錫呂瑪塔吉:Kay (註一) 你來跟大家講大堡礁( Great Barrier Reef)的奇蹟。
Cairns 是很大的祝福,讓我們有機會帶母親到大堡礁逛一圈。當時我們練習者是突然靈機一動臨時決定的,我們延後了母親的班機,租了一艘快艇出海。因為我們想若母親的注意力可以放在大堡礁一下,對大堡礁面臨的危機可能有所幫助。到達目的地後,母親很高興同意換乘半潜艇(註二)欣賞大堡礁奇特的珊瑚景觀,許多魚群也跟隨在半潜艇周圍。
隔天,那些持續在觀察研究大堡礁的人員有一驚訝的發現:那些吃珊瑚的某種特殊海星(Crown-of-Thomas starfish)逐漸死去。他們不知道為什麼會如此,突然間他們發覺大堡礁的珊瑚又開始再生了!他們將這一變化都記錄下來。他們說這是一個難以理解的奇蹟。他們並不知道母親的一瞥,就讓整個大堡礁回到正軌!Jai Shri Mataji !
錫呂瑪塔吉:但是你們不是珊瑚!我無法像如此轉化(transform)你們。你們必須用你們的意志力(will power)。它們(指珊瑚)是動物,所有的動物都是在神的掌控之下。所有的動物、植物皆是在神的保護(bandhan)之下,神要在它們身上做什麼都可以;但是對人類,神並非要做什麼都可以。你們同時要了解人類的另一個問題:他們可能都 ok 、都循著正軌,突然間不知道發生什麼事,他們又變得很奇怪。 人類雖然是神所創造的,但是人類在他自己身上加了一些東西(註三)----這個部分是(我)很難去理解的。所以你們(指人類)最好要去了解自己,為何人類會如此。而且要用自己的自由意志(free will)去接受:" 我必須要去做這些(譯者:指種種有助於昇進的事)。" 這是一種自我的紀律,如此你們才能有所成就。
註一:Kay 應是當時(1990) Cairns集體的負責人。Cairns 這個城市的外海即是世界七大奇景之一的大堡礁。
註四:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 的談話1990-03-20, 1990-04-21 .
JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。
You must have
heard about the story about Cairns, what miracle has taken place, have you
heard? No? So … Kay. Where is Kay? I was – Kay, can you tell them? Please come
here. Just come. It’s too much!
[Kay: It was a
great blessing for Shri Mataji to come to Cairns for us, and we had the
opportunity of taking Shri Mataji out to the Great Barrier Reef.]
Just we decided
[Kay: Very
spontaneously! We delayed Her flight and kept Her from the Brisbane people for
a few hours, just to keep Her a little more time with us; but we thought it was
important that She put Her attention on the reef, because there was a lot of
problems happening with this great natural phenomena off the coast of Cairns.
And we took a fast boat out to the reef, and Shri Mataji graciously agreed to
go down into a semi-submersible and had a look at the reef. And just looking at
it, all the fish came around. It was just a miracle to be in the reef with Her,
while She was looking at all this wonderful natural phenomena. But within the
next day the attention of the people who had been researching the reef and been
worried about the Crown-of-Thorns starfish eating the reef, and all the
pollution, suddenly they started to realize the reef was regenerating. And all
the Crown-of-Thorns starfish were dying and they didn’t know why, they didn’t
know where they’d come from, and now they don’t know where they’ve gone!]
They have
written, it’s a mystery!
[Kay: And they
said it’s a mystery. But just a glance from our Mother has just made everything
right. Jai Shri Mataji!]
But you are not
a coral reef, you see, you are not that; because you see, I cannot, I cannot
transform you that way. You have to use your will power. They are all animals,
you see, and animals are under the control of God, that’s why they are called
as “pashu”. This “pash” means all the bandhan. Under the bandhan of God: is
whatever God wants can do with them, with the, all the plants, of animals,
everyone. But with human beings you can’t do everything. And also to understand
human beings is another problem. I don’t know how suddenly they become so
funny. They are all right, going straight, and suddenly you don’t know what
happens to them. So it’s a thing that God has created, and then adding to that,
man has created himself a little bit more – which is quite a difficult thing to
understand. So you better understand yourself, why you do like that; and you
have to with your free will accept that “I have to do it.” It is self
disciplining and you’ll work it out, and I’m sure one day you will show that in
Australia we have really achieved a great height.( 1990-03-20)
Another miracle
took place that, I went out to a place called Cairns, which is a very
far-fetched place near Equator at the tip of Australia. And they told me that
the Great-Barrier Reef is very close from here. And there are fishes called as
Crown thorn star fishes. And these are eating all those little, little animals
that make those beautiful corals there. And that’s why the regeneration has
stopped for the ten years. God knows from where they have come, shoals of them,
shoals of them.
I said, “I
would like to go and see this Great Barrier Reef, let’s see.” So, we went down.
There was a boat which was [designed] -to sink half way. We were sitting there,
and watching everything. They said, “You’ll see those fishes there.” I saw big,
big turtles and I saw beautiful, very beautiful fishes of such variety, such
colours. Very gently passing, but not a single fish, that starfish, not a
single. I said, “Let’s see, let’s see.” So we went round and round, quite a
lot, I wanted to see one at least, what sort of a thing it is. We went round
the whole thing, not a single thing. And this happened on the 10th, I was
there. On the 17th we were travelling. In the plane they announced a miracle
has happened that all these fishes have disappeared and some who were there are
dying. Can you imagine? (1990-04-21)