------為什麼 Shakti (力量) 是最重要的-------
在印度的古籍經典裏,Shakti (力量) 是最重要的。我們應該來了解爲什麼Shakti 這麼重要。就以"火"為例,什麼是火的力量呢?火可以給你光,可以燃燒東西,這就是火的力量。假如火没有這些力量,火變成不重要的東西了! 誰會在乎火呢?同樣地,一個人若没有靈 (Spirit) 的力量,雖然他内在有靈,但也没有什麼用處。因為我們(原本)並没有靈的力量,所以我們首先必須要先喚醒内在這個 Shakti(力量),而這唯一的方法即是得到你的自覺。我們内在的這個力量是如同媽媽的力量,媽媽和孩子之間是最親愛的關係,所有的愛都經由此關係表現出來。這就爲什麼 Shakti 就如同一位母親一樣。一般媽媽對孩子的感情、愛及耐心,Shakti全部都有。這也為什麼你内在的 Shakti 絕對不會傷害你,因為你是如同祂的小孩。
在所有這些力量( Shakti )中,最高的是昆達里尼 ( Kundalini ),因為没有她,你無法獲得自覺。但是我們可以説比昆達里尼更高的力量,或言互補的力量,即是摩訶拉希什米的力量( Mahalakshmi power )。若没有摩訶拉希什米,你没辦法往上升進。摩訶拉希什米是昆達里尼力量往上升起的階梯,所以這兩個力量都非常重要,彼此也非常相關。
( Lakshmi ) 原理之後才展開了,就像西方世界的人們在物質豐盛、財富滿盈之後開始覺得有所不足,他們開始想:我們真正獲得了什麼?我們現在有一大堆問題、有很多不平衡,我們應如何做呢?我們應該再回到平衡的生活,但是如何做呢?
我們必須有靈的真正知識 (aadhyatma),要知道這知識,你的昆達里尼必須先被喚醒,如此你才能連接到這無所不在的力量 ( all-pervading Power )。一旦你連接上了,你就與這能量合而爲一,你的内在也會得到轉換。(之後)因為你的内在有光,在這光照之下,你能看到你所有的問題、所有的缺陷,而且你知道如何去改正它。所以霎哈嘉瑜伽是最容易的途徑來達到轉變與昇進。
我們必須有靈的真正知識 (aadhyatma),要知道這知識,你的昆達里尼必須先被喚醒,如此你才能連接到這無所不在的力量 ( all-pervading Power )。一旦你連接上了,你就與這能量合而爲一,你的内在也會得到轉換。(之後)因為你的内在有光,在這光照之下,你能看到你所有的問題、所有的缺陷,而且你知道如何去改正它。所以霎哈嘉瑜伽是最容易的途徑來達到轉變與昇進。
基督教把摩訶拉希什米轉世的聖母瑪利亞( Mary )當成一個女人(woman)而已,這對女神 (Goddess) 是很大的侮辱。除非你接受 Shakti或母親是唯一介在上天( Divinity )和你之間的溝通者,你的靈性成長是没有可能的。
印度人有很大的祝福,因為他們敬重母親為Shakti 。他們知道宇宙萬事皆經由
Shakti 的動作、Shakti的思考、Shakti的協調、Shakti的理解與計劃而完成的,並不是經由全能的上帝而完成的。全能的上帝只是一個旁觀者,是
Shakti 做所有的事。
註一:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 在摩訶拉希什米普祭(Shri
Mahalakshmi Puja)的談話1990-12-21。 JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。
So, one has to realize that in Indian shastras,
scriptures, Shakti is the most important thing. It is to be understood
Because, say now, if you have a light or if you have
fire, what is the power of fire? The power of fire can be that it can give you
light, it can burn away things, but supposing it does not have its power, then
who’ll care for fire? Nothing. So anybody who hasn’t got the power of being the
Spirit, it is useless.
