2019年6月30日 星期日


*** 導師的狀態 ***

這一個課題只能用印度語來解釋(註一)(所以剛才我先用印度語講),其中我提到:這個導師的狀態(Guru Padstate of Guru)只能從他人(譯者:一個真正的導師)來獲得。這個給予你導師狀態的人,他本身被賦予一些大能力(powers),首先是"祥和心境的能力"(the power of peace of mind),而且他也擁有去克服所有各種世俗困難、心理問題、身體問題的能力。你(譯者:指門徙)可以經由你的內心的平衡及你的導師心智上的祝福,來解決上面提到的這些問題。



人不要想嘗試變成一個導師,這是不切實際的。假如你想去變成一個導師,那麼你絕對不可能成為一個導師。導師的狀態是自動降臨在你身上的,不必你去請求,也不是去努力就可達成。達到此狀態的唯一途逕就是經由靜坐(dhyana,即meditation),就只是靜坐、再靜坐。靜坐中也不要去要求什麼,靜坐本身會讓你成為足以承受這個導師大能的工具。之後你自然而然會將此能力再給予他人,你也不必刻意去成就這件事,只要在你出席的場合,人們就可以獲得這個完全滿足的能力。對你及他人而言,達到這種狀態(可說)是一種完全的解脫與救贖(salvation)所有在昇進旅途所遭遇的困難都結束了,你只沉浸在天堂般的祥和及喜樂的福分之中,這就是所謂的" kaiyvalya ",即是"只是天上的喜悦"(only the bliss) 的意思。這就是指沒有任何字眼可以描述、形容它,它是一種狀態,在這種狀態下,你知道你處在那個狀態。這是一個非凡的境界,當你達到此,你不必再去追求什麼,因為一切都具足了,而且你是十分的滿足。


註一:Shri Mataji前半段先是用印度語講,後半段才用英語,講的大致是相同的課題,但是印度語的部分似乎比較深入,只可惜印度語的部分翻成英語並沒有譯得很好。本譯文是翻譯自英語談話的部分,但也參考印度文談話的部分。

註二江瑞凱翻譯自Shri MatajiMahashivaratri Puja談話2004-02-15JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

This is a subject which you can only explain in Hindi language. Which says that this Guru pad (state of Guru) you get from somebody else. But that somebody else is itself, is endowed with, the power, the power of peace of mind, to begin with, and also the power to overcome all kinds of earthly problems, mental problems, physical problems. All these problems you can solve through your mental balance and mental blessings from your Guru.

When you become the guru, you yourself have the power, to bless others. With your blessing power you can create a guru out of many. And once the guru is created and there is a guru, who has this power, it’s very satisfying and is very ennobling (enabling?).

The satisfaction is so much that you don’t want anything. This is the power of Shiva. You have seen Shiva doesn’t have much clothes. He doesn’t decorate Himself. He is just sitting in meditative mood, all the time. He doesn’t want anything. He’s so satisfied with Himself that He doesn’t want anything. And that is the power you get after the Self-realisation, if you have a Guru, and Guru of that level and calibre.

One should not try to become a Guru: that’s very impractical. If you try to become, you will never. It has to come to you automatically, without any asking, without any effort. So the only way you can get to it is through dhyana. Dhyana is meditation. When you meditate – just meditate, and meditate. Do not ask for anything. Meditation itself gives you that instrument which can bear this great power of the Guru. And then you, automatically, you give this power to others. You don’t have to work it out, just in your presence people can get this power of complete satisfaction. And there (that?) is salvation for you and for others.

So all the problems which are faced for the journey of ascent are finished and you are drenched in the bliss of heavenly peace and joy. That’s why it is called as kaiyvalya, means only, only the bliss. See, that means there is no other word to translate it, there’s no other way of explaining it. It’s a state, it’s a stithi. It’s a state. In that state you have to rise and you know that you are in that state. It’s a very remarkable thing that, once you reach that state, you don’t have to ask for anything; it’s all there, and you are so satisfied.

I can go on talking about this special power but I think, whatever I have said, please meditate on that. And you are all capable of reaching that state. That state of complete peace and joy.

2019年6月23日 星期日


*** 對霎哈嘉新娘的談話 ***











註一:Shri Mataji 在其他許多談話中也明確說到:是不禁止離婚的,只要這個婚姻妨礙你靈性的昇進,或對你產生巨大的苦難,那麼你是可以離婚的。譯者只是原文照翻,但是似乎不宜對"會被驅逐出"這一句話給予太僵硬的解讀。
註二江瑞凱翻譯自Shri Mataji在霎哈嘉婚禮前的談話2002-09-15JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

I’m very happy to see you all in such a beautiful dresses, bridal dressesand also in a good mood to get married. You must keep up your attitude – all right? You should be happy people, and try to keep your husbands also happy. Your happiness can create happiness for the children.

