2020年1月5日 星期日


*** 昆達里尼像火一樣的特性 ***

這個昆達里尼的力量有某些特性,第一個特性是所謂的 "ungrahavati" ,即它的走向是和地心引力相反的,即它是向上走的,而不是向下的。所以一個人必須是本質上有一種向上升進的渴望,否則昆達里尼不會升起。就如同食物往下到我們的胃裏,它會擠壓腸子的周邊,靠著這個就產生食物往下的移動。所以當昆達里尼啟動之後,它會對輪穴的周邊施加壓力,她(註一)會創造出來一種將自己拋向更高再更高的感覺,所以輪穴就將它往上彈。





註一:錫呂瑪塔吉在談昆達里尼時,有時候用女性的""(She),有時候用""(It),譯者原文照翻。譯者:""應該是表示昆達里尼是較接近陰性的屬性,"" 則指能量、力量的屬性。

註二江瑞凱摘譯自Shri MatajiChelsham Road AshramLondon談話1981-05-17JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

Then, this power has got certain qualities.

The first quality it has got, this is ungrahavati, means it goes against the gravity.

It goes against the gravity. You see, a thing rises, it doesn’t go down. So a person who has to be aspiring by nature. If a person is not aspiring type the Kundalini doesn’t rise. Because, like, you see that, when food passes down our stomach it presses the sides of the intestines. By that these movements of going down takes place. Do you see my point?

So when the Kundalini starts, and starts pressing on the sides of the chakras, she creates a feeling of throwing it higher and higher, so the chakras bounce it upward.

All the heavy things, all go downward, but the Kundalini rises higher and higher and higher, because it is like fire. Fire never burns downward. It always burns upward.

She looks also like fire, and she has the capacity of fire within her. The fire has a capacity to purify, and to burn off whatever can be burnt off. It purifies the things which it cannot burn, and burns off the things which are inflammable, which can be burnt out.

So, the quality of fire that exists in the Kundalini burns off whatever is useless. ......

So when the Kundalini rises, She also burns off all useless things that you have, all your useless desires, your useless ideas of action, all sorts of useless accumulation of feelings and egos, and every sort of a nonsensical thing that is in between. Everything is burnt off fast, because they can be burnt, they are not eternal by nature. They are not eternal by nature. They are temporarily there.

All that is temporary, she burns off, and that’s how she enlightens the Spirit, because Spirit cannot be burnt by anything.

But this burning is so beautiful that it burns off all that is bad, stagnating, all that is polluting, all that is a disease, and cools down the system. ......

But Kundalini is such a thing that once she burns off everything that is there, that’s how you get heat, because she’s burning. ......

So the power of Kundalini is to purify, she purifies us like fire. She doesn’t purify us like water, it’s surprising, she doesn’t purify us like water.

Now, water, what does the water do? Water never burns off anything, but it dissolves certain things. It can take in something within itself, you see? It can contain some of the dirt within itself. Supposing you put a color in the water – it assumes the color. But Kundalini does not assume the color. She burns off. Do you follow My point? So, if you have anything wrong within you, she’ll burn it off, but she’ll not absorb – she’s pure. She cannot absorb those things into her that will pollute her. She cannot be polluted.

This quality of fire – say for example, if you put gold in fire, silver in fire, you can purify these things. Their pure form comes in...