2017年5月31日 星期三



靈魂(soul)指的是人的精微身體(subtle body),即我們的身體減去土元素及水元素之後的精微形式。靈魂包含五層外殼(sheaths),當人(肉體)死亡時,這兩層(譯者:指土元素及水元素這兩層)在肉體面上分離開,脱離的這部分是構成染色體(chromosomes),其餘的部分(譯者:即所謂的" 靈魂 ")仍然是圍繞著靈(Spirit),這個個體以靈魂的方式存在於空氣中至少13天,然後會轉入宇宙大我(Virata)的集體潛意識界(Paraloka),這個潛意識界分成許多不同層(Strata)。當人(譯者:指靈魂)進入潛意識界(譯者:指離開人的世界)就無法再演化昇進,但是可能因犯下惡行而往下墮落。



靈魂的臉孔及身驅和生前是完全一樣。假如他們待在集體潛意識界中,他們的身驅會愈來愈小,最後變成非常小。當他們準備投胎時,會先分裂成兩個分離的個體,即"男性" "女性"兩部分。然後經由食物或空氣中的灰塵或某一器官,進入事先選好的父母體内。即男性的部分在父親内發展成精子,女性的部分則成為卵子。精子是由摩訶莎娃斯娃蒂力量(Mahasaraswati power)所形成的,其内包含有靈魂(soul, 即五個元素減去土元素)。卵子則由摩訶迦利力量(Mahakali power)形成,其中有靈(Spirit),卵子即是土元素。精子加卵子形成胚胎,當靈量進入胚胎時,胚胎即著床在子宫壁上。





註二:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji "太初之母的書"(The Book of Adi Shakti)p.57~p.80JSM ! 敬請 Sahaja 兄弟姊妹們指正.



前言:本系列譯文摘譯自Shri Mataji早年一本未完成的書的某些章節,時間約在19701982Shri Mataji在各演講談話中偶而也會談及靈魂、生死及死後世界,但是往往只是蜻蜓點水,很難一窺究竟,在此書的這些章節裏則講得較為詳細周全,所以譯者以此為準翻譯本系列(錫呂瑪塔吉談靈魂)2013年霎哈嘉中央委員會正式將這未完成的書印刷成冊,取名為:太初之母的書(The Book of Adi Shakti)


. 壞人(Bad People)

. 普通人(Ordinary People)
包括一般人、非常好的人、求道的人、純真的人、覺醒的人(awakened people)、有信仰的人。

. 優等的人(Superior People)
包括已得到自覺的人(realised souls)、完全自覺的靈魂(fully self-realised souls)、已得到神的自覺的靈魂(God-realised souls)。(註一)

. 降世神祇(Incarnations)

基本上,無所不在的神聖力量(Unconscious)對第一類的人是不感興趣的,這一類的人有些是來自動物的投胎轉世。當動物死掉後,牠們也可能投胎到人類的卵子,所以雖然有人的外形,但却是動物的特質。假如人類的環境對動物是比較意氣相投,那麼動物就會投胎成為人,這或許可以解釋在鬥爭期(Kali Yuga, 或譯"黑暗期")的目前,地球有人口爆炸的問題。(譯者:錫呂瑪塔吉言下之意指目前的世界已墮落到接近動物界的程度)



第四類的降世神祇挑選了祂們的生父生母,也包括降世的時間及地點,也選擇了世上的生活及死亡的時間(及方式)。祂們是神的某一特性的顯化(manifestation),在這顯化中祂們是帶著宇宙大我的輪穴(Chakras of the Virata)



至於非常低級的靈魂(像第一類人),他們死後會在人間徘徊,或進入其他人的身體。這種靈魂會被他的靈量所抛棄,這些靈量會枯萎、消散在大梵(Pranava,此字即是Aum,唵)。這些可怕的靈魂就脱離了演化的過程,他們就是撒旦(satanic),在地球上進行一些邪惡的勾當。他們先被錫呂格涅沙(Shri Ganesha)丢到集體潛意識界(譯者:照Shri Mataji 的說法,此界有許多層,此處應是指此意識界的較低層),然後再掉到地獄去。但是那些未被完全摧毀的惡靈仍然會一再輪迴,直到這個創造的周期結束,當十一個毀滅力量(Ekadesha Rudra)來臨時,才會被澈底毀掉。

註一:譯者:這類人的三個階段或可類比為:無思慮的靜觀(Nirvichara),無疑惑的靜觀(Nirvikalpa),神的自覺(God's realisation)(1981-07-06)。或1976-05-29的談話中提到的三階段:與神聖合一(Oneness with the Divine),接近上帝 (Nearness to God) 與上帝同在(Companionship with God).


