2017年7月25日 星期二




要達到導師的狀態,首先你們必須要培養一些能力(faculties),第一個能力是你可以達到無思慮(thoughtless)的狀態。(最初)在靜坐時你可以進入無思慮的狀態一小段時間,慢慢地,這短暫的時間應該可以逐步增長,即你可以有一段時間是沒有任何思緒的,我們可以說這是一種狀態。如何達到這種狀態呢?人們總以為必須要很努力做一些事才可以達成某一狀態,他們不知道事情有時是可以自然而然地發生。在霎哈嘉裏,我們有一個很簡單的口訣(mantra)來讓你自然而然達到無思慮的狀態,即 "Nirvichara"。所以當你看(外在的)任何事物時,你唸頌此口訣 "Aum Twamewa Sakshat Nirvichara",然後你就可以開始只是單純地看著,如旁觀者(witness)一般,靜靜地看,而沒有任何的思緒。這單純的看的本身就會在內裏創造出這種無思慮的狀態,這是非常的重要的,此時你變成一個旁觀者。當你是一個旁觀者時,你會看到這個的標的物的全貌,既看到内在精微的部分,也看到外觀粗糙的部分。你不只看到了它,也知道了它,做為一個霎哈嘉瑜伽士,它變成了你的知識(knowledge)


所以當你無思慮觀外界時,就没有任何思緒來阻礙你完全看到這外界的全部,來吸收外界的的知識(譯者:即此例中的"紅石頭")。此時由於没有思緒的干擾,百分之百完全吸收就自然而然地發生。然後在適當的時機,它就展現出來(譯者:在此例中就以你的知識展現出來:"那裏有紅石頭")。這就是當你進入無思慮的狀態時,上天的力量(Divine Power) 如何在你内裏運作的方式。這也是我很少會忘記事情的原因,很多人都應該注意到我有這個特點。





註三: 江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 在導師普祭(Guru Puja)的談話1992-07-19. JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正.

Yesterday, you had asked me for the status of a Guru. It’s a state, It is not a status because status is external, can be bestowed upon anyone, and anybody can say that, “This is your status.” For something external merit, or something, you can give a status to a person. It is a state. ‘State’ means the innate being, evolved to that level that you become the master. Of course, you have to be your own master to begin with. No doubt about it. If you are not even your own master then how you can achieve that state?

Now as I say it is innate; then one starts thinking, “If it is innate, in a Sahaj way, how do we achieve it?” There are certain faculties which we have to develop to begin with.

The first faculty is if we can become thoughtless. In meditation you can become thoughtless for a short time. Gradually this short time should go on increasing – that you are without any thought. This happens also as we can say is a state, but how do we achieve that, again? Because human beings cannot understand that anything can happen spontaneously it has to be done some…something has to be done. For that, in Sahaj, we have something very, very simple, that you have got a mantra as ‘nirvichara’.

So now you watch anything saying the mantra, “Aum Twameva sakshat nirvichara,” then you’ll start seeing that, witnessing that, without thinking. Just see, witness. Just seeing itself creates that state within us the first state, is very important, that you become the witness, the sakshi. As soon as you become a sakshi, the whole thing whatever you are seeing gives you a complete idea, subtle as well as gross, of that thing. You see it and you know it and, as a Sahaja Yogi, it becomes your knowledge. We can say, in the modern terminology, that you see something, it gets recorded in your mind and it manifests joy, it manifests knowledge, it manifests compassion, whatever may [be] the situation. Because now you have many dimensions which you have to develop, these dimensions are to be developed.

Now supposing you go and meet someone with whom you have to deal. He’s talking, talking, talking. Just become thoughtless. So now, what is the thing that will happen as soon as you become thoughtless? First his thoughts, his bombardment, will not touch you because you are in a different realm altogether. But in that realm your power will manifest: it may cool him down, it may shut him down or maybe he may just feel tremendous love for you............

So many people must have noticed that I seldom forget things. Like once I was travelling and I saw some red stones near Sangamner, and when I said that why not we have some red stones for Pratishtan. They said, “But there are no red stones in the whole of Maharashtra.” I said, “There are.” “Where?” I said, “Go on the way of…you’ll find them near Sangamner.” They said, “We have travelled so much that way, we’ve never seen it.” I said, “I don’t know what you are seeing, you know, what you are watching, I have definitely seen.” When they went there they saw mountains and mountains of these red stones and they never noticed it even!

So now, when you start witnessing something without thought there’s no obstruction for absorbing the knowledge about that thing because there’s no thought. It’s complete absorption takes place. And then it manifests. This is how the Divine Power works within us.