2018年12月30日 星期日
















2018年12月27日 星期四


*** 錫呂格涅沙與昆達里尼  ***


謙虛(humility)是錫呂格涅沙(Shri Ganesha)的特徵之一,另外一樣特徵是智慧(wisdom),除此之外,祂有非常冷靜(cool headed)的特質。祂的走路姿勢非常冷靜,如同大象。大象走路是非常緩慢,慢慢地抬起腿,(好像)想清楚那邊可以放下腿,如此才不會踩到螞蟻和其他動物。大象做事也非常緩慢,從不匆忙。大象有非凡的記憶力,若它以前看過一個小孩,現在這個小孩子已變成一個大人,它依舊認得出來。










只有在你是一個自覺的靈,在你和上帝有連結時,祂們才會對你做上述的事,來照顧你的身體、金錢、小孩子及一切。在此之前,他們則是以抗體的形式住在你體內,這些抗體就是和疾病戰鬥,保護你的防衛部隊。在心輪處有一塊骨頭叫胸骨(Sternum bone),直到12歲之前,這些抗體就是由胸骨所製造,並散佈到全身。當有任何外來的攻擊,胸骨會振動,這振動就如同遙控器一般,通知所有的抗體,通知它們有人來攻擊、有外來的病毒或疾病進入你的身體,它們就會去反擊。但是當你違反母親,即失去你的道德性,失去你的純潔高尚的品德,那你的心輪會變得非常虛弱,此時就很難令心輪變好,這個人就很難恢復健康。像愛滋病(AIDS)這種病被稱為性病,所有的性病都來自失去道德性的行為,這種疾病在病人的格涅沙原理恢復正常之前,是很難被治癒的。



註一:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji聖誕節普祭(Christmas Puja)的談話1991-12-24,原談話是印度語,本譯文譯自英文版。JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

Like I had told you earlier, ‘vinay’, which is called humility. ‘Namrata[humility] is His special quality. One more special quality is wisdom. ........

But then one more quality is that, He is a cool headed person. He’s a very cool headed person. His walk is very cool. Like an elephant. In an elephant you see that it walks very slowly. .........

Slowly lifting the legs, thinking where to keep the foot so that no ant or animal comes under its feet. They walk taking care of these things. In the front they blow with their trunk while walking so that something that come in their way may not get destroyed. ........

The significant quality of elephant is also that they do thing slowly. They do not do anything hastily. And one more significant quality is that their memory is very strong. Even if they see a child in a young age, however old that person has grown, they recognize.  ........

His memory is excellent. He remembers everything. He has to remember. Because whatever is imprinted on the Kundalini, whatever written, all that is done by Shri Ganesha.

He has a pen in His hand and He writes with His pen. The pen is one of His broken teeth. From that He writes what type of a person you are? What difficulties have you undergone? In your seeking where all you went? What mistakes did you do? Everything He writes in it [Kundalini]

When the Kundalini begins to rise, like a tape recorder with problems squeaks, similarly you can see the squeaking of the Kundalini when She passes through your chakras. That’s how you come to know in the person this chakra is spoilt or that chakra is spoilt. This is absolutely classic scientific matter. 

So there is not only one principle of Ganesha, that you stay chaste, be without sins. There are many principles and one of them is that there should be wisdom in you, there should be ‘subuddhi[wisdom] in you. You should know what is good and what is bad.  ........

If you see the Kundalini, It is also a type of fire. The mechanism of Kundalini is like flames. Because everything goes towards the Earth as you know cause of gravity, everything goes towards the Earth. Only this flame move upwards. Any fire moves upwards and everything else towards the Earth.

Upward movement is there only for fire. That is because He can cool down the fire in you. He cools down the fire in two ways. One – He cools the Kundalini. He tells the Kundalini that this person has these problems, but it is alright, you still please make him cross over [Realized]. 

Because Kundalini’s child is Shri Ganesha and the child in you is Shri Ganesha, in the same friendliness, He persuades the Kundalini, “You are the Mother and I wish that I be awakened in this person. You help Me”. She becomes cool thinking that My child is asking this. So whatever the heat and problems in us cools down.  .........

Sometimes you would have troubled Kundalini so much that you went to wrong Gurus, we ourselves did something wrong. The poor Kundalini is shattered. Her support is Shri Ganesha Who pushes Her upwards.