註三:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji "太初之母的書"(The Book of Adi Shakti)p.57~p.80JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正.

2017年5月26日 星期五








註一:關於多讀書,另有一篇相關的譯文: "學習所有霎哈嘉瑜伽的知識" (  http://sahajataiwan.blogspot.co.nz/2016/03/sahajayoga-shri-ganesha-sahaja-yoga.html  )。而本文是更進一步提到要研究霎哈嘉之外有用的書。

註二: 江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 的談話1992-02-27. JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正.

Also you can read books, why not now? That way Austrians are very, very much there. You see, they meditate very – every day they meditate in the morning time, and I have seen they are the ones who are producing lots of good results. Like, they’re finding out books, you see, about this Koran now. They are reading Koran, finding out what’s in Koran and Bible, this, that, they are trying to find out what’s wrong with this; who edited Bible, why this wrong thing was put there, and they use Me as a model. I would never say such some things, that how could Christ say that? But that’s how they are just trying to read books; and we have to be scholars, we have to be real scholars, read books; and it’s not that you should be mediocre people.

We must also, whatever we are doing, so for example, we had Pat there who came out of the drugs and all that. I said: “Pat, you must get to something, seriously.” Then he took to plumbing and other things. I said: “Go to the end of it, you should be masters of this. You must have masterly knowledge about these things.” I would encourage you as much as possible that you should not just be a mediocre, there should be no mediocrisy . You must read more books, you must understand, you should have intellectuals who can explain Sahaja Yoga. Only one or two people can talk about Sahaja Yoga, the rest of them cannot. It’s not proper.

So open out yourself. All the time if you have fear that whether we’ll be in Sahaja Yoga or not, you might be thrown away, then you will never prosper. You should have no fears. So there are so many books you can read, find out from other books, find out from other things; and grow, you have to grow in that is. In anything you do, I was telling that if you are doing say art work or paintings or anything, so you have to become masters in that. Just mediocrisy, is something you do, what is there so special? You all can shoot into a very higher atmosphere because you have powers to do that. You can do it, because you have got the awakening, you have got all the powers flowing into you. The more you’ll use, the more you’ll get it. So why not do it?

So it’s a wrong idea. So we’ll have not only the fundamentalism, but also a static society, which doesn’t grow. So we are enjoying, but we have to grow, we have to learn more, we have to understand more, think more. There are so many things to be done, I mean. How many of you read newspapers, now raise your hands, let’s see? Everybody must read newspaper and discuss the world problems. You know, what you think will work out. Discuss what’s going on. You must read newspapers and understand what are the world problems today, what’s happening where. Wherever your attention would be it will work out, it works out. That’s why I read, you see, what’s happening now in Israel, and what’s happening with Mr. Baker there, all of them.

So you see, in the same way you should be well-equipped, you should know everything about what’s happening where, what is what. Don’t read scandals, that has no meaning, but read something substantial, their editorials and things like that. Also you should get hold of books. We really need intellectuals who will really face tomorrow’s world to tell them what is Sahaja Yoga. But not to show off. Some people have a habit of showing off they have this knowledge, they have that knowledge, just jump on the stage. Not that. But it’s a deep understanding within yourself. You must try to have deep understanding within yourself, whatever you are knowing. Now, you have to bring it to the pattern of Sahaja Yoga, what these people are saying, all right, this is the pattern of Sahaja Yoga.

Also in this Shiv Puja I’ll tell you certain tricks about it. But whatever it is, you must take to writing, you must have books here in every ashram, you must have books, you must have reading, you must discuss among yourselves and talk.

