2019年9月29日 星期日


*** 無法感覺到涼風 ***


錫呂瑪塔吉回答:不是這樣!這是和每一個人的神經系統相關,假如你的神經系統被干攪了,你或許就完全感覺不到。對神經系統而言,(最好的改善方法)就是去按摩它,有些人應該按摩他的背部、手......。我也告訴你們許多次,你們要常用能量化的橄欖油來摩擦按摩手(譯者:指掌心、手背及手指),來按摩這些地方,如此它們就會變得敏感。這些問題可能來自不太敏感。假如某些人身體可以感覺到一些阻塞,( 而手感覺不到) 那麼表示他們的狀況是ok的,只是他們的喉輪比較有問題而已,這種情形就需要用油摩擦喉輪、做各種改善喉輪的治療方法,來清潔喉輪。對喉輪而言,假如你可以用牛油來按摩頸部一帶的肌肉(譯者:影片上指的是:後頸部的肌肉,及左右下顎和脖子之間這一帶),那樣子問題就會解決,手就會有感覺。


註一江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji在倫敦靜室的談話1982-08-06JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

Sahaja Yogi [Derek Ferguson]: Mother, I was going to ask, some Sahaja Yogis who’ve been in Sahaja Yoga for a long time don’t feel cool breeze; they don’t feel any catches. Some people feel burning all the time; some people feel these things in their head, in their body, toes, hands. It’s the way we’re gonna develop, where you can feel things – all of us, all over – or is it just some people feel different things?

Shri Mataji: No no. You see, to begin with, you see, it has something to do with your nervous system. All right? So, if your nervous system is disturbed, you may not feel, at all. For the nervous system, best thing is to do massage. You see, somebody should massage their back, hands… Also, I’ve told many a times that you rub your hands with vibrated olive oil, quite a lot, and rub these things, so they become sensitive. Could be with insensitivity. But if they can feel the catches in the body, that means they are all right, only the Vishuddhi is not all right. Rub the thing on the Vishuddhi, work on Vishuddhi, clear it out. And for Vishuddhi, if you can use, say, butter to rub on the- here [neck], and rub all these muscles, you see, with that. All these things will work out, for your hand.

But supposing there’s no cool breeze coming out of the head, possibly. Then the Realization yet not has established. See, other people should say whether there is a cool breeze coming, because the person who is not realized may not feel it. Supposing he does not feel it, and you feel it, then he is realized; only thing, his chakras are to be cleared out. It’s a different different category of people. Then, there are some people whose Kundalini has not risen; they are still Sahaja Yogis. Like that. Maybe. I don’t know if there are any. Those people who are unmarried for long, they are very difficult people because they never feel the cool breeze in the hand, quite a lot. Like that. But it is not so. They are realized souls in any case. They may not feel it, but they are realized souls, you see. Because a kind of a softness, a kind of a balance is developed after marriage – which is not there. And that’s how some people don’t feel it. There are various reasons. Some people who are ego-oriented more – they should turn their left to the right many a times. They should find out… from the hands, you see. One hand is bigger, one hand is smaller. That means the left hand – if it is smaller – that means you have to raise left to the right. You see, from the size of the hands and all that you can see it. Putting one hand towards the photograph, another hand outside… Work it out in so many ways, because you have permutations and combinations of certain mistakes. But that doesn’t mean you develop this Left Vishuddhi by any chance. Because that’s the worst thing that can happen. If you develop the Left Vishuddhi, then it’s a very difficult situation for you. Now, for this kind of a thing, I think I’ll give you a complete lecture on one day. Complete. As to see what permutations and combinations of different chakras can create. All right? But symptoms are outside. The symptoms are mostly outside; there’s no need to… from a personality you can see what it is he is catching, you see. Is a very… problem, great problem with people, that they don’t feel the vibrations; some people just don’t feel it.

2019年9月22日 星期日


*** 注意力的訓練------Abhyasa ***

練習者問:錫呂瑪塔吉,能否請您談關於如何維持我們的注意力 ,讓注意力維持在它應該的地方,而不會漂移到一些不重要的小事。

錫呂瑪塔吉答:他問了一個很實際的問題,確實是要將注意力維持在應該的地方。對於此,你必須隨時做一些abhyasa的練習(註一),這是在自覺之後做的,不是之前。(其中)最好的途徑就是學習如何靜觀你自己,就像現在你坐在這裡,讓自己處在一種(靜觀的)狀態,來觀察你自己:"我現在正在做什麼?",這就是abhyasa,這是一種(自我的)探索。除了口訣和其他種種方法,abhyasa 是一種實作的練習方法,練習成為一個靜觀者的方法。這種處在靜觀的狀態,就是一種靈的狀態,此時注意力不會在外奔馳,即你可以看見所有的外物,它們就在那裡,但是注意力卻是在内裡,試著去練習這個:"(現在)我是一個靜觀者嗎?"


