2019年12月29日 星期日


*** 無思慮靜觀的空檔 ***

關於靜坐,我們必須瞭解我們要處在無思慮的靜觀(thoughtless awareness)狀態,當你腦袋有很多思緒時,你是活在未來或是活在過去,而不是活在當下的現在。

當你開始靜坐時,你必須說Nirvichar 的口訣(註一),這就是無思慮的靜觀狀態,如此你的思緒會延緩拉長(elongate,註二),在兩個思緒之間會有一個(很小的)空檔,這個空檔就是現在(the present)


註一:應是這個口訣 "Aum Twamewa Sakshat Nirvichara",請參見譯文"導師與無思慮(之一)"

註二:Shri Mataji 在其他談話也如此說過,但是''拉長思緒''卻很少被翻譯出來,反而常被翻成''拉開思緒'',譯者以為那是誤譯,因為elongate完全無''拉開''的涵義,它的意思就是伸長、延長。譯者的體驗是:當人進入無思慮的覺知狀態時,人不會在諸多思緒中跳來跳去,頭腦整個沉澱下來,此時的思緒緩慢而像拉長了。請參見譯文"昆達里尼穿越頭蓋骨之後"

註三江瑞凱摘譯自Shri MatajiBogotaColombia Puja談話1992-10-12JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

Now regarding meditation, one has to understand that we have to be in thoughtless awareness.

When you are thinking then you are in the future or in the past.

But you are not in the present.

But when you start meditating you have to say the mantra Nirvichar

It’s thoughtless awareness.

So your thoughts will elongate and there will be a space in between.

That is the present.

And when the Kundalini rises she also makes it wider.

Then you can grow much faster in your spirituality.

And that is the real way of growing.

This power is within you. It’s there already existing and is working it out, also

But we have to meditate collectively as well as individually.

Collectively because is a work of the whole.