*** 展現錫呂格涅沙的力量的靜坐方法 ***
註一:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji在錫呂格涅沙普祭(Shri
Ganesha Puja)的談話1983-09-11。JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。
manifest Shri Ganesha, we have to do certain amount of Tapasya – penance. First
we have to say, when we sit for meditation, that: “I am going to be worthy of
Your appreciation. Make me humble, so that I am appreciated by You, and my only
desire is to please You.” Then you sit down in complete preparedness, meditating
over your Mooladhara, putting your attention to it with absolute purity. Now
you have my photograph before you and you tell the photograph, “Mother, You are
Shri Ganesha. You give me wisdom and discretion”. So, attention at the
Mooladhara chakra, which is actually below the sacrum bone. You put your right
hand towards the photograph and left hand on the Mother Earth. Now this wilI
tell you that your mind, or your brain which is full of confusion, which has no
discretion, which is complicated, which does the same mistakes again and again,
which does not understand how to cure the ills of bad thinking. All that can be
cured if you put your right hand towards Me and the left hand to the Mother
Earth. So, in action, you do like that.