*** 昆達里尼穿越頭蓋骨之後 ***
當昆達里尼升起且穿越囟門的頭蓋骨,你就和無所不在的力量連結上,這力量就是神聖的愛(Divine Love),此刻就是實現真正的"洗禮"(baptism)。
此時首先發生在你身上的,就是你進入無思慮的覺知(thoughtless awareness)狀態,平時我們的思緒(thoughts)不是想到未來,就是想到過去,而不是想到現在,現在的當下才是真實的,過去已經結束了,它已不存在,未來則尚未發生,也是不存在,但是事實上,人就是無法處在當下。平常人的腦袋是一個又一個的思緒來了又走,人就是在這些過去和未來的眾多思緒中跳躍。但是當昆達里尼升起時,它會拉長(elongate)這些思緒(註一),然後在兩個思緒中產生出一個空檔,這個(没有思緒的)空檔就是"現在"、"當下",此時你的心智頭腦不再起反應(reflection),你完全處在自己的寧靜之中,但此刻的你是有覺知的,有完全的覺知,可是你毫無思緒的。當你和這無所不在的力量連結時,這力量本身是完全平安、没有衝突的,所以你(也)會變得完全安祥、平靜,此時上天的祝福與喜樂會傾注到你身上,而這份安祥平靜會散播到周遭,你會讓周圍的人感到祥和,所有不是真理的想法都會褪去,所以你會體悟到上帝正是這祥和的來源,因而你可以散播這祥和到周遭。此時你變成大我的一小部分,你這個小水滴成為海洋的一部分。
另外一件美好的事也會發生在你身上,即你的注意力(attention, 註二)會得到啓發(enlightened)。在受到啓發的注意力中,你會體會到萬物一體(the totality of the whole),你的注意力會充滿愛和慈悲,你會看到他人的優點,而且你會試著去幫助那些需要你幫助的人。
然後在你開始給其他人自覺之後,你會進入另一個階段,即無疑惑的覺知(doubtless awareness)狀態,即你對霎哈嘉瑜伽、對我、對霎哈嘉是否能夠成就、對你自己都不再有疑惑了。
註一:Shri Mataji 在其他談話也如此說過,但是''拉長思緒''卻很少被翻譯出來,反而常被翻成''拉開思緒'',譯者以為那是誤譯,因為elongate完全無''拉開''的涵義,它的意思就是伸長、延長。譯者的體驗是:當人進入無思慮的覺知狀態時,人不會在諸多思緒中跳來跳去,頭腦整個沉澱下來,此時的思緒緩慢而像拉長了。在影帶中Shri
註二:Shri Mataji 常用的 attention 不完全等於中文的注意力。中文的注意力常指眼光所及的外在之處,Shri
Mataji 的
attention 則更包括内在的思緒、想像、情緒等等,即泛指"腦筋轉到的那裏"。
Mataji在醫學會議的談話1995-09-19。JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。
But experience, experiencing that this Kundalini rises and
pierces through your fontanelle bone area. And the result, you get connected
with this all-pervading power of Divine Love. It is no lecture. It is no
sermon. This is the actualization of your baptism.
If you are wise, you will understand that we are not living in a
very peaceful world. So first thing happens to you is that you become
thoughtlessly aware. When we are thinking, we are thinking of the future or the
past, but not of the present. Present is the reality. Past is finished. Future
doesn’t exist. But we can not be in the present, is a fact. So now, one thought
rises, falls, another thought rises and falls and we are jumping on the cusp of
these thoughts of the past and future. But when Kundalini rises, she elongates
these thoughts and there is a space created in-between. That is the present,
when you don’t have a reflecting mind, you are absolutely at peace with
yourself. You’re aware, absolutely aware, but you are thoughtless.......... All
right, so you become absolutely peaceful and when you get connected with this
all-pervading power, which is peace, absolute peace, no conflict. Bliss starts
pouring into you and the peace spreads around. You make others peaceful. All
ideas which are not truthful drop out. So you know one thing – that God is the
source of peace. That’s how you can spread peace. .........
Another good thing happens to you is that your attention becomes
enlightened. .........But your attention will become enlightened. In that
enlightened attention, firstly, you see the totality of the whole. It is
enlightened with love and compassion. You see the good points of others and try
to help who need your help. .......
Then second thing happens to your attention, that this
enlightened attention gives you the right path, righteous path. Overnight,
overnight, people have given up drugs, alcohol, all destructive things. In the
West, idea is we must enjoy every moment of our life, but every enjoyment is
self-destructive. With Sahaja Yog you enjoy without getting into destruction.
You enjoy all the nature. You enjoy all the human beings. You enjoy all the
innate religion – innate, again I say innate, not superficial. All this is
available to you, is your own, which you have to have.
Now this attention is also powerful. Yesterday they told Me,
“Mother, it will be cold, very cold in Leningrad.” I told Sahaja Yogis, “You
just pay attention, the sun will be there at your service.” It was sunny
yesterday. [speaks aside] So you can order it, all the nature to be at your
lotus feet because now you have become one with this Divine Power. This Divine
Power is the one which creates seasons, which creates everything. It has
created you. It has created all of you – and you, whatever is good for you, it
will do, not something bad. If you think that somebody should be killed, it
won’t work out. But after Realization, after becoming the Spirit, you don’t
think of bad things.
Then the another very important thing happens to you, that
wherever you put your attention, you can even give Realization to people. Like
one candle is enlightened, can enlighten many candles, thousands and thousands.
So then, after you start giving Realizations to others, you
become another state is doubtless aware, where you have no doubts about Sahaj
Yoga, about Me, about the workings of Sahaja Yoga – also doubts about yourself.
That level, once you have to achieve.