*** 錫呂克里希納與無執 ***
錫呂克里希納(Shri Krishna)的一生可以說是完全的無執與抽離,甚至當祂和亞周那(Arjuna)去打仗時也是如此,祂說:"我只是幫你駕駛馬車,我不使用武器"。在薄迦梵歌(Gita)中有記錄他們之間很有名的對話,戰爭即將進行,而祂卻對亞周那談哲學,我們是很難想像祂的抽離與無執。亞周那問他:"我怎能去殺戮呢?對方都是我的親戚、我的老師、我的朋友,我如何能去殺他們呢?",錫呂克里希納答道:"他們都已經(早就)死了!任何生命終就會死亡,所以你必須上戰場殺死他們!"。錫呂克里希納並非在鼓勵暴力殺戮,而是說那些人是違反正法,他們是殘暴的人,他們已犯了許多罪,他們是需要被懲罰的,不論你殺不殺他,他們是猶如已死,並不是你殺人,而是上天要殺他們。
亞周那接著問:"假如是如此,為什麼你要我去上戰場,去造這些業(karma)呢?",錫呂克里希納用一個很善巧的方式來回答他:"你去做你該做的事,而將你的業都放在我的蓮足(My Feet)之前"。其實這是不可能的,只要你知道是你在做此事,不論是來自"自我"或其他,只要有這個"我"存在你之内,那麼你就造了業,是不可能將"業"放在錫呂克里希納的蓮足之前,由祂來承擔。正如一個謀殺犯殺了人,然後說:"我將這一切放在神的蓮足之前",這當然不可能免去其惡業。其實錫呂克里希納的說法必須在你得到自覺後,你才可能明瞭。當你真正感覺到你没有在做任何事,此時你的行事作為變成"不造業"(akharma),即是如同你没有做任何事,雖然你做了某事,但你不覺得你去做此事。例如有一次我要一位練習者去給某人自覺,他回來說:"母親,靈量上不來,這輪穴有阻塞,那邊有問題,所以靈量上不來"。他就像一個第三者在講此事,雖然他是用他的手去提升那個人的靈量,但他不是說:"我去提升他的靈量,但他的靈量上不來。"(註一)
註二: 江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji在錫呂克里希納普祭(Shri Krishna Puja)的談話1993-12-11. JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正.
for that, whether you are at that stage or not, first thing you must notice,
how many times I use the word „I,“ „me.“ „How many times I said, "I saw
this, I enjoyed this, I this, I that“ or „This is my child, this is my house“ –
something like that.
you start using „I“ too much, then you are not detached. Try to introspect.
„How many times I say, "I have got this work to be done, I’ve got to do
this, I must furnish this, I must achieve this, this is the goal of my life?’“
These are all words of illusion. Once you get detached, it’s a state again, I
say. I wouldn’t say that by standing on your head you’ll get detached or
anything like that. It’s a state into which one has to grow.
Shri Krishna’s message all his life was complete detachment. Even when He went
with Arjuna for a war, He said, „I will be just the driver of your chariot, but
I will not raise any weapons, I will not fight. I will be just your charioteer
and if you agree to that condition, I’ll be there.“ Actually, when Arjuna had a
question, „How can I kill? These are my relations. These are my gurus. These
are my close people, my friends. How can I kill them?“ And he became very
depressed. When he became depressed Krishna said that, „Do you know that they’re
already dead? Anything that is born has to die. So you have to kill them.“ Now
people can say that Krishna was preaching violence. No, not that, but what He
said that those people, who are adharmis, who have no sense of dharma, who have
been so cruel, who have been very much against the tradition of dharma, they
have to be killed. Whether you kill them or not, they’re already dead because
they have committed so many sins, they’re already dead. So you should not think
that you are killing. But it’s a Divine which is going to kill them, so-called
killing. And so the war started.
the Gita also, people have very less understanding as to what He wanted to
communicate. The first thing – I mean the war is on and He’s talking about
philosophy, can you imagine the detachment of a person. The first thing He told
him, that you should take to ghyana [???]. „Ghyan“ means bhod [???]. Bhod, as
you know, is only possible through enlightenment. So He said you should take to
ghyana, to bhod, which is enlightenment. But people don’t understand ghyan.
They think that by reading books, by reading all kinds of – there are so many
criticisms of Gita, reading, all that, or understanding [???]. There are many
in this country who are giving lectures on Shri Krishna. In their own lives,
they are horrible.
He first – He told the best thing to be done, that is the only thing to be
done. He was a – not a businessman. The businessman will tell you first
something which is not so good, then better, better, better [???]. But He said,
outright, that that is the one by which you become Sitya Pragya [???] – means
Sahaj Yogi. He said clearly. But Arjuna said then, „If it is so, why do you
want to me to go on war, to do this karma?“ That is also very much
misunderstood. Only after realization, you can understand what He meant by
doing karma. He has said it very clearly. That you do your work, karmas, your
whatever you have to do, your action and put it at My Lotus Feet,“ which is an
impossible situation, as long as you have the sense that you are doing
something, [???] that due to ego, you might call it, as long as you have this
feeling within you or maybe when there is still that “I” is existing within
you, you may think that, „I’m putting it at the Lotus Feet of God,“ but you
don’t. Because Shri Krishna knew after Arjuna asked the question, that human
nature is not straight forward, they won’t understand in a straightforward way,
so He was diplomatically, He told them, „All right, put everything at My Feet
which you cannot do.“ So people tried that. Ages they have tried and they have
found out, it doesn’t work out that way. „Whatever we do, we feel responsible
for it. So why should we think that we are putting at the Lotus Feet of Shri
Krishna?“ For example, some people who were murderers, they would say, „All
right, we have murdered, all right, but we have put it at the Lotus Feet of
God.“ This kind of a delusion happened. I mean there were horrible people in
this country who used to kill travellers in the name of Goddess. All these misunderstandings,
we [???] them, they started doing it.
He said that, „Your karmas should be at My Lotus Feet.“ It’s only possible
after your realization, when you really feel that you’re not doing anything. We
ask a Sahaja Yogi to give realization to somebody. He tells Me, „It’s not
going. It’s not working.“ He talks like a third person. He becomes a third
person. He never thinks that he is doing it. He is raising the kundalini
himself with his own hand. He doesn’t say, „I am doing it“ or he’ll just say, „It
doesn’t work out, Mother. Doesn’t work out.“ „What’s the matter?“ He would just
say, „This chakra is there. This problem is there,“ but he would never say
that, „I am doing it.“
this karma, this action becomes akharma, means non-action. Though you’re acting,
doing everything, still you don’t feel you are doing any. That’s why he said –
“Normally, people wouldn’t take to Self-realisation, so better to give them
this condition that whatever you do you put at the Lotus Feet of God.“