2019年12月29日 星期日


*** 無思慮靜觀的空檔 ***

關於靜坐,我們必須瞭解我們要處在無思慮的靜觀(thoughtless awareness)狀態,當你腦袋有很多思緒時,你是活在未來或是活在過去,而不是活在當下的現在。

當你開始靜坐時,你必須說Nirvichar 的口訣(註一),這就是無思慮的靜觀狀態,如此你的思緒會延緩拉長(elongate,註二),在兩個思緒之間會有一個(很小的)空檔,這個空檔就是現在(the present)


註一:應是這個口訣 "Aum Twamewa Sakshat Nirvichara",請參見譯文"導師與無思慮(之一)"

註二:Shri Mataji 在其他談話也如此說過,但是''拉長思緒''卻很少被翻譯出來,反而常被翻成''拉開思緒'',譯者以為那是誤譯,因為elongate完全無''拉開''的涵義,它的意思就是伸長、延長。譯者的體驗是:當人進入無思慮的覺知狀態時,人不會在諸多思緒中跳來跳去,頭腦整個沉澱下來,此時的思緒緩慢而像拉長了。請參見譯文"昆達里尼穿越頭蓋骨之後"

註三江瑞凱摘譯自Shri MatajiBogotaColombia Puja談話1992-10-12JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

Now regarding meditation, one has to understand that we have to be in thoughtless awareness.

When you are thinking then you are in the future or in the past.

But you are not in the present.

But when you start meditating you have to say the mantra Nirvichar

It’s thoughtless awareness.

So your thoughts will elongate and there will be a space in between.

That is the present.

And when the Kundalini rises she also makes it wider.

Then you can grow much faster in your spirituality.

And that is the real way of growing.

This power is within you. It’s there already existing and is working it out, also

But we have to meditate collectively as well as individually.

Collectively because is a work of the whole.

2019年11月24日 星期日


***  普祭的秘密 *** 






註一江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji在頂輪普祭(Sahastrara Puja)的談話1980-05-05JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

I bless you all with your sincerity and today I have to tell you a few more secrets about Sahaj Yog is that, for the puja we should not get people who are of mediocre nature because to bear up puja is very difficult. People [who] have not yet understood the value of my Being, of my feet of my hands they cannot, they do not deserve to be here. So do not get anybody because he is your friend, or a sister, or a brother just down here. Is wrong. You are spoiling the chances of the poor person because it is too much for him, he cannot bear it. It is meant for very few people. So remember that it is not meant for many people.

Now what we call as the charan-amrut is, means the ambrose of my feet, or you can say ambrose of my feet, is not meant for everyone. Neither the blessings of the puja are not meant for everyone. So try to avoid people who are not yet fully equipped. First thing they will start is doubting. If they do not doubt, also, there will be a problem with the protocol. They won’t be able to accept it with that protocol.

It’s a very great privilege to be here and this privilege cannot be granted to every person. If you could understand this is the secret of Sahaj Yoga and in this secret you have to get very few people to begin with. Everything is going to be exposed one day, but not to everyone. If you can recognise this that you are privileged, then you will behave in a way that you have been given this privilege. ......

If you can look at yourself as how privileged you are and understanding it, understanding what all Sahaj Yoga is, then you will understand that – what a privilege it is for you to be here, what [good] fortune, what reward for what you have done. How many lives have been completely rewarded by being here. This will help you to do puja in a more sincere manner.

Now we must meditate, also, after puja, because my vibrations you do not suck in without meditation I have seen. And always it happens – so far I have had very few pujas in which my whole vibrations were sucked in. If you have sincerity about it, really the sincerity part of it, you’ll suck all my vibrations. Tell your mind not to ask questions and to misbehave but to suck the vibrations clearly. This is for your own nourishment, for your own growth, for your own enjoyment.

2019年10月27日 星期日


***  真誠與內外的整合 *** 

完全徹底的整合(integration) 是非常重要,除非你有內在的整合,否則是無法來進行外在的整合。完全的內在整合是來自專注奉獻在自己的改善昇進之上,最重要的是:你必須將時間用在你的(靈性)發展上。做此事並不是為了給我看或給他人看,這是你和你自己之間的事。你必須努力來清潔你自己,當然你可以很輕鬆、很舒坦地和你那些阻塞嚴重的輪穴共存,但是你最好是有很暢通乾淨的輪穴,這是很享受的狀態,也不難做到。

