2016年8月25日 星期四



在我們的輪穴有三種狀態(gunas,或言三脈)。先從根輪開始,根輪有四瓣,4 除以3 結果是無窮盡(即除不盡),所以住在其上的格涅沙(Shri Ganesha) 可以成為降世神祇。接著是腹輪,腹輪有六瓣,6 除以3 可以除得盡,所以此輪穴的神祇梵天婆羅摩(Bramadeva) 不降世到人間(註一)。臍輪有十瓣,10 除以3 也是無窮盡,所以臍輪的神祇毗濕奴(Vishnu) 降世多次,幻海的導師(Guru) 也降世多次。心輪有12 瓣,12 除以3 ,可以除得盡,所以濕婆神(Shiva) 從未以有形(form)的方式呈現在人間(即未降世)。喉輪有16瓣,16 除以3 ,也是無窮盡,所以毗濕奴降世成為克里希納(Shri Krishna)。額輪有兩瓣,2 除以3 也是無窮盡,所以格涅沙在此以基督(Christ) 的身份降世。

每一個輪穴有不同的花瓣,這花瓣數即是其上的神祇擁有的power 數目,這個數目除以3 (三種狀態),假如可以得到無窮盡(即除不盡),則其上的神祇可以降世,否則無法降世。

註一:梵天婆羅摩極少降世,有一次是成為穆罕默德的女婿 Hasrat Ali,即法蒂瑪(Fatima)的丈夫。-----摘自陳杰"神祇簡釋"

註二:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 的談話1990-03-15. JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正

Now as you know, in our chakras also if you know, there are three gunas, now you start from the fourth. Number four. Four divided by three is eternity, so Ganesha can take Incarnation. Then six. Six has divided by three, so Brahmadeva doesn’t take Incarnation. Then comes ten. Ten divided by three, is again eternity. So the Vishnu can take Incarnations, also all the Gurus can take Incarnation. Then comes twelve, at the heart. Twelve is divided by three, so Shiva doesn’t take His form, only the Goddess does. Because it is divided completely. Then comes sixteen. Sixteen divided by three, again eternity. That’s why then Vishnu takes the form of Krishna and He Incarnates. Two divided by four is the same.

So all these Incarnations come because the three gunas when they are divided by the number of petals they have, the number of powers they have, some can produce Eternities so they can Incarnate, and some cannot, that’s why they could not Incarnate. (1990-03-15)

2016年8月20日 星期六



我已告訴過你們有關處理偏左脈的方法,你們必須確實去實行。絕對不可讓偏左脈的情況繼續滋長,因為陷在左脈之中是非常危險。所有這些可怕的疾病都是來自過度偏左脈-----如癲癇症(epilepsy)、各種精神錯亂(mental derangements)、癌症、所有的身心症(psychosomatic)及脊髓炎(myelitis)及愛滋病(AIDS)等。這些疾病都只攻擊偏左脈的人(註一)。如果你陷入左脈的情況,要立即去除它。陷入右脈時,你會表現在外(如生氣、罵人),所以周遭的人都會知道,當事人亦會知道,所以你容易去糾正它;但是陷入左脈時就不是這麼明顯,所以要特別小心,絕對不要沈溺在左脈的情緒之中,那是非常危險的。


註一:譯者說明:Shri Mataji 認為許多疾病的導火線皆是因為太偏左脈,此時人會處在一種容易被攻擊的狀態。固然有些疾病的根源是過度使用右脈造成輪穴能量的耗竭,此時一旦因為某些情境或事件造成擺向左脈,疾病可能就爆發了。
註二:字面上翻譯是如此,但譯者以為Shri Mataji 較可能是指上述精神錯亂的人。

註三:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 的談話1990-03-20. JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正.

Now those who are left-sided, I’ve already told them what treatment they have to take, and take it seriously. Left-sidedness should not be allowed to grow at all – I tell you, it’s very dangerous. All these horrible diseases that you have heard of, all of them, one and all – say epilepsy, mental derangements, you can say cancer, all psychosomatic, this myelitis, then there are other diseases like AIDS, all that – attack only left-sided people. Anybody who has left side, immediately try to get rid of that left side. The right side shows so everybody knows, and you can throw away such a person, or you can correct it. But the left side be very careful, don’t play about with the left side. Left side is very dangerous.

To avoid that, don’t mix up with people who are mentally deranged, don’t go to the hospitals where such people live, don’t try to cure people who are left-sided – they can be all cured on My photograph. And if somebody starts telling too much about their woes and all that, just shut your ears. All this left side comes from a kind of a self-indulgence, in the sense that you start thinking you are so miserable, you are so unhappy, you are no good, and all that. So the right-sided are over-confident, the left-sided are diffident. But they’re, because they’re diffident, you see, all kinds of viruses can attack. And these viruses are the thing which bring forth diseases which cannot be cured. So be careful on that point.(1990-03-20)