So this power, this Shakti, has to be awakened within us, because we do not have the power of the Spirit. We have to have the power of the Spirit. That’s only possible if you get your Self Realization. That is the reason it is very important that we should pay attention to our power. Now this power is made as the power of a Mother. Mother is the most loving relationship, and through that relationship all the love is expressed.
That is why the Shakti is that of a Mother, and the affection, the love, the patience that Mother has for Her children, the Shakti too has the same powers, you see, and that is how this Shakti never can harm you.
Out of all these Shaktis, all these powers, highest of all is what we call as the Kundalini, because without Her you cannot get Realization. But also we can say, higher than that, or complementary to that, is Mahalakshmi power.
Without the Mahalakshmi you cannot rise. This is the ladder through which this power of Kundalini can rise. So both the powers are very important and very much related to each other. Mahalakshmi principle starts when we have finished with Lakshmi principle.
Like in the West, people are fed up with affluence, fed up with all the riches and all that, so they are thinking: “What have we achieved? We have gone into imbalances, so what should we do? We have to balance ourselves.” So how do we balance ourselves?
We have to have the knowledge of the Spirit. That is called as aadhyatma. You have to know what is the knowledge of the Spirit, and to know the knowledge of the Spirit Kundalini has to be awakened, and that you are to be connected to this all-pervading Power. Once that happens, you just become one with that energy and you get transformation within yourself, because there is light and in the light you can see all your problems, all your defects; and also if you know how to correct it, is the easiest thing to do is to get transformation in Sahaja Yoga.
So this power, this Shakti, has to be awakened within us, because we do not have the power of the Spirit. We have to have the power of the Spirit. That’s only possible if you get your Self Realization. That is the reason it is very important that we should pay attention to our power. Now this power is made as the power of a Mother. Mother is the most loving relationship, and through that relationship all the love is expressed.
That is why the Shakti is that of a Mother, and the affection, the love, the patience that Mother has for Her children, the Shakti too has the same powers, you see, and that is how this Shakti never can harm you.
Out of all these Shaktis, all these powers, highest of all is what we call as the Kundalini, because without Her you cannot get Realization. But also we can say, higher than that, or complementary to that, is Mahalakshmi power.
Without the Mahalakshmi you cannot rise. This is the ladder through which this power of Kundalini can rise. So both the powers are very important and very much related to each other. Mahalakshmi principle starts when we have finished with Lakshmi principle.
Like in the West, people are fed up with affluence, fed up with all the riches and all that, so they are thinking: “What have we achieved? We have gone into imbalances, so what should we do? We have to balance ourselves.” So how do we balance ourselves?
We have to have the knowledge of the Spirit. That is called as aadhyatma. You have to know what is the knowledge of the Spirit, and to know the knowledge of the Spirit Kundalini has to be awakened, and that you are to be connected to this all-pervading Power. Once that happens, you just become one with that energy and you get transformation within yourself, because there is light and in the light you can see all your problems, all your defects; and also if you know how to correct it, is the easiest thing to do is to get transformation in Sahaja Yoga.
But despite all that, the Motherhood has not been
respected that should have been, in the Bible, which is a very wrong thing,
while Mahalakshmi Herself incarnated as Mother Mary Herself. And to say about
Mahalakshmi as “a woman”, I think is a great insult.
And where women are insulted like this, where the Goddesses are insulted, we cannot expect any spiritual growth unless and until you accept that it’s the Shakti, is the Mother who, who is the only thing that’s the communication between us and the Divinity.
And where women are insulted like this, where the Goddesses are insulted, we cannot expect any spiritual growth unless and until you accept that it’s the Shakti, is the Mother who, who is the only thing that’s the communication between us and the Divinity.
So this is a very big blessing in India, that they
respect Mother as the Shakti, and that the whole thing is done by the movement
of the Shakti, by the thinking of the Shakti, by the coordination and the
understanding and the planning of the Shakti only. It’s not done by God
Almighty, He’s just a spectator. She does everything.( 1990-12-21