2016年10月4日 星期二

拉希什米(Lakshmi) 與保護

------拉希什米(Lakshmi) 與保護------



註一:Shri Mataji 向前伸出右手,右手掌向前。
註二:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri MatajiDiwali Puja的談話1990-10-21. JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正.

The another hand is like this. That means She gives you protection. If you don’t feel protected with money, throw it away. Just run away from it. Headache. But also She gives protection to others. A person who has Lakshmi, he has family, he has children, he has everyone. The worst thing I’ve seen [is] that in the West the parents don’t give any money to their children when they grow up. Then don’t look after them but they are so possessive! On the contrary, in India we give all our lives to our children and we are least possessive. And they are even possessive of the grandchildren. That’s why the families are like this here.
So the whole system has gone in a funny way, chaotic. So it is important for Sahaja yogis to understand that they will first of all look after their children, give them whatever they need, nourish them, give them guidance, don’t spoil them. And, secondly, once they are married and have children they will not try to possess them and possess their children, their wives.
And this protection that is given is the protection of a mother. Say you are working in an office, you’re working in a hospital, you’re working in a factory, anywhere you are working, all other people who are working under you are your children, are to be treated like that and they are to feel like that. They have to feel it’s a family. Try this!
My husband, I told him that, “You treat your office as your family.” So early in the morning they used to arrive from Calcutta, about say five o’clock, by plane. And I would Myself cook their breakfast and give it to them. They were just ordinary clerks. Because this is how through the protection, through the care, through the love you can make them so dynamic and that is how the Lakshmi tattwa will increase. Otherwise there will be strikes, there will be fights. This is the enlightenment! (