假如你練習 abhyasa,隨時練習成為一個靜觀者,那你的注意力就可以被訓練得很好。譬如你外出看到某事,試著只是去看它,而不要有任何的想法,在整個過程只當一個靜觀者,如此你將是處在隨時享受的狀態,你也會有完全平靜的心情,你的注意力也會被徹底啟發,而你獲得的靈感啟示也會是無可比擬的。





註一:abhyasa是梵文,意思為實做練習(practice,見1988-12-30 1986-02-20),但是Shri Mataji 談話中似乎特別指這種練習,所以譯文中保留原文。


註三:請也參考類似的談話:導師與無思慮(之一) ( https://sahajataiwan.blogspot.com/2017/07/guru-state-master-faculties-thoughtless.html )

註四:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji在倫敦靜室的談話1982-08-06JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

Rustom: Shri Mataji, could You say something about maintaining our attention so that it stays where it should and it doesn’t get diverted into trivial things?
Shri Mataji: Rustom has asked a very practical question, it’s true – that “to keep the attention where it should be.”
You see, for everything you have to do some exercise – abhyasa – not before Realization, after Realization. The best way is to learn how to watch yourself. Just now, sitting here, just put yourself into a position from where you watch yourself: “Now what am I doing?”
This is the abhyasa, this is the study. Apart from mantras, apart from anything, the abhyasa is the practice, practice of becoming a witness. And the witness is the Spirit state. There attention will not go. I mean you will see everything, it is there, but attention will be inside. Try to practice this: “Am I a witness?”
Now, say, some people say:” Oh God! I had a horrible time, Mother. This happened, that happened.” You see, you are not a witness. How can you have a horrible time if you are the Spirit? You only have a horrible time when you are not the Spirit.
If you can watch the whole thing as a drama that is played, then you are not having a horrible time, but this outside of you is having a horrible time, which you are watching.

That’s how the attention can be fixed very well if you practice abhyasas, practice all the time to be witness. Say, you go out, you see something, just try to see it, not to think about it. Be a witness of the whole thing. The joy will be complete, and also you will become absolutely peaceful. Your attention will be completely enlightened.
And then the inspiration you will get will be tremendous.

See, it’s working out. Working out. Try to watch. And it has such a tremendous memory, if you know how to watch. I mean, to Me, if I see something – I mean, to Me it is just like a film in My mind. If I have seen this room, now I know what is in this design. Everything I know: how you are sitting, what pose you have taken, how you were(ware?), what was it – everything is like a design. You see it comes to Me, just like a picture – absolutely. Not of this life, but of lives(lifes?).

Because that’s a recording system that records best. If there are thoughts it’s like something in between, you see. Now he is trying to record Me on the film, and if there is something in between moving, nothing will come in. But when there is nothing in between and you are just seeing through, you are recording everything that is important. Moreover you will be amazed, you don’t record unimportant things.
Like for people now, they go to a village, or any place. They will be recording: “Oh God, it was very dirty, and this happened and we went there and there were cement to sleep, for example, we get.” Or: “Then we went inside, and there was no proper chair to sit down. And the chair was so hard, and my back started aching.” All these things they will remember.
And then what happened? “Oh God! I couldn’t get Realization.”
Everything that bad, you see, just like newspaper – all bad news. But to a person who is a Realized soul in a real way, he doesn’t see, I mean, you don’t smell anything dirty. You always smell something good. You never smell, you do not think of anything dirty. Everywhere you go, it’s beautiful. Even if you see just the sand, you see the pattern. Even if you see a barren hill.

I saw some people who had gone. I said, “Look at the beauty of these hills, in Maharashtra.” They said: “Mother, what is the beauty? It’s not covered with trees.” I said, “That’s the beauty, just see the patterns.” They couldn’t see the patterns that I was seeing. But if you ask Me, “What is this hill?” I also know that. Because I know the patterns of all the hills, how it has moved, how it has made patterns and things like that. Because they don’t see that, you see, they cannot see the beauty because they are looking out for defects. Or relatively, you see, “English trees are better than say X, Y, Z trees. So then this is not better.” The relative they start. But you are at absolute point, you are getting the absolute of everything. Everything is your own. What is there to judge?