Kundalini can rise up only because of Shri Ganesha’s power. That is why He is called ‘Angaar[red hot coal] as He gives His power to the Kundalini. The fire in the Kundalini or the flames of Kundalini that rises are calm. You must have never heard that this kind of calm flames are also there. Very calm flames. They are of seven colors, but very calm. You see in the Sahastrara, how calm they are. All this work is done by Shri Ganesha.

In a way, He can also bring down your anger. He can take away your anger.   ...... The control that comes at that time comes from Shri Ganesha. Shri Ganesha cools down your anger.  ........

The other side of Shri Ganesha is that, if any Rakshasa or evil troubles you or irritates you, He is Ganapati – meaning the King of Ganas, He destroys the rakshasas and evil people. He ruins them. He destroys them completely. You don’t have to tell Him anything. You need not inform. The Ganas are with you. They finish the people who try to trouble you.

In Sahaja Yoga you remember that you are completely protected. No one can trouble you – only if you are in Sahaja Yoga. They, the Ganas are always around you in all directions. They have come here also.

They have put the veil of protection on you, completely covered you. You will not face any troubles. Then you call it miracle. “Mother I don’t know how I was saved. I don’t know what happened and how I was suddenly saved”. All this is the work of Ganas.

When Ganas do this work, then you understand that you really are a Sahaja Yogi. If they don’t do this work for you, then you have to understand that you have not yet become a complete Sahaja Yogi. 

One more thing about the Ganas is that They are all the time working in our body. The work that happens outside the body, is only when you are a Realized soul. When your connection is made with God, then they look after your body, your money and all your things, your kids are all looked after by them. Before that they live inside us as antibodies. And these antibodies are the ones who protect us from diseases and because of them we can fight diseases.

This chakra in the center heart, here is a bone called sternum bone. Till twelve years the antibodies are prepared and they move around all over the body and are ready. Whenever there is a problem, sternum starts shaking and as soon as it shakes, like there is a remote control, like that they come to know. And the person coming and attacking you, or anything attacking or any virus is there or any type of disease entering your body, they fight with them. 

But when you go against the Mother, going against the Mother means losing your morality, falling in virtue.   .......

But sin against the Mother is when you lose your morality. Those who have lost their chastity, their [center heart] becomes very weak. That is why it becomes very difficult to set this chakra alright. And the people to fall like this, them becoming alright is difficult. 

Like AIDS disease. Such kind of diseases that we call venereal diseases. All these venereal diseases come from immorality. And diseases caused by immorality cannot be cured till your Ganesh principle becomes alright.

As such Shri Ganesha’s place is there on every chakra. That’s why I always tell you that on every chakra, a Vice Chancellor is seated. Chancellor Sir is seated and till the time He certifies, Kundalini will not rise. And He works on every chakra.

So, as I was telling about today’s Yog [conjuction], that His second nature is that He is ‘Angaar’ [red hot coal]. This ‘angaar’ can be cooled down with ‘angaar’. It can be cooled completely.   ......

Especially if there is anger in a person, then how to cool that anger Shri Ganesha knows that. Then He does such actions, such tricks that that person is defeated completely and accepts, “I have made a mistake, I should not have done that”.

If you see in countries where the heat is more, people eat more chilies. Wherever you go. If you go to India, South India food is so spicy that you cannot eat. Also in China, south China – Cantone etc., lot of chilies are eaten. In the same way in Italy – in the south. In France – in the South they eat a lot of chilies. Why do they eat? Because chilies removes spice, heat removes heat. That’s why they eat chili, so that they sweat a lot and remain cool.

In the same way Shri Ganesha also sets right your heat from His heat. Like this He shows his anger [greatness] cause of which you yourself cool down. 

In all these diseases lot of heat is generated and the person becomes delirious cause of the heat. It is right that we treat this heat – do puja of Shri Ganesha and we should be specially surrendered to Him.