2017年5月21日 星期日

走出 "母親如此說" 的枷鎖

----走出 "母親如此說" 的枷鎖----



例如前些日子,有一位練習者告訴我他以前都是靜坐30分鐘,後來另一位練習者對他説:"母親說過你們應該靜坐5分鐘10分鐘"。從此他就不再靜坐這麼久。我告訴他:"我說的是你們至少要靜坐5分鐘,是至少!這並不表示你不能靜坐30分鐘"。這就是一個很好的例子,你們大家就是經常以"母親如此說,在1975年說過....." 來互相糾正對方,這是不對的。假如這樣做,你就會變成一個基本教義派(fundamentalist),這些基本教義派常常随時引述聖經、引述某本書,這種作法會創造出一種基本教義主義(譯者:即凡事都不可違背的教條的風氣)。在霎哈嘉裏不應如此,最好是你自己去了解我說了什麼(或聖經上面寫什麼),然後用你的智慧去判斷,如此你就會知道該如何做。

我也聽到練習者在其他許多事情上強調"母親如此說"的例子,假如這樣下去,霎哈嘉會變成一個基本教義的宗教。霎哈嘉完全不是這樣,霎哈嘉是像一個渦狀螺旋(spiral,譯者:即一個半徑越來越大螺旋圈圈),始於一點,却是要往外擴張到無限與永恒(譯者:Shri Mataji 的意思是指基本教義派則是越繞越小、走入死胡同)。你們必須大步往前走,(而不是死守著"母親如此說")


有人說:母親說過不要讀其他(非霎哈嘉)的書。我從未如此說!知識是如此地廣泛,我怎麼會説這麼離譜的話呢!我從未如此說,相反的,你們應該去讀有需要知道的書,你應該有選擇性,有好書你就應該去讀。同樣地,我從未說過所有的流行音樂(pop music)都是不好的。我只說過有些流行音樂是非常不好。這是我的意見,但是我讓你自己去決定你喜歡什麼、不喜歡什麼。這是你自己要去判斷的。以"母親如此說"當成行為準則是一種錯誤的行為模式,每一個人都不應該遵循此模式。没有人有權力以"母親如此說"(來告訴他人如何做)。當有人這樣說時,你應該保持靜默,你可以自己去查証。否則我們和其他堅持基本教義的宗教有什麼差别呢?


註一:請同時參考相關的文章:一. 從保羅、基督教談到不要詮釋我所說的( http://sahajataiwan.blogspot.co.nz/2017/05/paul-steven-confession-guilty-interpret.html  );. Shri Mataji (錫呂瑪塔吉)說可以分成兩種( http://sahajataiwan.blogspot.co.nz/2017/03/shri-mataji-shri-mataji.html )

註二:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 的談話1992-02-27. JSM ! 敬請 Sahaja 兄弟姊妹們指正.

There’s a certain thing I’m discovering, that you people always say: “Mother said so, Mother said so”, and making a fundamental thing out of Sahaja Yoga. It’s not proper. You should never say that: “Mother said so.” It’s not needed at all, why to say? You all have freedom, you have absolute freedom. Because you are all Spirits, you can see for yourself and you know what is right, what is wrong; and if you commit mistakes, can be corrected also. But first thing is you should grow deeper into your Spirit, so you become absolutely free from conditionings and from egos that you have. And then, there’s nothing to, sort of, limit yourself by saying that: “Mother said so, Mother said so.” And whatever I might have said, you see, also to be understood.

Like, the other day, somebody told Me that he used to meditate for half-an-hour, but then somebody said that: “Mother has said you should meditate for five minutes, ten minutes, so I stopped meditating for a longer period.” So I said: “That’s the minimum I said, the minimum, you should meditate for five minutes. That doesn’t mean that you cannot meditate for half-an-hour.” So you see that this is how people go on correcting each other: “Mother said so, in Her some nineteen-hundred-and-seventy-five or something.” That should not be. This is again, you will become fundamentalists, you see, that’s what they do: they quote Bible all the time or quote some book, and create a fundamentalism. So that should not be done. It is better that you for yourself understand what is written, what is said, and try to relate it to your wisdom, and then you will know........................

And there are so many other things I have heard about that people just say that: “Mother said so, Mother said so.” I mean, it’s going to become another, really, a fundamental religion, Sahaja Yoga? Not at all. You see, only the – it’s like a spiral. Sahaja Yoga is like a spiral. Spiral has the beginning, but end is eternity. You have to move on. If you go like this, delimiting yourself, what will happen? I don’t want to delimit you, by any chance. You are realized souls, you are saints. Assume your powers.

Only thing, you must go deep down into yourself first of all, and see for yourself. You see, knowledge is so extensive. I never said: “Don’t read any other book.” I never said so, there’s a – they said: “Mother said that don’t read any other book.” How can I say such a nonsensical thing? I never said so. You should read, and whatever is needed, you should be selective; and you yourself only see that whatever is good is there, you should have.