Now one thing I want to warn you: not to tell your husband about anything which was wrong in your past life. That’s not to be done, there’s no need, because you are now Sahaja Yogis. You are changed people and whatever has happened has happened, you need not talk about it or tell him anything about it, but talk of the future and the present – all right? So, be sensible! It’s your sensibility which is going to make a happy married life. If you become insensible, there’s no wisdom, then marriages will fail.

Some girls, I’ve seen, dominate their husbands too much. There is no need to dominate. If you love the husband that’s how the domination is, is the best way is to love your husband, look after him, do whatever is needed, because no use showing off that you are from a better society or a better culture or a better family background. It’s only you who can show that you are really a good person and your goodness will win him over.

So it’s only the wife who makes or spoils the marriage. And I have to tell you very frankly that if you still have some doubts about your marriage or if you are still thinking this was not a good match you should withdraw now. And later on you should not go on finding faults with your husband. See, men are men and women are women. Men cannot be women but, you can make them understand that women are to be respected. All right, and how – that you will have to see by your behaviour. If your behaviour is good, they’ll respect you. But if your behaviour is childish or if your behaviour is aggressive, no man can appreciate a woman who is aggressive and so you should not be aggressive. Whatever he says you should agree and listen to him. Fundamental things of course is there, but otherwise for small, small things, you should not try to dominate your husband. It’s not a sign of a Sahaja Yogini. Sahaja Yogini has to – with love and understanding and wisdom – has to win over the husband and not by domination. This is one thing we should understand that many marriages are broken because of domination.

Second thing is, you’re naturally attached to your parents, attached to your family, attached to your country. But now, forget it! Be attached to your husband’s family, husband and things around. Because if you are attached to your family, you’ll still spoil the relationship. I’ve known many couples being broken because of this.

There was a girl who was very much worried about her father, because he’d lost the business and she made the whole life miserable. So the husband disappeared and he wanted to do something else and she was left in the lurch and she had to go to her father and then she realized how difficult it is to live in father’s house.

So, it’s your house, it’s your home, it’s your husband. All right, you don’t have to sort of go on searching another person or another woman who will help you. It’s you who can help yourself. All right, because now we have very bad experiences of some girls who have left their husband and come away to their families with their children. Is the family going to look after them all their lives?  Who is going to look after them?

So use your brain and don’t try to show off that you are something superior or something higher or you’re something more. Say something you should be humble. The humble you are the better it is. Otherwise arrogance doesn’t behove you.  She doesn’t look nice, she looks like a horse sometimes and looks like – I don’t know like what. So it is better to be humble and to be kind and to be nice and to prove that you are a good natured person. All right!

Second thing I have to tell you, because you are from the West. So western women are very much money-oriented, even Indians have become like that. They want a car, they want a house, they want this, they want that. You shouldn’t want anything. You are going to supply to your husband, to your family. You don’t need anything. That’s your beauty, that’s your decoration that will beautify you. But if you go on hankering after “I want this, I want that” there’s no end to it. Especially with western mind, they are very money-oriented and have created such problems that I don’t know what to say to them.

So, second thing is that you should not be money-oriented, but you should be love-oriented. Express your love by different things. By making good food, by making a good bed for your husband, for organizing the house, keeping everything nice. Because if the housewife is untidy the house will remain untidy. It’s not the job of the husband to look after the house. You’ll enjoy a very beautiful house and a very beautiful room, if you keep it properly.

So you should enjoy all that. Enjoy doing everything for the family. Especially for your husband. Little, little things can – you see – give him pleasure and happiness. Because he’s so tired working in the office. Coming home so tired and then you get after that person, is very wrong. So you must change that attitude that we don’t want anything. You have everything, you are Sahaja Yogis, you are absolutely satisfied. But if you go on demanding then going to be very difficult I can tell you this much.  ......

There’s nothing to suffer much, but understanding is required, you see. Supposing, if you are wise and if something happens, take a very wise attitude, balanced attitude, responsible attitude. Wife has to be much more responsible than man as far as the family is concerned, children are concerned. But if you are a hot tempered woman, God save you and save your husband. So, hot temper is not suitable at all for any woman. If you are hot tempered you’ll start looking old very soon. Very soon you will start looking old, and if you have ego, if you think too much of yourself also same thing will happen. So, best thing is to behave like a little girl who has come to husband’s house to love him, to look after him and to mother him. You have to think that you are his mother and he – sometimes they are foolish according to your judgement – doesn’t matter. So, look after them just like your baby and be nice and sweet to them. All right?