2019年9月15日 星期日


*** 如何對付自我(Ego)及非我(Superego)  ***



練習者問:您剛才所說的也可以同樣用在 "非我" (superego,或譯"超我")嗎?



註一: 從其他的談話,譯者整理出如下:Ham 的意思是 "I am"(我是),或 "To know Thyself" (知道真我),或 "To know you are a Spirit" (知道你是一個靈)
Ksham 的意思就是 "forgive"(原諒),或 "I forgive"(我原諒)

註二江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji在倫敦靜室的談話1982-08-06JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

Sahaja Yogini: Mother, would You please tell a little bit how… how we fight our ego with the Spirit? How would you do…
Shri Mataji: How do we fight the ego…
Sahaja Yogini: … ego with the Spirit.
Shri Mataji: You see, you should never fight ego. If you try to fight, it will sit more on your head. That’s not the way to fight it, that there is ego and you fight your ego: “Oh, I’m going to box you” – then it will grow more, you see. The more you box it, the more it will grow. Never fight your ego. Only way is to see it. Your attention is very important, your attention is now enlightened. Whatever you see, it comes to its right size. It comes to its right side… size. Say, ego – if it is overgrown, you just watch your ego. That is, it is to watch yourself in the mirror, and you say, “Oh, Mr. Ego, how do you do?” Then it will come down. But don’t fight it. Just to be seen. All kinds of egos could be there. If you are overeducated, you are egoistical. If you are uneducated, you are egoistical – because you must try to show that you are something. All sorts of egos are there. So best thing is to see for yourself; that’s why I say, “Face yourself.” “Yourself” means your Spirit.

Sahaja Yogi: Mother, that goes the same for the superego?

Shri Mataji: Yes, very much so. For superego also – not to be frightened. You should just say, “Get out! I can see you very clearly, you are there. You get out from here! How dare you frighten me? I am the Spirit. I am the Spirit, how dare you can do that?” That’s how. You see, ego makes you idiotic. Absolutely. Ego makes you idiotic, makes an idiot out of you, absolutely. And the superego makes you a coward. It makes you a coward. Now, how to fight it? “I’m not going to be an idiot” – if you say that, ego will go away. If you want to be an idiot, then he’ll be there to help you. If you want to be an idiot, all right, call Mr. Ego. You’ll become an idiot, straightforward.

Is the easiest way. Easiest way. If you want to become an idiot, simple thing is to call the ego. “You come, Mr. Ego, and settle down in me” – and immediately… this is a very simple composition. And superego… if you are a coward, then it sits on your head. Say, “I am not going to be…” Ham Ksham, as I told you, the mantra on the Agnya is. Either you have to say, “I am”; the other, I say, “I forgive you.”

2019年9月8日 星期日


*** 集體內宰制的問題 ***


錫呂瑪塔吉回答:假如有人藉著對我的虔誠與奉獻來壓制其他人,那麼你要明瞭,沒有任何人可以被壓制,因為你的靈(Spirit)是無法被壓制的!譬如有一個人Y,他想壓制X,他(Y)能做什麼呢?Y無法壓制X的靈,Y可以嗎?所以這樣子應該很清楚了。假如X要和我有連結,沒有人可以阻止他。你們每一個人都和我有直接的關係,不需要經過任何人。假如你要接受一個中間代理人,那麼我也無法幫你,否則你們都可以有直接的通道連結到我。你們都可以在你的靈性中成長,沒有人可以宰制你。每一個人都有完全的自由來使靈性成長、來認識他的靈。(你內在的)靈是無法被其他人所宰制的。假如某人想壓制你,他可以壓制你什麼呢?他會用什麼方法呢?(他們最多只能在一些世俗的事務來排擠壓制你),如:" 我們不要用這個地毯,我們要選那一個",你可以大方的回覆:"那很好啊 !就用你們選的那一個"。那些想跳海的人,你就說:" 跳啊!現在就跳啊!"。他們可以在什麼領域來壓制你呢?絕對無法在你靈性成長的領域,他們做得到嗎?



