的出處

註三: 江瑞凱摘譯自 Shri Mataji 的談話 1986-01-01.  JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正.

The attention of normal human beings is perverted, it is not clean. For this Christ has said, that there should be no adultery in your eyes, means that if we put our attention on something, we start thinking a lot and strange thoughts come to our mind, as to how I can acquire this thing and why I did not get this thing, and other thoughts as to why and why not. If we see something and start thinking, then we should know that we have not yet crossed the Agnya Chakra.

Whatever thing you see, you should be able to go into thoughtless awareness, ……

Once we attain the state of thoughtless awareness, no perversion will remain in our attention any more. The thoughts perverting the mind will not come anymore, so how will perversion influence you. That means like Christ said, thou shall not have adulterous eyes, they should be so pure, like the rays of the sun, when they fall on trees, they do no absorb the dirt, they nourish and nurture them, not only that but they also give them strength.

In a similar way, the Sahaja Yogis should have such radiance in their eyes, that they will be able to create a very pure atmosphere in the whole world. Purity in the atmosphere is what we need today, everywhere, so that peace, joy and divine power can prevail in this world…….

I have a request to you all, to remove all the adultery in your eyes. For this we have the mantra of Nirvichara in Sahaja Yoga. Do not allow the thoughts to dominate you, if thoughts come, then say “Yen Neti Neti Vachane”(Keep saying, it is not there, not there…) or say “Kshama Keli, Kshama Keli ”(I forgive, I forgive), so that this thought is destroyed and once thoughtlessness is attained, then the perversion of the mind is stopped.