前言:治療或不治療他人?Shri Mataji似乎有過不同的說法,本譯文收集第一種的談話。請同時參考另一篇(第二種的談話:"要去幫助他人")。相信大家讀完兩種不同的談話,應該可以了解Shri Mataji的想法。
治療病人絶對不是你的工作,一點都不是!你必須謹記這一點:没有霎哈嘉練習者應該去治療病人。他們(指病人)可以使用我的相片。我看過許多治療他人的練習者 陷入治療的狂熱,以致他們都忘了他們也感染到負面力量、陷入所多麻煩,最終他們也無法治療自己。這些人的結局都是離開霎哈嘉瑜伽。假如你用相片,你同樣也可以治療人,(但你不會引來麻煩)。不要認為治療人是你的職責,或你是一個身體的治療師,你不是,你應該是一個靈性的幫助者。.........我知道某些練習者對自己的治療能力產生癡狂,甚至他們開始定期去医院治療病人,最終他們自己也成為医院的病人!(1979-12-10)
假如一個霎哈嘉練習者嘗試去治療病人,由於他並無法將此病人放在(隔離的)真空中,所以他自己也會感染到一些問題,他會被吸進去。所以對每一個練習者我總是如此建議:不應該去治療任何人!没有必要用(手)接觸別人的方式來治療他人。你應該用我的相片,你可以給他們我的相片,告訴他們如何治療自己;但你不要去治療他人,因為會給你引來毛病,因為你不是一個 bhoot (亡靈, 註一), 你可能會被重重地攻擊。所以要小心,不要試圖治療人,只需用我的相片。藉著使用相片,被治療的人反而可以產生相信之心(Shraddha),也會比較穩定,而你也不會有問題。
像昨天此處來了一些病人,有一些練習者就有側隱之心,也因此造成了他們輪穴的阻塞。完全沒有必要有同情之心,你會比我更有愛心嗎?有需要將病人帶來這裏嗎?完全是沒有必要!結果只造成更多人輪穴阻塞而已。所以完全不要帶病人來看我,這是不好的行為,以後不要再帶病人來!假如你週遭有病人,只要告訴他們:" 母親會照顧你,你必須使用這相片來做種種的治療,用這相片你會完全被療癒"。
否則,首先在你身上發生的就是:你的心輪會感染。因為治療他人不是你的工作。假如你試圖去做此事,往往只是你的自我讓你認為你應該去治療別人。當你從自我出發去治療他人,你會陷入麻煩之中。並非你没有能力去治療,你是有此能力,但是你必須到達相當的水準才可以-----即你試圖去治療他人時,你不會變成超意識的人格(supraconscious personality, 註二),即你不會變成自我導向(ego-oriented)。但是幾乎所有那些去治療他人的練習者最終都變成如此,最後也都離開霎哈嘉瑜伽,他們都變成像靈媒(mediums)一樣。當他們打電話給我時,我感覺猶如有人在我耳朶灌毒藥一般。他們變成很可怕的人,你們是難以想像的。(1983-02-01)
註一:Shri Mataji 提過許多號稱能治療人的假導師,他們只是把病人身上的bhoot(亡魂) 趕走,而後再將另一個bhoot 放到病人身上而已。
註二:Shri Mataji 提過一些住在超意識界的亡魂都有很大的自我,他們生前都有很大的計劃及野心,例如有些偉大的医生死後仍積極地想從超意識界來治療世人。
註三:Shri Mataji談及不要治療他人的談話有數十篇之多,此譯文只翻譯數篇有代表性的談話。
註四:摘譯自1979-12-10, 1980-01-27, 1980-12-01, 1983-02-01, 1992-03-15, 1993-03-20。
to cure people is not your job at all by any chance, you must remember this. No
Sahaj Yogi should take to curing people. They can use my photograph. But not to
take to curing, because it means you are a big philanthropic personality. I
have seen people who have been curing, get into such a mania of curing, that
they forget that they are also catching something and they are also getting
some troubles and they never cure them self, ultimately I find they get out of
Sahaj Yoga. But with the Photograph you can cure people. Do not think that it
is your duty that you are a great sort-of-a… what you call a… benefactor,
physical benefactor, no, you are not. You are a spiritual benefactor but as a
byproduct, the body of the person improves because if Christ has to be
awakened, if God has to come in this body, then this body is to be cleansed. It
is done by Kundalini.
it does not have a separate work like hospitals. I have known people who [WERE
…del] went so mad with their power of curing that they started visiting
regularly the hospitals, and they ended up in the hospital only. (1979-12-10)
you start making money out of it I’ll stop it. I do many things by which I just
stop it. And then you cannot have that power in you. On the contrary, you will
suffer quite a lot, because you do not know how to protect yourself from
all these bad things.
