*** 消融情緒的靜坐方法 ***
當一個人的情緒受到較大的干擾,如過度驚嚇、過度悲傷,這時不只左脈會沉重,也會影響到右脈,例如呼吸會變得急促等等,因為左脈的情緒和右脈的生理反應是相關聯的。在這種狀況下,左脈的情緒及右脈的生理反應( 如呼吸急促)必須被消融(dissolved),如何在靜坐的時候來消融這兩者呢?
在靜坐開始的時候,我們可以先張開雙掌來感覺自己是否有偏左或是偏右,然後用撥能量的方法( 如偏左的時候由右撥左),讓自己恢復平衡。在給自己平衡之後,就可以將注意力放在你的這些情緒,就靜靜地觀察它們。藉著想到母親,你可以啟發點亮(enlighten)你的情緒,即母親會來解決這些問題。當你在靜坐的時候來觀看這些情緒,你會觀察到它們在你内裡逐漸放大,假如你將它們交給你的母親,即如同放置在母親的蓮足之前,它們就會逐步被消融,你會感覺到你可以控制這些情緒,然後造成這些情緒的背後原因也會被解決。
註一:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji在Bramham Court Ashram(英國)的談話片段1981-10-29。JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。
The first thing we have got is the left side – you see – is the Mana-Shakti, is
the power of your emotions. All right? Now, emotions are connected with your
right side, also – prana. Say for example if you are emotionally disturbed,
just now we got disturbed, so our shva, our breathing also increased and we
felt the whole body was sort of, say reacting and the, we were feeling the
reaction of the Prana, right side also. That it was trying to express itself.
Like we started the tears, is the water-element and all that came in and the
whole emotion was so much pouring out and with that our Prana was also
Say for example if you are frightened, if you are frightened –
[aside: {INDIST.}, it’s all right] – if you are frightened too much then what
happens? [aside: this is all right] If you are frightened than also you get
your breathing very fast – isn’t it? So it is connected. [aside: Yes, come in,
come in!] So it is connected. If you are frightened it is connected – with your
Prana, in your breathing and your whole system is connected with your emotions,
physical system. If you cry too much, or if you weep too much, or if you are a
sad person – that shows on your face, your Vishuddhi-Chakra also shows, and not
only Anahata but also Vishuddhi. Then also your Agnya goes out. So all the
Chakras reflect the left side in such a way that physical manifestation is also
there. So it proofs that both are very much connected.
So to, if you have to, somehow or other, dissolve these two sides
within us, the left and the right side – because if you do not dissolve it you
are left half way here – so you have to dissolve these two things. And to
dissolve these, what should we do? What can we do – in meditation?
[aside:] Can you suggest?
Say we have got Prana and Mana. Now Prana represents the right
side and the Mana-Shakti is the left side. All right? These two have to be
dissolved – in the air, means dissolved. Now how do we do it? To dissolve these
two things, they are connected with each other. After realization, not. So
before meditation We give ourselves a balance, all right? Which side is more
resided left at the time. Supposing you are emotionally – at that time –
disturbed, then you put your right to the left. If you are that time disturbed
on the left side – ah, I mean disturbed in that sense that if a left side is
frozen, then you raise your left side and give yourself a balance before
Now let us see, which side is less, first of all. Put your hands
like that. ……
So once you have given yourself a balance then the best thing is
to pay attention to your emotions, to Manas-Shakti. Watch them. You can
enlighten your emotions by thinking of your Mother. All right, just enlighten
them. Just She will solve the problem. Whatever are the problems in the Mana,
all right? So once you get connected with those emotions and you start looking
at them in your meditation you will see these emotions are rising within you
and if you try to put these emotions on your Mother, as put at the Lotus-Feet
of your Mother, they will start also dissolving those emotions and they’ll
become sort of – ah – expanded. Expanded, you see.
You will extern(?) that in such a way that, you will feel you
are in control, these emotions. You are in control of them and by that
controlling those emotions your emotions – which are expanded, enlightened –
are powerful. And these emotions, when you feel that way, then the cause of
those emotions can be solved. For example just now you got emotionally stirred
up because I talked about – say – these children. Naturally, anybody would be.
Now when you are stirred up with that you put that problem and those feelings
that are rising in you, that those waves of feelings that are coming at the
Lotus-Feet of your Mother.
So they get touched, say by that power you can say. Then these
emotions become enlightened and when these emotions become enlightened they
have a power to solve the problem. Do you see the point? As if they had reached
the shore where they got the light and this problem can be solved. Because now
you are not in an individual self, you are in the expanse, you are in the
samashti and because you have entered into that position, that’s why you have
got these powers of entering to another person’s body, to see the vibrations of
another person, to raise the Kundalini. Otherwise you could not have done it.
So for you it is very easy to do because I am also sitting here
in Person. So easy to put these emotions just there so that they get
enlightened and your wish is fulfilled, because emotions are nothing but
wishes. These are unfulfilled wishes. Now how they do it otherwise is also this
way that you take up these emotions and put them, so that is, these emotions
are actually – the left side, as I said, is the desire.
So the desire is taken, any desire, and is put in the Prana. Now
how do you put it on the Prana? That you control your Prana – that’s why they
do Prana-yamas, you see? Like you sit down now, very comfortably, now you have
a desire, you put your attention to that. Attention is very important – you
see? Now this attention is to be put onto the Prana, so the emotions are there
and then bring those emotions and put them into your attention, means they are
now, you are aware of them.
Now what you do is to watch your breathing. See now, try to
reduce your breathing, reduce it. In the sense that you have breathed out, wait
for a while, then breath in – for a long time. Then you breathe out. So in one
minute your breathing will be less than normal. All right? Try that. Breathe in
– now with the emotions, keep the attention on the emotions – you see? – so
that the connection is established.
Hmm. Better? You see the Kundalini rises? Now when you are
breathing you find that there is a space in-between, which you just leave it
vacant. Breathe in! Now leave it vacant. Now breathe out. Now leave it vacant.
Breathe in. Keep it there. Then leave it. Keep out-side. Now breathe in. Now
start breathing in such a way that you stop your breathing. Your attention
should be on the heart, or could be on the emotions.
It’s better? Keep the breathing inside for a while, then bring
it out, then outside for a while. Then again, then you’ll find that for a while
you will not breathe. Hmm. You see, you settle down. The layer takes place
between your Prana and your Mana. Both the Shaktis become one. Now at this
stage when you are silent, now you think of your intellect – it’s lost. Now
just think of it, it’s lost, it’s no more there. So what is happening, actually
that this layer – the attention goes into the intellect and enlightens the
Aha, now see, the thought is not there – try to find your
intellect within yourself! Now see! See, where is my intellect? Try to find it!
It’s not there, it’s not working. Again try it! It is working, but it has
become the samashti, has become the collective now. Ha! See now! Did you follow
that? There is no thought. This exercise will give you this thoughtless
awareness, establishes in you the thoughtless awareness. There is no