2016年11月25日 星期五



Shri Mataji 如是回答:
.........重點是我的相片是有能量(vibration)的,不只它有巨大的能量,而且可以用它來治療病人。有一次一對夫妻專程來找我,那時我正在印度一個偏遠的村莊,他們希望我能幫他小孩,那個小男孩人在美國,罹患了可怕的血癌。我找人通知一位住在紐約的霎哈嘉靜坐練習者去看他。她只用我的相片就治好了他的血癌。你可以說這相片就像盤尼西林一樣神奇的藥,那你會不去用它嗎?其實我也不知道當代的相機是如此的神奇,相機是比人(眼睛)更敏銳,事實上相機可以捕捉(拍到)許多人眼睛無法看到的。例如有一次我在一個村落公開演講,那裏以前住了一位自覺的靈( 譯者:指聖人)。我在演講時,連續六次有一片光芒灑在我頭上的,當時正好有人用相機拍攝我,將這景象都拍攝下來,但是在場人們的眼睛都未看到那光柱。(我知道是那位聖人來向我打招呼),第七次時我用我的手在頭上揮揮,那光柱才不見。我不知道他們是否有帶來這相片,若有,你們可以自己去看看。相機是如此地敏鋭、深入且忠實地把全貌都拍攝下來。另外一次,有人用相機拍我的腳趾,當時我正告訴聽衆我的兩個輪穴在努力清潔一些阻塞。在相片上可以看到有一道光柱從一個腳趾射出來,另一光柱則從手指出來,那腳趾及手指所對應的正是我講到有阻塞的輪穴。


Shri Mataji 答:相片是一很可以正確反映又可靠(authentic)的工具,所有被認為有能量的聖物(如某些石頭)並不是這麼可靠。因為有強大的能量流通經過我,而我的相片也散發相同的能量。當我發現此一事實(即相片也有能量)時,我是有難以言喻的驚訝與喜悦。假如你們願意用我的相片,那你一定可以成就( 譯者:指提升靈量、得到自覺);假如你不願意用我的相片,那麼恐怕就無法順利開始。假如你可以來聽我的演講,爲什麼無法使用我的相片呢?
Shri Mataji 答道:是的,但是你回家後用我的相片,你會更進一步深入,因為這相片一直在你身旁。你只需試試我今天跟你講的,你就試試看,到時候你就會知道我並未從你身上獲得什麼。

註一:為順暢表達Shri Mataji 的原義及大要,譯者在此篇譯文並非逐句翻譯,而是採取意譯
註二:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji  的談話1982-04-14(前段)1980-02-08(後段).另外在1977-03-22, 1978-01-31, 1980-05-18, 1982-04-28, 1985-07-04, 1995-10-01 Shri Mataji 皆強調過"我的相片是有能量的". JSM ! 敬請 Sahaja 兄弟姊妹們指正.

