*** 明辨力與額輪(之六) ***
state of enjoyment)。這個狀態是你們必須去達到的,你們應該變成那個狀態的存在體。......
一個很有音樂素養的人來到濕婆神前面唱歌,祂欣然接受;一個魯莽的人在祂前面亂唱,祂也不介意。對祂而言這些都無所謂,祂不是那種音樂應是如何、每個音符都要正確、小心翼翼的那種人,祂不介意唱對或唱錯,祂是超越這些,祂是超越這些人類慣有的種種型式。祂是超越的,祂就是靈性(spirituality)本身,他是超越這些(表面的)東西。不論你是否是音樂家或藝術家或其他的人,祂都享受你的表演,祂是一個享受者。只要單純的、來自內心的演出,祂都會去享受,祂不是一個有制約的人,認為表演必須是現代的或應如何等等,祂沒有任何這些制約,祂不像那些注重型式細節、小心翼翼翼的人們。 .....
( https://sahajataiwan.blogspot.com/2019/04/blog-post.html
註二:江瑞凱綜合整理摘譯自Shri Mataji明善輪普祭(Hamsa Puja)的談話1991-04-28. JSM !這是一篇很長的談話,Shri
Mataji 逐一談各個輪穴應該有什麼明辨力,譯者將之分成數篇。敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹指正。
So this
works up to the Agnya Chakra. We can say that all these discretionary powers
are within you, they are built in, they are spontaneous, and you have to just
allow them to grow, by meditating, by watching yourself every minute, every
second, whether are you enjoying yourself or not? So the whole of discretion
rests on one point: how far you are enjoying Sahaja Yoga, what a nice thing!
Like yesterday, I was meeting every sort of a person, and some, some of them felt I was exerting too much Myself. No, no, no, no, not at all! I was enjoying all of them. Sahaja Yoga is a very big joker – very big joker. Say, a person comes up to you, you talk to that person. It’s a drama behind every individual and you discover what a drama this individual was. No need to go to any theatre or any film. [Laughter]
Every personality is a drama, very enjoyable if you just want to see the drama and if you just know that, oh, you have to watch the drama, you have to see it. Only painful part is that as a guru, I have to tell them this is not good, that is not good. That’s the only painful thing. I wish I could have avoided it somehow, but it’s not possible. Because from the darkness to the sunlight you have to come out, and you’re holding My hand so I have to tell you that be careful, it’s a very, very small road and both the sides you can fall off into Ida and Pingala. So hold My hand tightly, we have to go further, further, further. Don’t look this side, that side, that’s all. And this is what it is when you have discretion to put your hand into the hands of your Guru. Then you don’t do anything. You just watch everyone, see everyone and only thing you do is to enjoy. Whether you do it or not is not the point, but you are in the state of enjoyment, completely in the state of enjoyment. And that is the state we have to achieve, and should become that state as our own being. ......
Like yesterday, I was meeting every sort of a person, and some, some of them felt I was exerting too much Myself. No, no, no, no, not at all! I was enjoying all of them. Sahaja Yoga is a very big joker – very big joker. Say, a person comes up to you, you talk to that person. It’s a drama behind every individual and you discover what a drama this individual was. No need to go to any theatre or any film. [Laughter]
Every personality is a drama, very enjoyable if you just want to see the drama and if you just know that, oh, you have to watch the drama, you have to see it. Only painful part is that as a guru, I have to tell them this is not good, that is not good. That’s the only painful thing. I wish I could have avoided it somehow, but it’s not possible. Because from the darkness to the sunlight you have to come out, and you’re holding My hand so I have to tell you that be careful, it’s a very, very small road and both the sides you can fall off into Ida and Pingala. So hold My hand tightly, we have to go further, further, further. Don’t look this side, that side, that’s all. And this is what it is when you have discretion to put your hand into the hands of your Guru. Then you don’t do anything. You just watch everyone, see everyone and only thing you do is to enjoy. Whether you do it or not is not the point, but you are in the state of enjoyment, completely in the state of enjoyment. And that is the state we have to achieve, and should become that state as our own being. ......
So the
discretion, at that time, is to know that you are here for your ascent and for
nothing else. And that has to work spontaneously only by just finding out Joy
and Joy-giving things.
It is not so difficult if you allow the spontaneity to work it, but they told Me that: “Mother, we have to do this, we have to do that. What to do? This and that.” Just leave it at that point. Just leave it, and everything will work out. You are not doing anything. You are not really doing anything. It’s this all-pervading Power, which is so efficient, is doing everything for you.
It is not so difficult if you allow the spontaneity to work it, but they told Me that: “Mother, we have to do this, we have to do that. What to do? This and that.” Just leave it at that point. Just leave it, and everything will work out. You are not doing anything. You are not really doing anything. It’s this all-pervading Power, which is so efficient, is doing everything for you.