I have to request you that before starting curing others, you first cure
yourself fully and also you can use My photographs for curing other people. But
you must know that there is a very subtle thing in human beings that they want,
that everybody should say that, “Oh, you are great, you have cured so many
people!” in a very subtle way, on a very subtle base. So, one should
not bother about all these things. One should keep completely detached
about it. Because for one day or two day, or for say about a year people will
come to you, “Get this man cured, that man cured.” And then you will find that
you have found nothing, they were all bubbles, all lost and completely
vanished into thin air!
do not cure anyone. If you have to cure people, then you please give them the
photograph and ask them to work on them. You have got power to handle My
photograph and give it to others. You have lots of powers which normally common
people don’t have because I do not tell them many things that I tell you.
And thus you are a person of a very rare quality and a rare blessing. (1980-01-27)
And please do not start curing people.
Otherwise, I’ll find all the sick patients in Sahaja Yoga. They are not to
cure; it’s finished now. Better not do it. What’s the use of curing these
people? They are so ungrateful. They have no sense at all and they don’t want
to do Sahaja Yoga. We are not interested in such useless people. Those who come
to Sahaja Yoga will improve in their health automatically. You don’t have to
give them any treatment. They can work it out on the photograph. That’s all;
that’s the end of it. (1980-12-01)
a Sahaja Yogi, if he tries to cure somebody – because he cannot put somebody
else in the vacuum – he gets a problem himself. He’s sucked in. So, My advice
is always for every Sahaja Yogi that you should not cure anyone. There is no
need for you to cure by touching. You should use My photograph, you can
distribute My photograph, tell people how to cure themselves. But don’t cure
anybody because you will have problems, because you are not a bhoot. And your
will be hit hard. So be careful about it, don’t try to cure anyone, only use
the photograph. By using the photograph the shraddha will be there, the person
will be steady, and you’ll be all right.
like yesterday we had some patient here. And some people felt the compassion,
you know, for that. And they all caught up. There was no need to feel
compassion. Have you got more compassion than I have? What was the need to
bring the patient here? There was no need. But they both got caught up. So
there is no need to bring any patients to Me. That’s not the way to behave.
Never bring any patient. If there’s a patient, leave them alone. Tell them,
“Mother will look after you. We have nothing to say. You. There’s a photograph,
you must use the photograph, get your treatment done with the photograph, and
you get cured.”
first thing that will happen to you, that you’ll catch on your Center Heart.
Because that’s not your job. You are not to do that. If you try to do it,
actually it is your ego sometimes that makes you think that you should cure a
person, sometimes. And when you try to do through your ego, you get into
trouble. Not that you cannot cure. You can. But you have to be of that level,
when you try to cure a person you do not become a supraconcious personality,
means you do not become ego-oriented. But they do, ultimately, all of them.
Those who have tried to cure others, and do like that, they have gone out of
Sahaja Yoga completely, becoming just mediums. They have become mediums,
horrible people. When they talk on the phone, I feel somebody’s pouring poison
into my ears. They are so horrid, that you can’t imagine.
it is important for people who get Realization not to indulge into any curing
because they will develop this Center Heart very much. (1983-02-01)
About curing people. I think there’s a
book about it, how to cure people. You don’t have to touch them, you take a
bandhan before giving Realization to anybody yourself. And give a bandhan to
that person, then give Realization. Otherwise there could be complications.
Also use the photographs. Photograph is the best because you don’t suffer. Put
person before the photograph, you stand behind and raise the Kundalini. First
see what’s wrong with the person. Supposing his right side is hot then you have
to raise the left put it to the right, at least seven times. Then his right
side will be cooler. Then you raise his Kundalini. Without giving the balance
don’t raise the Kundalini, first you must give the balance and then raise the
Kundalini, is safer. And also you can give this balance with very great ease if
you first take yourself into bandhan. But don’t touch them, just don’t touch
them. You can raise the Kundalini standing behind them, there’s no need to
touch them.
And I used to cure people one ofter so
many people were cured, but still they would not come to Sahaja Yoga. No
commitment, nothing. They never felt any responsibility that they should help
others, but on the contrary they would collect so many if I cured one person,
he would collect ten more and bring it to Me. Like an agency evolved. Also so
many Sahaja Yogis in countries started curing people. They found that all
people who were cured were useless, were no good for Sahaja Yoga. So I told
them, Use My photograph. Best is to use My photograph, then you won’t catch and
they will develop that shraddha, that sort of a dedication, at least for the
photograph. Then, gradually, they’ll come to Sahaja Yoga. (1993-03-20)