*** 拋棄你的特殊感 ***
註一:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji的談話1995-05-07。JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。
Also, in Sahaja Yoga you have lost your specialities. Some of
them think they are very special. Supposing I call some lady to put, say, some
altar on My Feet. She starts thinking she is very special, but I just call her
because I know she has a horrible Agya and I have to clear it out. And when
somebody told Me, “Mother, she thinks she is something very special”, I said
“really, what makes her think like that?” “Because You call her to put some
altar on Your Feet”. I said, “I just call her that she has such a horrid ugly Agya,
that she will trouble everyone, so I want to clear it”. So, either I should
have told her that “you are a very egoistical, horrible, and all the words that
are possible, “otherwise she won’t understand. It is so surprising. There is
one lady who was really very nasty to her in-laws and everybody in India, and
she came to see Me. I actually scolded her, I said “what business you had to
behave like this here? Your father, who was such a racist – you never said a
word against him, now why are you talking so much against these people?” – I
scolded her! And she went out and told – “Oh, look at me – Mother has called me
– nobody is allowed to see Her” – I said, “What’s this?” It’s a very funny
situation with people – I sometimes feel. The way they think they are something
special and they should make themselves special, it is becoming really
difficult. Now, just to show my love, to appreciate something, people have,
gone down !! – and if you give some present to that person or you show concern
about that person because he’s done some good work or something, he starts
thinking he’s something special. I mean, it is an impossible situation, because
I expect that if I have done anything good to that person, or in anyway
suggested my concern about a person, that person has to become a very good
Sahaja Yogi, in the sense – the most humble and honest and loving person,
otherwise it has no meaning. No use being good to anyone if that means that
person jumps into hell. So, this one is also another idea of speciality, that
they have lost their sense of speciality.
When a drop becomes the ocean, it has become the ocean but it’s
not the drop anymore. If anybody thinks I’m a special person then know that you
are no more an ocean, you are still the drop, because, unless and until you are
the drop, how can you feel that I’m something special. So, you have lost your
speciality, you have lost it because all these ideas of speciality comes from
your past.
This stupid idea of being special has to be completely negated
in Sahaja Yoga. Not mentally, not mentally. Mentally if you are again saying
“I’m not special, I’m not special, like a mantra, you’ll become much more –
because you will say “I’ve said this mantra 23,000 times – who can say like me.
So this idea, I’m something special, I’m something great, I’m something out of
the blue, something superior to others, just vanishes. Like as I said, you are
a drop in the sea. You have become the ocean but you are no more a drop to have
it a relative value system, there’s no relative value system. There’s no system
by which you can say that I’m higher or he’s lower – all that has created all
the problems of the world. See, from our cast system in India, the social
systems in the west, the racialism in the west, also self-consciousness of – my
religion is better, yours is worst, we are the best. All these things have
created problems. It has done no good, it has failed and failed and failed. So,
in Sahaja Yoga, at least don’t bring this disease anymore – that I’m better,
our country’s better. This speciality you should drop and the real beauty of
your personality reached. For that, you don’t need a special skin, you don’t
need a special body, you don’t need a special – what you can call – a glamorous
look. What you need is a beautiful heart ! And, I tell you, it is the beautiful
heart that attracts – nothing else. It’s the beautiful heart that you want to