2021年11月19日 星期五



*** 舌頭在靈性演化的角色 *** 


我以前說過要同時是一個母親及導師是非常困難的,因為這兩者的功能有相當的衝突。尤其是對一個想救贖你們的人,即Moksha Dayini,這是非常困難的。因為這(求道的)路上是如此精微與變幻莫測,以至於你們必須自己走過來。假如你們掉到這一邊或那一邊,對你們都會有很大的災難。我以母親的心與用著導師的手,我注視著你們往上爬,我看你們一路上來。當我瞥見有人掉下去時,我試著告訴他們"上來",有時候我是用叫喊的,有時候我拉他們上來,有時候我給他們關愛、照顧他們。你們可以在你們的内裡自行評斷,我在你們身上花了多少功夫,我有多愛你們。但是你們愛你們自己多少才是重點!




如同我以前告訴過你們,舌頭是造成所有器官注意力分散的主要來源,假如你可以掌控你的舌頭 ,那麼你便可以某種程度掌控所有的器官。因為所有的事物都必須是令人愉快的,(如此你才可能去做)。譬如你看到一個女人,假如她不會令人感到愉快,或許她可能長得漂亮,但是你不會想再看她一眼。就是舌頭來決定一個人(的許多作為)。假如你想吃某些食物,但若是它看起來不是美味的、不令人愉快的,那麼你不會想吃那個食物,它必須是令人感到愉悅的。再者,一個想法也是如此,一個想法必須是令人愉悅的,假如它不會令人愉快的,你不會想擁有它,所以這決定的因素是舌頭。舌根直抵喉輪,喉輪控制你的自我(ego)及超我(superego),或你可以說舌頭以某種方式反映自我及超我。經由你的舌頭,當你說話的時候,他人可以分辨出你是否處在自我或超我的領域,舌頭會表達出這些,舌頭會決定一切。













註一:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji在印度德里的談話1976-04-02JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。


I was telling about how difficult it is to be a Mother and a Guru, because both are very contradictory functions. And specially for a person who wants to be in charge of your salvation, to be the Moksha Dayini, it is extremely difficult. Because the path is so delicate and so treacherous that all of you have to come yourself, walk across. And if you fall this side or that side there is disaster for you. I am watching your climbing, and I see you coming up, with a Mother’s heart and a Guru’s hand. And then I get the glimpses of people falling. I try to tell them, “Come up”. Sometimes I shout, sometimes I pull them up, sometimes I love them, caress them. You can yourself judge, within yourself, how much I have worked on you, how much I have loved you. But how much do you love yourself is the point.

I have told you that, for a Sahaja Yogi, the whole thing should be decided by the witnessing power. Now the witnessing power is silent, it doesn’t talk. If you are a very talkative person, then it’s not going to help you much. You have to come in balance. For the first time in this incarnation I have started talking, and I get so troubled because I am not used to this kind of talking. So, for you people, it is necessary that you should not talk unless and until you feel like talking. And very few sentences, conclusive.

As I told you before, the tongue is the master of all the organs of distractions. If you could master your tongue you have mastered all of them, in a way. Because everything has to be palatable. For example, you look at a woman: if she is not palatable, then she may be beautiful but you don’t want to look at her. She decides, the tongue decides, about a person.

If you want to eat some food, if it is not palatable, then you don’t want to eat that food. It has to be palatable.

Then a thought also. A thought has to be palatable. If it is not palatable, you are not going to have it.

So, the deciding factor is the tongue. The root of the tongue goes up to the Vishuddhi chakra, which controls your ego and superego. Or you can say that the tongue is reflected in superego and ego in a way. Through your tongue, when you speak, one can make out whether you are in the realm of ego or superego. She expresses, she decides.

But if you understand her, then you know how to handle her. She is your friend. And Sarasvati Herself resides in your tongue.

If you know how to handle your tongue then Sahaja Yoga can rise very high up. Because when others meet you, as Sahaja Yogis, they also see the way you talk, the way you eat, the way that things are palatable to you.

It is the tongue that decides. If you are really very much evolved, you will be amazed that, if you eat some food somewhere, immediately the tongue will immediately throw it out. It won’t have it if it is something wrong.

If some “prasad”, so-called, is given to you, which is given by some wrong type of a man, immediately your tongue will throw it away. It won’t be able to take it in. And even if you take, somehow or other, and it’s forced down in the stomach, still the tongue will inform the brain that, “Throw it out!” and the brain will inform the stomach that, “Throw it out!” It will be unpalatable.

So, the reaction of Vishnu in the stomach, up to the action of Shri Krishna – I mean, the same personality – is all judged by your tongue. So, you must know how pure, holy, your tongue should be. But when you take the name of your Mother with this tongue, you must know it has to be the holiest of holy.

It is very important how you use your tongue. Those who talk very bluntly are just the same [as] those who talk very sweetly: to get something out of you is the intention.

As I have told you, it controls ego and superego. Even the Sahaja Yogis understand that The Witness is also here at the Vishuddhi chakra: so your witnessing power will increase and decrease according to your tongue.

Of course, it controls sixteen sub-plexuses. It also controls the muscles of the eyes, it controls all these muscles, it controls the palate, it controls the teeth. It controls the ears. But [with] ears, you hear something [but] you cannot control it. With tongue you can, because that is the thing which releases, which goes out. With the ear you cannot give anything to others, that is just one way. This [tongue] is double way thing: you take in something and also can throw out something. It has a double purpose. It is a very important organ and that’s why we have to look after our tongues.