2016年8月15日 星期一



錫呂瑪塔吉Kay (註一) 你來跟大家講大堡礁( Great Barrier Reef)的奇蹟。
:母親可以來到 Cairns 是很大的祝福,讓我們有機會帶母親到大堡礁逛一圈。當時我們練習者是突然靈機一動臨時決定的,我們延後了母親的班機,租了一艘快艇出海。因為我們想若母親的注意力可以放在大堡礁一下,對大堡礁面臨的危機可能有所幫助。到達目的地後,母親很高興同意換乘半潜艇(註二)欣賞大堡礁奇特的珊瑚景觀,許多魚群也跟隨在半潜艇周圍。
隔天,那些持續在觀察研究大堡礁的人員有一驚訝的發現:那些吃珊瑚的某種特殊海星(Crown-of-Thomas starfish)逐漸死去。他們不知道為什麼會如此,突然間他們發覺大堡礁的珊瑚又開始再生了!他們將這一變化都記錄下來。他們說這是一個難以理解的奇蹟。他們並不知道母親的一瞥,就讓整個大堡礁回到正軌!Jai Shri Mataji !

錫呂瑪塔吉:但是你們不是珊瑚!我無法像如此轉化(transform)你們。你們必須用你們的意志力(will power)。它們(指珊瑚)是動物,所有的動物都是在神的掌控之下。所有的動物、植物皆是在神的保護(bandhan)之下,神要在它們身上做什麼都可以;但是對人類,神並非要做什麼都可以。你們同時要了解人類的另一個問題:他們可能都 ok 、都循著正軌,突然間不知道發生什麼事,他們又變得很奇怪。  人類雖然是神所創造的,但是人類在他自己身上加了一些東西(註三)----這個部分是()很難去理解的。所以你們(指人類)最好要去了解自己,為何人類會如此。而且要用自己的自由意志(free will)去接受:" 我必須要去做這些(譯者:指種種有助於昇進的事)" 這是一種自我的紀律,如此你們才能有所成就。

註一:Kay 應是當時(1990) Cairns集體的負責人。Cairns 這個城市的外海即是世界七大奇景之一的大堡礁。

註四:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 的談話1990-03-20, 1990-04-21 . JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正

You must have heard about the story about Cairns, what miracle has taken place, have you heard? No? So … Kay. Where is Kay? I was – Kay, can you tell them? Please come here. Just come. It’s too much!

[Kay: It was a great blessing for Shri Mataji to come to Cairns for us, and we had the opportunity of taking Shri Mataji out to the Great Barrier Reef.]

Just we decided spontaneously.

[Kay: Very spontaneously! We delayed Her flight and kept Her from the Brisbane people for a few hours, just to keep Her a little more time with us; but we thought it was important that She put Her attention on the reef, because there was a lot of problems happening with this great natural phenomena off the coast of Cairns. And we took a fast boat out to the reef, and Shri Mataji graciously agreed to go down into a semi-submersible and had a look at the reef. And just looking at it, all the fish came around. It was just a miracle to be in the reef with Her, while She was looking at all this wonderful natural phenomena. But within the next day the attention of the people who had been researching the reef and been worried about the Crown-of-Thorns starfish eating the reef, and all the pollution, suddenly they started to realize the reef was regenerating. And all the Crown-of-Thorns starfish were dying and they didn’t know why, they didn’t know where they’d come from, and now they don’t know where they’ve gone!]

They have written, it’s a mystery!

[Kay: And they said it’s a mystery. But just a glance from our Mother has just made everything right. Jai Shri Mataji!]

But you are not a coral reef, you see, you are not that; because you see, I cannot, I cannot transform you that way. You have to use your will power. They are all animals, you see, and animals are under the control of God, that’s why they are called as “pashu”. This “pash” means all the bandhan. Under the bandhan of God: is whatever God wants can do with them, with the, all the plants, of animals, everyone. But with human beings you can’t do everything. And also to understand human beings is another problem. I don’t know how suddenly they become so funny. They are all right, going straight, and suddenly you don’t know what happens to them. So it’s a thing that God has created, and then adding to that, man has created himself a little bit more – which is quite a difficult thing to understand. So you better understand yourself, why you do like that; and you have to with your free will accept that “I have to do it.” It is self disciplining and you’ll work it out, and I’m sure one day you will show that in Australia we have really achieved a great height.( 1990-03-20)

Another miracle took place that, I went out to a place called Cairns, which is a very far-fetched place near Equator at the tip of Australia. And they told me that the Great-Barrier Reef is very close from here. And there are fishes called as Crown thorn star fishes. And these are eating all those little, little animals that make those beautiful corals there. And that’s why the regeneration has stopped for the ten years. God knows from where they have come, shoals of them, shoals of them.