And none of your family people are more important than your husband. That is very important. For you now the most important thing your husband. This is a Sahaja style of marriage. And you can have other marriages, you can have ten marriages – that’s different, not in Sahaja Yoga. And once you are divorced then we don’t marry you. We have given up, we tried that. Now we don’t do that. Because it becomes a habit of divorcing your husband. Once you are married you should be all married and if you want to divorce then know before this thing that we’ll have nothing to do with you. And you’ll be thrown away from Sahaja Yoga.

We want to have very good marriages and very good children. Also the progeny, the future of children will be very good, if you are sensible, wise, good and kind mothers. I’ve told you sufficiently. I hope you understand that you are marrying in Sahaja Yoga. And you have to keep the prestige of Sahaja Yoga, all right? You all promise that?

May God bless you!

2019年6月16日 星期日


*** 對霎哈嘉新郎的談話 ***











註一江瑞凱翻譯自Shri Mataji在霎哈嘉婚禮前的談話2002-09-15JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

I’m very happy that you all have decided to marry in Sahaja Yoga, but there are certain responsibilities which you must have. It’s not like other marriages – that today you marry, tomorrow you divorce, then you do this, do that. Nothing of the kind. You are marrying in Sahaja Yoga because we want to strengthen Sahaja Yoga.

You’ll have wife, she’ll look after you, she’ll be kind to you, she’ll be loving you because she is a Sahaja Yogini. And you should also be very kind to her. Don’t try to dominate, don’t try to pass her to your ideas. See what she wants. You must know how to love your wife, otherwise marriages are not possible. But once you divorce in Sahaja Yoga we will never marry you again – this we have decided now. Or in any way, if you desert your wife or leave her or do something irresponsible about your marriage, in Sahaja Yoga you have no place.

So, once for all, now only you decide that you are marrying it’s a very, very big responsibility. We want Sahaja Yoga marriages to be very successful and all of you should enjoy a very happy married life. No use dominating, no use controlling, but enjoying each other’s company. Because your wife is also Sahaja Yogini, you are also Sahaja Yogi. And we don’t marry you unless and until you are Sahaja Yogis. The reason is: we are enlightened people, we are of higher awareness. We have our spiritual life. We have to show in our lives how you behave very much differently from others who are stupid people, who go on fighting, spoiling, everything.

So that you will have nice children, look after your children, look after your family, that’s your first thing. Of course, some of you will be very busy with your work. It’s all right, but loving the wife, looking after her, looking after children is very important. Otherwise you should become bachelor, you should not marry. But if you are marrying, you are taking the responsibility of the wife. She is the daughter of somebody and the father is giving the daughter to you. So, so far boys have behaved very well, I must say, in Sahaja Yoga and so now you should also have wisdom and understanding that you are here to produce Sahaja Yogi children, to help in Sahaja Yoga, because we have to change the world. It’s to be emancipated. If you have very lower level of understanding of marriage it won’t work out.

So I’ve to make a very great respect, with great respect I have to make a very humble, I should say, request to you that – please, please – if you are entering into a married life in Sahaja Yoga, you have to understand your responsibility, it’s a very great responsibility. It’s a responsibility for the whole world, because we have to change the whole world. And if you behave like other husbands of your country or of other countries then what’s the use of marrying in Sahaja Yoga? You can go and have a nice marriage outside. But if you are marrying in Sahaja Yoga you have to know it’s a big battle against evil, against injustice and also against all kind of mismanagements. We want to make a beautiful world and to make a beautiful world we need people who are beautiful, who themselves respect everyone.

So, I have to make again and again same request to you that you be very good, humble and respecting husbands. Don’t follow others, because I’ve had funny things and I was surprised how could these people become like this in marriages in Sahaja Yoga. But we found out they were all mad, lunatics, and they behaved in a lunatic manner.

So aggression and all these things are not allowed. You are marrying these girls specially for the benefit of the whole world. Not only yourself, not only your children, your family, but the whole world, before the whole world you have to show that you are a very sensible, wise and highly evolved person. This is not a marriage of a lower type of people. So it’s a responsibility with you to show that you are very matured and that you have that feeling of enlightenment within you. And you are enlightened people. And you can enlighten the whole world.