Question – Do all the Sahaja Yogis use your photograph when they meditate?
Yes, now, I don’t know who told you that. I’d say it should not be told, because you see, people get frightened with the idea that why use My photograph, you see is the problem, it’s this way. Now, see, the trouble is My photograph has got vibrations. Now, what to do? The problem is like this. It has tremendous vibrations, not only, but it can cure people. There was a boy in America who was down with blood cancer, and the parents of the boy came to see me in a very far-fetched village, and they wanted that the boy should be cured. So I said, ‘All right, give me his photograph, I’ll work on it.’ But in any case I sent them, asked them to telephone one of the Sahaja Yogis in New York. She has only My photograph, and she used it and the boy is cured. Now, supposing if it is so, say it’s a penicillin injection, or you can call it something, you see, a miracle drug, for example, say My photograph is, then should we not use it? Now, supposing it is, that’s what it is. What can I do about it? I didn’t know the camera would be so good, really I didn’t know. Camera is much more sensitive than human beings are, I must tell you. You see, there are so many things that camera has caught up, which human beings cannot catch. Like, one day I was sitting in a village giving lecture in a place where a realized soul had died – a great realized soul. And the camera caught – I mean I can feel it, but you people do not see it with your eyes – a great flood of light was falling on My head – a flood of light, and the camera caught it, and six times it happened and the camera caught it six times, and seventh time I just did like this and it stopped. Just there, in the camera. I don’t know if they have brought the photograph, but we have that photograph with us and you can see for yourself, you see. Camera is so sensitive and so honest and so deep that the way things have been shown by a camera. The other day somebody took photograph of My feet in India, with that instant camera, and both My feet, you see, I was telling them that these two centers are working very much, and they are on the Feet, you see, and from My toe you could see a shaft of light coming out from one of the toes and one of the fingers, which I had said these centers are catching. So, camera caught it.
There must be something about me also, isn’t it? Must be, of course. It’s there, but is better to see and I always tell Sahaja Yogis not to tell about the photograph, just now to anyone, because if you tell them they get upset. You see, they think ‘Oh, God, is She going to dominate me?’ (laughs, general laughter). You know, we are so frightened of domination, isn’t it, because people have been very dominating. But could be somebody loves you very much, that even the photograph of hers can love you so much, isn’t it? Could be. Something we cannot think of – someone who is just love. And the photograph has that love within itself. You can use it as you like. Then there should be no objection.
None of the people before me were photographed. Christ was never photographed, Buddha was not photographed, even Mahommed was not photographed. This is the first time you have developed this wonderful thing called camera, and there’s my photograph. What to do?
In Hong Kong, the lady who was in charge – I mean, Chinese have very wise people – and this lady, who was in charge of that TV center, she felt the vibrations and all that, and she said ‘Mother, why not we use You on the TV?’ I said, ‘Good idea’, and she put me there, on the TV for about three minutes, just standing, and she said. ‘Just put your hands towards the photograph and see’, and so many got cool breeze and they wrote to us saying that, ‘We got cool breeze in our hands from Mother’. And we have established a center in Hong Kong, only by these things. If your TV people ever allow Me to do that, I could help, in a very great way, isn’t it? And would you not like to do it? I mean, supposing you were in My place, it would have been better, I know, but you cannot be. Anybody in My place can come and do it, I’ll be very happy. But that’s the trouble, you see, Christ has to bear the Cross, He had to do it, nobody could do it. We don’t mind Him doing that, but why should we mind Him being the Christ? Somebody has to do it. Alright?
....................It is rather difficult to accept a photograph, because it is said that you should not bow to any. It was said because there was no photographs before, Nothing was there. Photograph is such a truthful thing. And you will see yourself, later on, then you won’t give up, I know that, you’ll like it. Alright?(1982-04-14)
Seeker: But we have seen you, we have seen you face to face. By using you, purchasing your photo… So in what way your photo is going to help us?
Shri Mataji: Now, photo is a very authentic thing. You see, so far all the murtis and everything are not so authentic. Because there is vibrations passing through Me… I`ve discovered to My great amazement and joy that My photo has the same vibrations. So if you use the photograph you can work it out. If you don’t want to use the photograph it doesn’t work out to begin with. To begin with there is an aalamban of my photograph. But what is, why should you have objection to my photograph? If you could have Me there, why can`t you have My photograph? Supposing you have anybody`s photograph. See, you will have even Indira Gandhi’s photograph. You have everybody`s photograph. Why not Mine? What’s such an objection about Me? About it? I don’t understand. You’ll be amazed it emits cool vibrations. You see, this is the trouble. You`ll have everybody’s photograph. All kinds of nonsensical people you`ll have photograph.
Seeker: We got your vibration right now?
Shri Mataji: Right now, but when you will work on the photograph you will feel deeply. You see, because photograph will remain with you, you just try what I`m telling you. You just try what I`m telling you, you see by that I am not going to get anything, again. ...............If you have the photograph of a holy person, everything will be alright. It is for your good. I am not going to gain anything out of it. (1980-02-08)

2016年11月21日 星期一




但是今天的霎哈嘉瑜伽是完全不同,甚至是相反的。因為你們的導師是一位母親,縱使是最小的事(苦難)發生在你(即門徒)身上,我的眼睛都會充滿淚水,因為我為我的慈悲所折磨。所以以母親的身份來當一個導師是非常困難的。同時對門徒的你而言,你要達到相當的修行成就亦是有些困難,因為你很容易迷失在我的愛裏,尤其是當我給你太多的愛時,你常會忘記你的升進十分緩慢的這個事實。所以在霎哈嘉瑜伽裏,你要對自己嚴格一些,這是非常重要的。這也為什麼我常說:你必須要當你自己的導師 (You have to be your own guru.)。即你要引導你自己,你要把自己當成自己的門徒,而且你要時常修整你自己。假如你不了解在霎哈嘉瑜伽裏你要負責自己的升進,那麼你的進展將會十分緩慢,因為霎哈嘉瑜伽是不同於以往,是另一種型態的導師門徒關係。

所以這就爲什麼我常說:你要成為你自己的導師。你必須做許多自我反省(introspection) 及糾正自己的許多想法。我現在坐在你面前,你們都知道我如何,我可以吃任何(你們給我的)食物,我也可以幾天不吃。我可以睡在任何地方,我也可以完全不睡覺。我到處旅行(演講)而毫不疲倦,我有充足的精力。為什麼呢?因為我是我自己的導師 (我嚴格訓練、要求我自己)

所以首先你應該對自己有許多内省,如 "我有什麼過錯呢?",而不是 "別人有什麼過錯?""我是否在追求我身體(感官)的舒適?""我的注意力是在我的身體或是靈(Spirit)上?""假如是在我身體,那我正在做什麼呢?""我可以睡在地上嗎?""我可以坐在石頭上(而非椅子)嗎?""我隨時都可以睡,或隨時都保持清醒嗎?"等等。你必須訓練你的身體,使它爲你所用。



註三:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji  導師崇拜 (Shri Guru Puja)的談話1991-07-28. JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正.