如何做到呢?首先就是要真誠(sincerity),要完全的真誠!你對你自己真誠嗎? ......你的真誠必須是完全的,任何的不真誠的想法對你都是有極大的傷害。如同你的母親是真誠的對待你,你也必須真誠對待你自己,如此你就可以開始享受霎哈嘉。這對你內在的整合是非常重要的,因為假如你是真誠的,那麼這是來自你的心,假如來自你的心,那麼你的身體、腦袋、智力及所有一切都會努力來完成它;但假如不是來自你的心,那麼將只是一件表面的作為而已。所以你必須試著從你的心來感覺一下,這就是所謂的真誠。你不能靠任何人,不論是你的妻子、丈夫、小孩、母親、父親都不行,這是你自己的事,所以你必須如此來做,才能達成你內在的整合。而達到整合狀態的原動力就是非常簡單的一樣:真誠。若是如此,你將會自動達到(內在的)整合。


我們更進一步來談真誠。如何來維持你的真誠呢?首先你必須下定決心,即要發誓來當一個真誠的人,然後你必須去發掘你在何時、因何事而變得不真誠。你是很會分析的,你可以發現你如何變得不真誠?在那個情況下你變得不真誠?如何來矯正自己呢 ?你要監看控制你的頭腦心智,看它如何變得不真誠。



當你的轉換開始有所成就,假如人類能開始逐漸被轉換,那麼明天你們將會是社會中各個事務的領導者。不論你是社會中那個階層類別,試著去接觸、影響你的層級中的人,如此你就可以創造出一個進化圈,這就是 "外在的整合" (outside integration) ,如此這個社會就會得到整合。不同宗教的人都會來到霎哈嘉,因為它就是所有宗教的成果。政治、經濟、各種意識形態也將整合在一起,因為它們的本源其實是同一個。只是因為人為(錯誤)的認同,它們才變成今天分離的局面。這就是我們如何來整合全世界成為一個美麗、統合的文明,讓其中的每一個人都可以來享受。

註一:就是譯文 "古代的聖人" 最末段中提到的當代的兩種人。

註二江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji在頂輪普祭(Sahastrara Puja)的談話1980-05-05JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

The second very important point is of complete integration within and without. Within, unless and until there is integration, we cannot bring forth the outside integration. The complete integration within, comes by dedicating yourself to your own improvement. First and foremost is: time must be given for your development. Not to show me or not to show anyone! It is between you and yourself. You have to work hard to cleanse yourself. Easy to live comfortably with all the horrible chakras within us, but it is easier also and the best, most enjoyable is, to have very clean chakras.

And it comes [by], first of all, is sincerity. First of all is complete sincerity. Are we sincere to ourselves?  ...... and the sincerity must be full, must be complete. Any kind of insincerity which comes into you is extremely detrimental. So you must know that, as your Mother has sincerity about you, you must also have sincerity about yourself. Then you will start enjoying Sahaj Yoga. That is very important to create integration within you because if it is sincerity, it comes from your heart. If it is coming from your heart then your body, your mind, your intelligence, everything will work hard to fulfil it. But if it is not coming from your heart it is going to be a superficial thing.

So you try to feel it from your heart. That’s what it means: sincerity. Do not depend on anyone – your wife, husband, children – nothing – mother, father. It’s your own. So you have to work in such a way that you get complete integration and the driving force towards integration is a very simple one: is sincerity. Thus you will know that automatically you are getting integrated.

The another factor [which] is important is patience. You must have patience with others, because if you do not have patience your sincerity will start doubting itself. So you must have patience and to get patience you must know what you have been so far and where are you. When you will know what you were, you will have patience with others, tremendous patience. And by having patience with others your sincerity will be all the time complete. By your sincerity you will be completely integrated.

So we come to the point of sincerity. Now let us go deeper into it: how the sincerity is to be maintained. First of all we have to make some determinations, sankalpas (vows), of being sincere. Then we have to act by finding out how do we get insincere on what points. You are good at analysing [so] you can find it out: how do you get insincere, on what points you get insincere, what are the correcting points. Keep a control on your mind to see how does it become insincere.

You’ll be amazed that it’s simple to be sincere than to be insincere. Is the easiest thing is to be sincere than to be deceiving because you don’t have to think. To be sincere you don’t have to think. If you have to be insincere you have to think, plan out and to find out methods, all the loopholes and escapes, by which you have to run away. If you have to be captive of your sincerity you don’t have to worry about anything and that sincerity itself is rewarding. This principle must be written down in your hearts that sincerity itself is rewarding. You don’t have to go to anybody else to ask for the reward of sincerity, sincerity itself rewards you. And that’s why you start enjoying your own sincerity. If you start seeing all these things as a witness, that how your sincerity has made you so beautiful, so dignified and how you have started rising in your self-esteem, you’ll be amazed how sincerity itself is a big force which will manifest its living dynamism in you and you’ll be a transformed person.