Of course, because the wife is coming from another family, another country maybe, so there will be little difference of understanding. So you make her understand, you have to talk to her, you have to tell her, “All right, come along, sit down.” But no use losing temper and getting angry. Whatever explanation you may give for that is not good. It’s not going to help you. I want to see all of you how you show successfully that you are very nicely married to your wives. But I don’t say you spoil them, by no means, I’ve already told them. Don’t have to spoil them, but let them be also on the good lines of Sahaja Yoga. And become good volunteers of Sahaja Yoga. They’ll be very good mothers and they’ll create those children which we want now, who will completely change this world.

So, I hope you agree with Me and if you agree well and good. If you don’t agree, even now you can leave and you can give up – I will not mind at all. But after marriage if you try to misbehave or if you try to divorce, youhave no place in Sahaja Yoga. We’ll not have you here. So, are you all accepting it? All right? Whosoever is not accepting raise your hand.

Thank you very much. Thank you very much.

2019年6月10日 星期一


*** 克服貪婪的三個方法 ***



在印度,有些人是非常的誠實。我家裡的僕人就從來不會偷任何東西,這是十分令人驚訝!為什麼?為什麼他們不會偷竊呢?因為他們安於他們的生活,他們()不想因偷竊而被關入監獄,他們不想改變他們目前的生活。他們根本不會想到偷竊這回事,他們根本不會去做這種事,為什麼?因為他們有羞恥心。在一些貧窮的百姓中,羞恥心(反而)有高度的發展。在他們的社群裡面,他們非常尊敬誠實的人,他們也都非常誠實,或許其中也有少數人不誠實,但是這種人是不被尊敬的,因為他們認為自我尊重(self-respect)是最重要的。這是很難想像的,他們甚至一天只吃一餐,可是對他們而言,自我尊重是比任何事都來得重要。所以如何對付這種毫無意義的貪婪呢? 第三個方案就是你的自我尊重。為什麼你要去偷竊呢?為什麼你要去擁有這些偷來的東西?或擁有那些屬於別人的東西呢?假如你的内裡有自我尊重的心,你就不會去碰觸不屬於你的東西,那些貧窮的僕人都做得到,為什麼更富裕的人們做不到呢?這是一種他們所擁有的更高階、更進化的心態,即他們的自我尊重遠比那些可能滿足貪婪之心的東西來得更重要!


註一江瑞凱摘譯Shri Mataji在錫呂俱毗羅 (Shri Kubera Puja,即財富之神) 談話2002-08-18JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

The only way to counter-balance is to become extremely generous. If you are extremely generous, greed will run away. That may be another way of doing it. Supposing you get something in your house and you think it is too much. Not to get rid of it, but just to think it’s too much, you should give it to someone. You just start thinking whom can you give and immediately you’ll remember, “Oh, that person doesn’t have this. Let me give him this.” And if you give him, he will be so thankful, so thankful and he’ll say all kinds of nice things to you, which normally nobody would say to you, nobody. And it’s surprising how joy giving it is, how people like your generosity.
So you have to be generous, just generous, not with yourself, but with others. As much as possible be generous. Generosity is very love giving, one of the expressions of your love. ......
Another thing is to get rid of greed; you should try to do some sort of a collective social work. Supposing you go to some place where lots of poor people are there, I tell you, your greed will just drop. Be amazed how these people are living, in what conditions. Why do I care for all the wealth and everything? That will be just shocking. ......
So the third solution for this kind of a nonsensical greed is your self-respect. Why should you steal? Why should you have anything that is stolen or why should you have anything that belongs to another person? If you have that self-respect within you, you won’t touch anything that is not yours. When the servants can do that, why not people who are not that badly off. It is a temperament of a higher level, I think, which they develop, where their self-respect is much more important than all kinds of other things that may satisfy their greed. One thing about greed is it is never satisfied. It is never satisfied. ...... But they want to have power because they want to have money and they get power with money. Can you imagine? Where are human beings? At what level? At what level of evolution they are? They are going round and round the circle of this money. This is Nabhi Chakra, which has to be improved, which gives you satisfaction.