Guru principle is extremely strict and the strictness made many people could not confirm to the ideas of a disciple. In those days, the guru had to be absolutely the authority and it was the guru who would decide which disciples he’ll have and one had to go into great tapasya, to great penances to even become a disciple. And this hardship was the only way the guru used to judge.
Gurus would always live in jungles and they would select their disciples, very few, very, very few, and they had to go and beg food from the neighbouring villages and cook food for their guru with their own hands and feed the guru. That sort of guru business is not in Sahaja Yoga – that basically we must understand that the difference between those styles of guruship and that we have now is this, that, very few individuals were given the chance to become the guru – very few. And these few also were selected out of quite a lot of people and they felt that they were something really special that they are being selected, chosen and that whatever they will have to go through is all welcome. With this idea, they became the disciple.

But Sahaja Yoga is a very different thing. I would say, just the opposite. First of all, your guru is a mother and who suffers from Sandra Karuna. At the slightest things that happen to you, My eyes get filled with tears.

So, as a mother, to be a guru is a very difficult thing. But, at the same time, for you to achieve heights is also difficult because you get lost when I love you so much and, in that love, you forget sometimes that the progress in your being is very slow. It is important that in Sahaja Yoga you have to be strict with yourself. That’s why I said that you have to be your own guru, which people do not understand what it means. “You have to be your own guru” means you have to guide yourself. You have to treat yourself as your disciple. And you have to trim yourself. If you do not understand the responsibility as a Sahaja Yogi of working it out yourself everything, you cannot move very fast because it is a different type of relationship between the guru and the disciples.

So, first I have always said you become your own guru. So you have to make a lot of introspection and fix your ideals. Before you, I am sitting, you have seen Me, how I am. I can eat anything. I need not eat at all for days together. I can sleep anywhere. I may not sleep at all. I travel for miles together, untiringly. I have this energy because I am a guru of myself, also.

So the first thing is that there should be lot of introspection. “What’s wrong with me?” not wrong with others. What’s wrong with me? Am I seeking the comfort of my body? The attention, is it on my body or on my spirit? If so, what am I doing? I think best thing is to write it down. Can I sleep on the grass? Can I sit on the stone. You have to make this body work. Can I sleep any time I like and can I keep awake any time I like?
I’ve seen people doze off. The reason is this, not that they’re bad or in any way indisciplined people, but because inside the are tired. If you’re tired inside, then you feel tired all the time. You’ll see on the television, if you see people in the West, they are always, “Haaa,” sitting like this because they’re so very tired. Why are they so tired? They don’t work so hard.

So introspect – how you behave. Now when you start introspecting yourself, you’ll also start introspecting your surroundings and your styles and your methods and what you are doing to yourself because of the conditionings of the outside.( 1991-07-28)

2016年11月17日 星期四

太初靈量(Primordial Kundalini ) 與你的靈量

----太初靈量(Primordial Kundalini ) 與你的靈量----




註一:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji  太初靈量崇拜 (Shri Adi Kundalini Puja)之前的談話1990-06-19. JSM ! 敬請 Sahaja 兄弟姊妹們指正.

So the Primordial Kundalini, which is reflected in you as your Kundalini, also is of the same nature and it works in the same way. It rises, gives you Self Realization, gives you the powers, but after all one has to know it is a reflection and a reflection to make it truthful, real. You have to look at reality first, how the real one, the real Kundalini, the real Primordial One, how it acts, how it works. If you start thinking about My Kundalini only, immediately you will become silent, no question. You cannot think, just you become silent. Just think of any one of My chakras and your chakras will be all right. But you have to have that depth. You have to have that much protocol. You have to have that much right. Just it will act. Don’t have to do anything. Just you have to think of My chakras. Just think about My Kundalini. That’s sufficient. But you have to develop that surrendering situation. Even now there are Sahaja Yogis who doubt. They have seen the word. They have seen everything, still they doubt and they [???] to people who are on the periphery. And there are Sahaja Yogis who are still sticking on to many things. They cannot change. They haven’t got yet that courage to change themselves. I don’t say that you have to change anything outside, but a time comes you might have to change also, so you should be prepared. How much we are courageous, that is to be weighed and to be found out. Unless and until you have full courage, you cannot establish Sahaja Yoga in a quick way. When you are using your own Kundalini, you have to know that the Kundalini that is your own has problems. She Herself has gone through various ages and stages and She Herself is sometimes very much hurt, very unhappy and very weak and then She cannot rise.

