*** 發揮運用你的注意力 ***
前言:本談話前段主要講注意力及無思慮靜觀的注意力等等,接著Shri Mataji更進一步談到運用注意力,譯者特別翻譯此部分。
當你經常可以保持靜坐般的注意力(譯者:即無思慮、靜觀一切的注意力),你就會開始(更進一步)成長,此時你的注意力會變成被喚醒、被點亮(enlightened)的注意力。現在你的任務就是更進一步運用你的注意力,不要只是説我在享受,也要運用、發揮(motivate)你的注意力,將它用在各種問題上。例如你們有一個全國性的問題,你們大家可以(一起)將注意力放在那問題,如此是可以解決那個問題。因為你們是無所不在的神聖力量的管道(the channel of this All-pervading Power),而這個力量一直試圖為你們新人類創造一個新世界。假如你們都決定要運用你們的注意力、導引它來發揮其作用,那麼外在世界的演進變化是可以很快速的。
江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji在Mahashivaratri Puja的談話1996-03-03. JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正.
But now,
once you start growing by meditative attention, what happens’ that your
attention becomes enlightened. Now the job is to motivate your attention. It’s
not just to enjoy, but to motivate it, to put it to problems. Now supposing you
have some problem on a national basis – you all can put your attention to that
and things will work out. Because you are the channel of this All-pervading
Power which is trying to create a new world for you, new human beings. And this
evolution can take place very fast if you all decide that: “whatever we have
now within ourselves, we should motivate it, we should direct it and put this
attention to some use.” It should not be wasted. Whatever wealth we have, it
should not be wasted.