2018年12月23日 星期日



自由意志(Free Will) 與真正的自由(Freedom)

  "這是我的" "物質主義"的陷

基督與復活(Christ and Resurrection)

自我 ( Ego )















2018年12月20日 星期四


*** 靜坐的關鍵在無思慮的靜觀  ***


許多人問我:"如何做靜坐呢?" 你不用做任何事,只需進入無思慮的靜觀(thoughtless  awareness,或譯:無思慮的覺知) 狀態。要試著進入這無思慮的靜觀狀態,假如你可以進入,那麼你已完成你的工作了,因為在這狀態下的此刻,你是和真理(truth)、實相(reality)、喜樂(joy)在一起,和所有這些重要的東西在一起。當你靜坐的時候不要想從靜坐獲得什麼功能、作用,不要如此。靜坐是用來讓你靜下來,讓你的思緒平靜下來,然後進入你內在深邃的海洋。我可以立即分辨出誰是有靜坐、誰沒有,這對我一點都不難。那些不靜坐的人總是表現出猶豫、混亂,他們沒有能力了解事情。這就是為什麼靜坐是霎哈嘉瑜伽中最重要的事。




註一:譯者摘譯自Shri Mataji光明節普祭(Diwali Puja)的談話2002-11-03JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正

Every day you should do meditation. Those who do not do meditation are capable of falling down, because meditation is like putting oil into the lamp. Those who do not meditate, think they can do without it, are sadly mistaken. They have to meditate morning and evening. The problem is everything comes so handily, so simple that they don’t understand that meditation is very important. Typical. Not you, but there are many I know who get realisation, who don’t meditate.  ...... Meditation is such a soothing thing, such a beautiful way of connection with the Divine, that all your problems get solved in that meditative mood. If you are not meditating, you are not following meditation, then maybe your light will go down. It won’t give sufficient light. ....

How to do meditation, many people ask. Don’t do anything, to just go into thoughtless awareness. Try to go to the thoughtless awareness. If you can get into that condition of thoughtless awareness, you’ve done your job, because that’s the point where you are with the truth, with the reality, with the joy, with everything that is so fundamental.
When you meditate, try not to make some sort of a function out of it, no. Meditation is something silencing yourself, silencing your thoughts and going to that deep ocean which is within you itself. But supposing you don’t do that, if you don’t meditate. I can make out immediately those who are meditating and those who are not. It’s not difficult for me. Those who do not meditate are always hesitating. They are confused. They can’t understand. And that’s why meditation is the most important thing in Sahaja Yoga.  .....

in the same way meditation is a continuous availability of the Divine Force. That will reduce all your apprehensions. Not only that, but takes out all the negative thoughts. It takes out all the discouraging things. And when you are meditating like that, thoughtless awareness, then you’ll be amazed how you are helped from within and without. It’s a terrible power that works, this thoughtless awareness. So those who do not meditate cannot go very much far with the advantage of Sahaja Yoga. One should try to meditate, and go up to the point of thoughtless awareness. So what happens to you? If you are in thoughtless awareness, what happens to you is that you get the confidence, complete confidence of divinity. You know you have that. ....., that meditation will give you security. It will give you real enlightenment and a complete connection with the Divine. Without the connection of the Divine, what’s the use of doing Sahaja Yoga?
I know the people who are meditating, who have gone down into their being, and who are very developed. Also I know people who are little superficial. Your depth is in thoughtless awareness. Is a very important point which you should reach. Looking at anything, if you are thoughtlessly aware, then you really become reflective about it. Just works out that way. I don’t know how far you can remain in that condition. But even for a second you can achieve it, you start achieving it more and more.   .......

Main thing is your connection with the Divine, is only possible when you meditate and become thoughtlessly aware. That’s the point where Divine works, it helps you. It comes to your help in such way that you don’t know how you have achieved it. So thoughtless awareness is the first point all of you should achieve. Very important. After that, we can achieve something else, but the first step is thoughtless awareness.It’s very important to become thoughtlessly aware because then there are no thoughts coming from the left or right, from the (past) or the future. Just in the present you are there. It’s something you all have. It’s not that I’m saying that to you, but all of you have this, but steady yourself. You have to steady yourself at thoughtless awareness. How long – that’s not the point. The point is once you’ve touched it, you’ll go on touching it. Many people meditate, but their thought process is going on. They are not thoughtlessly silent. Now this is the one point which is very important. If you have to grow, you should be absolutely in connection with the Divine, through thoughtless awareness. You don’t have to pray, you don’t have to call anyone, nothing; it just works because it is within you.

2018年12月16日 星期日



一個有關完全抽離、不沾染 (detachment) 的故

錫呂瑪塔吉談 Vishnumaya 左喉輪



一齣戲( Leela )

Shri Chakra Lalita Chakra










享受(Joy) 與快樂(Happiness)