So if you want that this Kundalini that is your own, that is your own mother has to give you all the nourishment and everything, you must learn, first of all, foremost thing, how to surrender to reality.So if you learn how to surrender to the Primordial Kundalini, then your Kundalini’s immediately strengthened. (1990-06-19)

2016年11月11日 星期五

介紹錫呂瑪塔吉的相片及蠟燭的方法之一 (非譯文)



放上相片及點燃蠟燭之後,對初學者說) 在霎哈嘉靜坐中,我們必須使用錫呂瑪塔吉的相片,大家不必感到訝異。當年錫呂瑪塔吉在英國開始推廣靜坐,要求會場學員使用她的相片,立刻就有人站起來質問:爲什麼要用你的相片!

錫呂瑪塔吉答道:回家後你可以用你自己的相片試試看。不過我可以告訴你,你的相片不會有作用,而我的相片卻可以喚醒你的靈量。今天我來到這個會場是有人開車載我來,因為我不會開車,但我不會一上車就對司机說:"為什麼是你開車,而不是我開車。"    我只是一個家庭主婦,我不只不會開車,我很多事情都不會,但是我有能力提昇你的靈量,我生來就會。關於此點,你有兩個選擇:一,選擇無法接受,那麼我尊重你的自由意志,對此我無能為力。另一個選擇並不是完全接受與相信,若如此那只是一種盲信,我們並不需要盲目接受的人。你只需要像一個科學家一樣,先把今天我講的話及相片等等當成一個假設,然後回家試試看,小心求證。看看你是否能体驗到我所說的種種,然後再去決定是否相信接受它。

筆者會接著補充:你可能不認識錫呂瑪塔吉的相片,但是你内在的靈量認識她,會被這相片喚醒。或許我們換個角度來說,這相片有一種精微的能量,這能量可以喚醒你内在的靈量(註一) 你需要的只是放下你的疑惑,像科學家一樣來試試看。反正你是閉著眼睛靜坐,你就把它當作放在前面的一幅畫即可。或是你也可以將相片擺在稍遠的前面即可。




2016年11月3日 星期四

Shri Chakra 和 Lalita Chakra

------Shri Chakra Lalita Chakra------

Shri Chakra 在右側(肩膀)Lalita Chakra 在左側(肩膀)(註一)。在得到自覺之後,我們用手來從事的所有的工作( 指清潔、保護.......)皆是經由這兩個輪穴來達成。它是如何作用則是一個非常複雜的機制。但是我們不必去擔心,只要我們把手放在某人身上,這兩個輪穴知道如何去完成工作。它自己會去達成,它就像一個内建在体内的裝置,它知道應該給這個人什麼能量(vibration)來達成一個特殊的目的。假如這個人有一個特別的毛病,它們知道要發出什麼能量來達成治療的效果。所以霎哈嘉練習者得到自覺後不只喚醒昆達里尼(Kundalini),這兩個輪穴也同時被昆達里尼喚醒。


這是一個非常複雜的作用過程,爲了這作用,這個工具已完美被建構。這個工具配備所有必須的知識,如你們所稱的回饋機制,或我們可以稱為一個完全的程式在裏面。所以當你把手放在某人身上,這個程式就自動開始去運作成就。因為這個程式是由全能的上帝( God Almighty )所造,它絶對不可能出錯,它不會模擬兩可,而是精確地發揮效用。

註一:Shri Chakra Lalita Chakra是兩個副輪穴,在左右肩膀。
註二:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji Shri Mahalakshmi Puja的談話1990-12-21  . JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正.

Now, so we have Shri Chakra on the right side, on the left-hand side we have Lalita Chakra, so all the things that we do with hands after Realization are worked through, on the right-hand side Shri Chakra, on the left-hand side Lalita Chakra.
Now how it works is a very complicated thing, but we don’t have to worry about that.
As soon as you put your hand on somebody, the chakra knows how to work it out. It works by itself, as if it is a built-in mechanism within us, which knows what sort of vibrations to be given to a particular person for a particular cause, or a particular purpose.
If that person has certain defects also, these chakras know what is to be emitted, how to work it out. So it is not that we have the Kundalini awakening only, these chakras are awakened, we also have these two chakras awakened within us because of Kundalini.
But if you have Vishuddhi problem, then you can find that your hands are stiff and you cannot feel guidance, or we can say, the Divine intentions of Realization; because when you start using your hands you don’t feel any vibrations, so how will you know what’s happening?
It’s a very complicated thing, and for that complicated thing these instruments are made already, are prepared already; they are quite equipped with all the knowledge that is necessary, like a feedback as you call it, or we can call it a complete programming is there. So as soon as you put your hand on a person, the programming starts working it out. Because it is programming is done by God Almighty, it can never be wrong. It cannot be two different things, as far as Sahaja Yoga is concerned.(