This transformation within you is going to change the whole world. People are going to see that you are no more a confused person, you are not a person who is doubting and neither you are a person who is a fanatic. You are not a blind person and you are a person who is alert and aware and who can see things better than others. So, Divine is only interested in such people. As I have told you before that Divine is more interested in a little worm which is alert and aware than in a palace of a king which is dead. The more alert you become the more Divine takes interest in you. But this alertness is nothing but the enlightenment of your sincerity. You’ll be amazed how sincerity is the thing. That means you are loyal to yourself. You have to be loyal and not disloyal. The loyalty to yourself is sincerity and that is how I have managed Sahaj Yoga. But sincerity is my nature, I don’t have to strive for it. I cannot get out of it. While, if I am your ideal you should try to imbibe my nature, within yourself. And then you will be amazed how you are connected with me. Then we all move like one wave, one being, one personality. That is the achievement of this Sahastrar Day.  ......

Once your transformation starts working out, if human beings start getting transformed, tomorrow you will be placed at the helm of affairs everywhere in the society. Try to contact other people at your own level. Whatever may be the category of life you are leading please try to contact them. By doing so you create an atmosphere which starts another circle of evolution which is the outside integration where the societies get integrated. All the people who profess different religions come to this Sahaj Yoga which is today the fruit of all the religions. The integration between political and economic situations, complete ideologies, will integrate because the source of all these is the same. It has gone into disintegration because of its artificial identifications. That’s how we’ll integrate the whole world into a beautiful integrated Creation, with the purpose of blissful existence for all of us to enjoy!

2019年10月20日 星期日


***  錫呂瑪塔吉談到她的工作 *** 



這是一件非常非常辛苦的工作,我必須夜夜來工作,同時我也必須表現得像一個很普通人,過很正常的生活......。我也發覺人類的一個很大的問題即是家庭生活,這就是為什麼我也結婚,我想來(親身)研究家庭生活中的種種問題。當我親身來面對這些問題,我逐漸明瞭為什麼人類會有這樣子、那樣子的行為......。其他像政治、經濟等各種問題,這些也是我試圖去研究的,因為它們已變成人類很重要的一部分,雖然它們究竟只有人為的價值,(而沒有真實的價值),但是它們確實影響人類很多,所以我必須去深入了解,去了解為什麼人類會做這個、做那個。可以說我必須研究人類行為科學很多年。就這樣我如同逐步釐清纏在一起的一團線,並解開各種結,直到剩下最後一個結,那就在197055日被解開了。當頂輪打開之後,這集體的現象開始運作,這最偉大的集體現象就是Shri Chakra 在地球上,即你從手指上可以感覺到。在這之前從未如此,從未有人的手指是被啟發,從未有人可以從手指如此感覺到能量。但是以前的修行者是可以在他們體內感覺到能量,這是來自昆達里尼的上升,及他們在内裡所做的種種修行與發展。古代的修行者是比較關注他們自己,他們修煉他們個人的內在遠比集體存有來得多。



註一江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji在頂輪普祭(Sahastrara Puja)的談話1980-05-05JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

I took my birth at a point where these confusions had started showing its results even on the physical plane. All imbalances of life react – physically, mentally, emotionally, also spiritually. When I started looking around I was amazed how ignorance had made people naïve, like a cloud of ignorance which came on them. Formerly people had this much understanding, this much sensitivity to know what is right and what is wrong. Even if they were wrong they knew that wrong was wrong and right was right. But in this [world’s] confused state I was born, and I knew I was to open the Sahastrara. So I started my work after my first shocks. I decided not to talk about it to anyone and lead a very, very normal life of a very ordinary person, not to be very striking. ...... If you are born with any striking signs the negativity immediately finds you out. ......

I had to really, really work, very, very, very hard to enter into your being to find out the different permutations and combination. First of all I had to find out your basic problems, what are your basic problems are. Once you handle the basics then you can handle the permutations and combinations. After finding the basic problems I started finding out your permutations and combinations and I was amazed how human beings were placed to their outside world and how they reacted to their outside world. And I identified that these permutations and combinations which formed within themselves were also capped by their other identifications, like the society in which they were born, like the nation in which they were born, like the ideas that were there. All these things became much more important than the Original Being, which is Universal, within you. And every individual had taken a very odd, funny, awkward type of a shape which I didn’t know how to reduce and how to bring it to proper growth level by which they start their growth.