I said, “I would like to go and see this Great Barrier Reef, let’s see.” So, we went down. There was a boat which was [designed] -to sink half way. We were sitting there, and watching everything. They said, “You’ll see those fishes there.” I saw big, big turtles and I saw beautiful, very beautiful fishes of such variety, such colours. Very gently passing, but not a single fish, that starfish, not a single. I said, “Let’s see, let’s see.” So we went round and round, quite a lot, I wanted to see one at least, what sort of a thing it is. We went round the whole thing, not a single thing. And this happened on the 10th, I was there. On the 17th we were travelling. In the plane they announced a miracle has happened that all these fishes have disappeared and some who were there are dying. Can you imagine? (1990-04-21)

2016年8月9日 星期二


------ 你曾有許多老婆(丈夫),但沒有過自覺 ------



註一:19903 Shri Mataji 的澳紐之行中,於不同集體談到相同的話題,江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 類似的談話1990-03-121990-03-20 JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正

You have to change all these ideas. You have had many houses, you have had many wives and many children in your previous life. You never had your realization – now you have got it. So now just every individual, every one of you should not think of others, think of yourself, “I have to do it, I have to get it, I have to work it out.” This is what you have to do. “Why should I miss it?” This is a chance of many lives, the chance of many lives. And that’s how you can jump over, and work it out.(1990-03-20)

Now, there’s another aspect of Sahaja Yoga that we want people to be married. Married but married is not the last thing, is not the last thing, is just an assistance, we can say, a complement from the another side so that you develop yourself better. But any kind of hindrance in the marriage can be a great hindrance for your ascent. So don’t pay any attention to such hindrances, just get out of it and try to remain your Self because only it is your Self which is going to give you joy and ascent, not anybody else. It will all work out when if you just keep to your Self and understand that you are important, you have to look after your ascent, also that the collective of Sahaja Yoga is important. (1990-03-12)



你們現在都是聖人,所以不應該談論他人(霎哈嘉 的兄弟姊妹)的短處,一點都不可以。假如你只想到別人的缺點或批評別人,那麼正表示你自己有一些問題。在霎哈嘉裏,我們應該看到他人的美麗與光彩,及享受自己的喜樂。因為假如你只想採集荆棘,那麼你只會得到荆棘,而不會得到花朶。那些無法看到別人好的一面與優點的人是無法享受花朵、無法享受其他的人。如果你抱持一種批評的眼光來看待他人,你將一無是處,你不只會發展出一種反集體(non-collective) 的個性,也會對霎哈嘉造成很大的困擾,最終你可能不得不離開霎哈嘉


註一:19903 Shri Mataji 的澳紐之行中,於不同集體談到相同的話題,江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 類似的談話1990-03-011990-03-041990-03-12 JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正

First of all we are all Saints, aren’t we? So now we cannot talk ill of each other, at all. We cannot talk. If we are thinking ill of somebody or criticizing somebody, then we must know there’s something wrong with us. In Sahaja Yoga we should not criticize anyone. We should see the beauty, the glory of another person and praise the joy that you have, the happiness that you have, because if you want to gather the thorns, you’ll get thorns, you can’t get flowers. But if you want to gather flowers, you’ll get flowers. So nobody should talk ill of any other Sahaja Yogi, because that is one thing creates a big problem in Sahaja Yoga. (1990-03-01)

I would like to tell you: that the first thing is when we start looking at others we try to gather the thorns, ‘What’s wrong with that another person,’ instead of gathering the flowers. If you want to gather the thorns, all right, go ahead. I mean how can you get flowers then? As simple as that. It’s a very simple mathematics. But if you want to have flowers you should see to the beauty of another person, glory of another person, the better side of it. And those who cannot see it, can never enjoy another person.( 1990-03-04)

So there’s no chance for criticizing in Sahaja Yoga, first thing is that you should see yourself what you are and where you stand and how you are going to help yourself first of all. Then you can help others. But there is no need at all to put a critical eye on others. Because then you become good for nothing, you’ve done all the bad things, you see all the bad things in other people and what do you develop is a non-collective personality, which is such a headache to us and ultimately you have to go out of Sahaja Yoga.( 1990-03-12)

2016年8月5日 星期五





當你内在的吉祥本質達到最高時,甚至你的名字都可以成就許多事,你的相片都可以創造出奇蹟。此時你是吉祥的化身,你是神聖中之最神聖( the holiest of the holy)。要達到此一地步,你必須去除身上的灰塵與髒汙,即除去錯誤的概念與種種的迷思。昆達里尼會一一幫你去除這些,但是你必須容許她來完成她的工作,就這麼簡單。

註一:Shri Mataji 提到馬蹄形可以散發出能量,要霎哈嘉練習者自行試試。譯者註:我們做靈体保護即是畫馬蹄形。

註二:在這談話中,Shri Mataji 提到另一個例子:有一次兩個新人來學靜坐,一大群霎哈嘉練習者都靠到其中一個男孩那邊,去感受、享受他的能量;但是他們就是不肯接近另一個男孩,縱使我叫他們過去,他們仍然不願意。我知道為什麼,我就走過去幫助那位無人關注的男孩。我發覺他做了一些非常嚴重的錯事,他告訴我:"母親,我並不是魔鬼。",我答道:"不是,但你做的那些事卻是非常邪惡。你和亡魂打交道,召喚亡魂將之放到人身上,這是非常的邪惡。"。這些霎哈嘉練習者的心都已被喚醒,他們從他們的心即可以感覺到,所以他們都有趨吉祥避不吉祥(趨吉避凶)的相同舉止。

註三:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 的談話1980-07-21. 在這談話中,母親除了吉祥這一主題外又談了許多,譯者只抽取有關吉祥的部分,將之連結成一個譯文。JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正.