註一江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji在倫敦靜室的談話1982-08-06JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

Djamel: Mother, may I ask you something? How can we deal with, You see, there is one problem, one big problem in Sahaja Yoga, You know. It’s those who are devoted to You at the expense of others.
Shri Mataji: Those who are devoted to Me?
Djamel: All those who use the excuse of their devoting to You, Mother, sometimes to oppress others.
Shri Mataji: They are what?
Djamel: Sometimes people use their devotion to You as, at the expense of others or-
Shri Mataji: Then again the same thing, Djamel. It’s the same thing is. You see it is: you have to do it. All those who are doing that way, I am just pointing out to all those.
It you are using, say, your devotion to Me for the oppressing of others, all right? So it is for you to see.

There is nobody who can be oppressed, because your Spirit cannot be oppressed. Say, there is X and Y. Now, Y is a person who’s trying to oppress X, all right? What will you oppress? He can’t oppress his Spirit, can he? First point. Clear. Now, this fellow, if he has to have attachment to Me, nobody can stop him.
There is all… you all have direct relationship with Me. Not through anyone. If you want to accept somebody’s agency, then I can’t help you. But, otherwise, you all have a direct access to Me. You all can grow your Spirits; nobody can dominate you. Everyone has complete freedom to grow their Spirit – to know their Spirit, I mean to say. And the Spirit is something… cannot be dominated by anyone. Now, supposing somebody tries to oppress you. What will they oppress you, in which way? They’ll say, “All right, we’ll not have this carpet, we’ll have that carpet.” Have it!
Somebody will say, “I’ll jump in the sea.” Jump! Just now you jump! What will they oppress you in? You see, just see that. Not in your spiritual growth. Can they? And that’s how the problem starts. You see, in material things… say, in an ashram now somebody says, “All right, we would like to have a photograph of Mother put there.” The other will say, “No, we are going to have it there.” Whether you put it here or there makes no difference. My photograph is going to work it out.

First of all, you cannot be dominated. This is one fact, is a truth. You can grow in your spirituality, whatever people may try to dominate in the worldly things. Thank God we don’t have any organization. Thank God we don’t have secretaries, assistant secretaries, under-secretaries, by-secretaries, upper secretaries, lower secretaries – we don’t have any nonsense. Otherwise, even that would have been dominating to people. Then they would have fought that. So we don’t have that problem. We don’t have any money problem, because we don’t have all these nonsensical ideas. I’ve solved this problem by having no institutions, no positions. Everybody has position.But the greatest position is of your Spirit, which you establish.

2019年9月1日 星期日


*** 錫呂瑪塔吉的計畫 ***




這些力量都在那裡,假如你們只要試著去回想它們,這些力量就會再回來。我的這些孩子們都有巨大的力量,但是他們必須去領受、去使用這些力量。但是假如他們不去這樣做,(那就毫無用處了)譬如,假如我告訴他們:"去這個房子""哇!母親,可能有一個亡魂坐在裡面"(這樣子有什麼用處呢?) 或是有一個人在靜室被附身了,其他人都不敢來了,說:"哇!我的天!亡魂來了"等等,(那有什麼用呢!)

註一江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji在倫敦靜室的談話1982-08-06JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

Sahaja Yogi: Mother, what are Your plans to spread Sahaja Yoga in outer scale?
Shri Mataji: What are My plans? I don’t plan. You see, I don’t plan, because I don’t know how far My instruments are ready, you see. First, now My only plans – if I have any – is to really prepare My weapons all right. Once they are done, then we’ll fix them up. You see, unless and until you know how far your bomb can fall, how can you plan it? So, first of all, I must measure up the power of My children, how powerful they are. That’s what I’m trying to do now – is to make them aware of their powers to use.
Like, you see, Hanumana, when He was born and when He grew up, He forgot that time, and He forgot His powers. So He was to be reminded that “You are such and such powerful person. You don’t know what your powers are, you… you ate of the whole of Surya. This you did in your childhood. You are born with this power, but now, after growing, you are… rather bit… sort of forgotten it, and also you were afraid of using them, and it’s… sort of looks like in the dominant position. But it is there. If you just try to remember them, it will come up.” They have tremendous power, these people have tremendous power. But they have to assume and stand on that.

If they do not do it… You see, if I tell them, “Now, go to this house” – “Oh, Mother, there may be a bhoot there sitting.” A person comes possessed in the ashram – they all shut their doors: “Oh God, this bhoot has come.” Or something – then worse.