It was a very, very hard work and the nights after nights I used to work, while leading a very, very ordinary life of a very normal person.  ......

Then this working started and one of the biggest major problems of human beings I found was the family life and that’s why I married. I wanted to study what are the problems of family life. And then I started facing these problems as if they were my own and started understanding why people behave in this manner and that manner. ......

Then other problems like political, economic and all these problems also I tried to study because they became so important for human beings, which are of absolutely artificial value, but they did. So I had to see to that, what makes them do this and what makes them do that. Sort of a Human Behaviour Science I had to study for years. And then as you start unfolding or you can say unentangling or disentangling, or taking out the knots of a bundle, you reach a point where all the knots are opened out and one knot is still left, you see, which is to be opened out. And that was done on the 5th of May 1970. And once that had [been] done, the collective phenomena started working. And the greatest collective phenomena was that the Shri Chakra being on this Earth, could be felt through your fingers. This was never before so, nobody felt the fingers enlightened, nobody felt the vibrations on the fingers as such, but they felt it within themselves because the rising of the Kundalini and everything and the way they developed themselves inside, they were more concerned about one individual. They developed their inner being much more than their collective being.

But now because the Sahastrara of the Universe was opened out, everybody started feeling the vibrations around them with their own hands. That means the chakras themselves were feeling before [but] now the fingers, which are manifested from the power of a particular chakra or chakras, could feel the vibrations. That means the sensitivity of the Divine, which was in the chakras, spread out to peripheries to such an extent that the human being could feel it on the fingers. This was fantastic!

So my job was to move from the centre to the periphery. While moving that, whatever are the obstacles I met, I had to clear them out, one after another. And then, once all the obstacles are cleared out and all the network is properly done,

2019年10月14日 星期一

關於九步驟 (非譯文)

*** 關於九步驟 ***(非譯文)

九步驟是帶領新人獲得自覺的關鍵動作,本文整理YouTube 可以看到的Shri Mataji 帶自覺的影片,就一些有爭議或常被忽略的點,整理出如下的結論:

1.閉眼。做九個步驟的過程眼睛要閉起來,這是避免新人注意力跑掉。為了怕有人頻頻張開眼睛來看到底右手要放那個位置,所以 Shri Mataji 在正式帶九步驟之前,往往先逐一告訴大家是那九個位置( 此時當然是張開眼睛)。正式帶九個步驟時,常常一再提醒新人不要張開眼睛。

2. 脫掉鞋子。讓腳掌直接接觸大地,因為大地可以吸掉一些不好的東西,有助於獲得自覺。

3. 兩腳要稍微分開,而不是靠在一起。

4. 拿掉眼鏡。有時候Shri Mataji會建議拿掉,因為對眼睛有幫助,但是Shri Mataji 並不是一定有這樣要求,也沒有說非這樣做不可。

5. 針對左臍輪要講幾次?霎哈嘉有兩個版本 :一. 先講3次,再講10 ;二. 10次,之後再3次。從YouTube 可以找到的影片來看,幾乎都是先講3次,再講10次。雖然筆者的經驗兩種的效果好像沒有差別,但是仍是建議遵循大多數:先3次再10次。

6. 右手掌要壓緊各個位置,而不是只是輕放接觸。Shri Mataji 在許多影片中都有強調這一點。

7. 針對前額及後腦勺兩個位置,頭部都要儘量彎下來或往後仰。

8. 針對頂輪時,是否要往前低頭?大部分都有強調要低頭,但是也有少數影帶是沒有低頭在做這個動作。仍是建議遵循大多數:頭要低下來。

9. 右手掌壓頂輪的時候,手指必須向手背撑開,如此掌心才有適當的壓力用來壓頭皮。

10. 針對前額及後腦勺時要講幾次?大致看來是幾次都可以,所以建議講兩三次。

11. 是對誰講這些問句、肯定句及請求呢?由於影片都是Shri Mataji 在帶自覺,所以Shri Mataji 都要求新人講"母親""Shri Mataji" (譬如:"母親,我是一個靈嗎?") 。依筆者之經驗,在華人世界直接這樣要求第一次的新人這樣講,恐怕會造成更多的疑惑,讓昆達里尼更難通過額輪,所以直接來對內在的昆達里尼來做祈求也是一個很好的方式,即講"靈量母親"或是"錫呂昆達里尼"應該都是很好的選項。

註一:江瑞凱自YouTube搜尋 "self realization by shri mataji" 得到的影片,歸納整理出的結論。敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。