*** 普祭的秘密 ***
註一:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji在頂輪普祭(Sahastrara
Puja)的談話1980-05-05。JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。
I bless you all with your sincerity and today I have to tell you
a few more secrets about Sahaj Yog is that, for the puja we should not get
people who are of mediocre nature because to bear up puja is very difficult.
People [who] have not yet understood the value of my Being, of my feet of my
hands they cannot, they do not deserve to be here. So do not get anybody
because he is your friend, or a sister, or a brother just down here. Is wrong.
You are spoiling the chances of the poor person because it is too much for him,
he cannot bear it. It is meant for very few people. So remember that it is not
meant for many people.
Now what we call as the charan-amrut is, means the ambrose of my
feet, or you can say ambrose of my feet, is not meant for everyone. Neither the
blessings of the puja are not meant for everyone. So try to avoid people who
are not yet fully equipped. First thing they will start is doubting. If they do
not doubt, also, there will be a problem with the protocol. They won’t be able
to accept it with that protocol.
It’s a very great privilege to be here and this privilege cannot
be granted to every person. If you could understand this is the secret of Sahaj
Yoga and in this secret you have to get very few people to begin with.
Everything is going to be exposed one day, but not to everyone. If you can
recognise this that you are privileged, then you will behave in a way that you
have been given this privilege. ......
If you can look at yourself as how privileged
you are and understanding it, understanding what all Sahaj Yoga is, then you
will understand that – what a privilege it is for you to be here, what [good]
fortune, what reward for what you have done. How many lives have been
completely rewarded by being here. This will help you to do puja in a more
sincere manner.
Now we must meditate, also, after puja, because
my vibrations you do not suck in without meditation I have seen. And always it
happens – so far I have had very few pujas in which my whole vibrations were
sucked in. If you have sincerity about it, really the sincerity part of it,
you’ll suck all my vibrations. Tell your mind not to ask questions and to
misbehave but to suck the vibrations clearly. This is for your own nourishment,
for your own growth, for your own enjoyment.