2019年6月2日 星期日


*** 錫呂格涅沙和喜樂  ***

錫呂格涅沙(Shri Ganesha)最大的特質就是喜樂(joy)。在甚至還不會講話的階段,小小孩就會帶給我們許多喜樂,這個給人喜樂的特質就是來自錫呂格涅沙。我看到有些人來到霎哈嘉之後,並未充滿喜樂,他們非常嚴肅,他們不知道如何笑,不知道如何享受每一件事,這就是他們能缺乏純真(innocence)的表癥。做為一個霎哈嘉練習者,你必須了解你應該是(隨時都是)喜樂的,而且可以帶給他人喜樂的,就如同小孩子一般。小孩子是給人何等甜美的感覺!或許他們只是剛出生,但是他們就可以給予人十足的喜樂。假如你無法來享受小孩子的純真,那麼恐怕是無可救藥了,錫呂格涅沙也無法幫你了。因為這應該是人類與生俱來的能力,假如你沒有這種能力,那麼你其他的感官能力都沒有什麼用處。譬如有人喜歡食物、顏色和其他種種,但是假如你沒有錫呂格涅沙(的喜樂),那麼你無法單純地來享受任何事物。只有在錫呂格涅沙的祝福之下,人們才能真正的完全來享受所有的事物。否則人們只會開始論斷、開始批評,只會對外物提出種種的質疑,......就如現代社會有許多批評家,他們無時不刻都在批評......。他們就猶如身體中的瘡、膿。假如你無法有欣賞的態度、無法來享受外在的一切,正表示你的内裡缺乏錫呂格涅沙。你應該要能享受每一件事物,要能享受你的小孩及他人的小孩,如此才表示你有錫呂格涅沙完全的祝福。



像這種快樂的人才是一個真正的霎哈嘉瑜伽士,這種人才是大家喜歡與之共處的練習者。這種人對他人沒有恨意,沒有任何惡意,也不會去找他人的缺失,而只會看他人的優點及特點。這種人是不會在乎他人是白皮膚或黑皮膚,是高或是矮。對他而言,這都沒有差別,因為他是(處在)完全的享受與喜樂(absolute joy)之中,在這享受之中,你不會去批評,不會去找尋他人的過錯。

註一江瑞凱摘譯Shri Mataji錫呂格涅沙普祭(Shri Ganesha Puja)談話2002-09-14JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

The greatest quality of Shri Ganesha is joy. It gives you joy, as small children, they may not speak even, but they give us so much joy. Joy giving quality comes from Shri Ganesha. Even after coming to Sahaja Yoga I’ve seen people are not full of joy. Are very serious, they don’t know how to laugh, how to enjoy anything. That’s the sign that they are still lacking in innocence. So it’s important to understand that, if you are sahaja yogis, you should be joyous and give joy to others, just like children, how sweet they are. They may be newly born, but how much joy they give you. But supposing you do not have that capacity to enjoy the innocence of children, then nobody can help you. Ganesha cannot help you. Because that’s the innate quality human beings have and if you don’t have that quality, no use having any other sense. Like some people like food, they like colours, they like all other things. But if you don’t have Shri Ganesh you cannot purely enjoy anything.
So it is only [with] Shri Ganesha’s blessings that we really enjoy everything in its full measure. Otherwise, we start judging it, we start criticizing it, people raise so many things, questions.
...... As we have many critics in this world, and they are all the time criticizing one another. ...... It’s like having some sort of a boil, or some sort of a septic thing in your body, in your being. So, if you cannot appreciate it, and if you cannot enjoy it, then Shri Ganesha is missing from you.
You should be able to enjoy everything, and to enjoy your children, enjoy children of other people. That’s the sign of your being completely blessed by Shri Ganesh. ......

If you don’t have the blessings of Shri Ganesh, you’ll be completely useless fellow as a sahaja yogi, because all the time you are seeing the bad points of others, all the time you are devoiding, I should say, you are getting into a problem, by which you cannot enjoy anything. By temperament you think you are very serious, you are very mature, you are very developed, but you are not innocent. Such a person gives such a headache to everyone. You know, if there’s one like that, in the family, people want to get rid of him.

So you should have the quality of Shri Ganesha which is of giving joy to others.

Depends on how much joy you can give it to others. It doesn’t want anything. Such a person won’t say that “I must get this, I must have this position, I should be leader, I should be this and that”, no. He just enjoys giving joy, joy to others, and being humorous, and kind, and never, never tries to insult anyone and hurt anyone. If such a person hurts, by mistake also, he goes on repenting about it. And hundred times he’ll beg your pardon if he has hurt you.

Such a happy person is a real sahaja yogi. That’s the one we want to have all around. Those who have no hatred for anyone, no malice for anyone, and not finding faults with another, but trying to find what is the good point of that person, what is so special about that person. He’s not bothered as to what colour you are, whether you are black or white, whether you are tall or short, it makes no difference. Because it is absolute. Absolute joy. And for this absolute joy, you don’t criticize, and you don’t try to find faults with others.