And I never said that all the pop music is bad, I said some pop music is very bad. That’s My own opinion. But I am not – leaving it to you to decide what you like, what you don’t like. You see, that is how you are going to judge yourself. All this kind of saying that: “Mother said so,” indeed it’s another false-style behavior, which one should not follow at all. There’s – nobody has right to say that. Anybody who says: “Mother said so,” you should keep quiet. You can yourself find out. You see, Bible says so, everybody can read Bible, there’s no need for somebody to quote it that: “Bible said so,” we’ll see for Bible ourselves.

Otherwise, what will be the difference between you and others, other religions, where people have faltered with this kind of a fundamental things? So this is very important to understand, and I came to know. Especially I have seen in Australia, people are very systematically unsystematic. They’ll tell: “This is what Mother said, this is what Mother said.” I don’t want to put you into any compartments, nothing, no. You must grow your wings, and now I’ve just embedded you in the roots, and the tree has to grow. You see, the tree has to grow with all the freedom, and this one should remember, that all of you are intelligent, all of you are realized souls, all of you have got vibrations.

2017年5月18日 星期四







註一:譯者:Shri Mataji "詮釋(interpret)" 指的是:去解釋、去揣測、去延伸他人所說的,當我們去如此做時,往往就會用自己的頭腦、想法及經驗,這樣子可能已非他人的原意了。詮釋並非指去理解,而是有不太了解但妄加註解的含意。

註二:Shri Mataji 在談話中也提到:基督教會在歷史上曾對外大力追殺真知派(Gnostics, 即真正從中樞神經知道真理、知道耶穌教導的人),而由教士構成的金字塔結構的教會組織則成為追逐錢與權力的場所,教會變成了徒有外表,而無内在追求的宗教。這也是Shri Mataji 一直很反對將霎哈嘉變成一個組織的基本原因,因為她不希望霎哈嘉成為另一個宗教。


註四:Shri Mataji 對保羅及基督教的批評散佈在各個談話,可謂是不下百次。在1992-02-20 1992-02-25兩次談話又特別對此談得多,本譯文主要是根據這兩篇。除了談此話題外,Shri Mataji 也以此為借鏡談到她不希望相同的錯誤也出現在未來的霎哈嘉,即她特別不希望霎哈嘉變成像教會一樣的組織,也不希望大家用自己的想法來詮釋她所說的(如保羅詮釋基督一樣)JSM ! 敬請 Sahaja 兄弟姊妹們指正.

If in the Bible, if you remove Paul you will cleanse most of it. If Paul is not there, I tell you, most of the Christianity can be cleansed out, because he started confessions, he started all this nonsense. He started making people feel guilty, I mean, and treating women as nothing. All Mr. Paul has done it and he had no right to be there in the Bible because he never knew Christ.

He was an epileptic and he saw some cross means some sort of a… I don’t know how far it is truth. But he said he saw a cross. So what? Seeing the cross doesn’t mean you become the cross.

Also he wanted to jump on the platform. Nice platform is made, all right, for you. And he has powers, and he wants to have powers, so, he jumps on the platform. Then he organizes Christianity. All his mistery. Never in the Bible is said, never Christ said, that you should organize Christianity, nor has He said that you should confess or you should feel guilty. All the time He has been talking of forgiveness. In that short time also, He has given the truth to us.

But I mean, if somebody wants to interpret, then it goes wrong.

So this – another point of a sahaja yogi is, whatever I say they don’t have to interpret, they know it exactly what I say.

If they start interpreting, then there is something wrong with them. Their brains are not all right, they are not normal.

You cannot interpret Me. Whatever I say, I say in a very simple English language. I do not use Shakespearean language or something like that. I modulated My Standard of English up to the normal common people’s language, and if you start interpreting it, that means something definitely very, very wrong with you.

There is nothing to interpret. I am saying straightforward things which need not be interpreted. This is a very important thing.

But many sahaja yogi’s who are half-baked, I should say, start interpreting Me, because they think they have brains to interpret.

You have no brains of that caliber that you can interpret Me. There are no interpretations. Whatever I have said, I have said it and there is no need to interpret. This is one of the signs that you are not in the center.

Either you have been possessed or you have become egoistical. So, one, to keep yourself in the center, to be solidly sahaja yogi’s, first of all there should be no interpretations of what I say.(1992-02-20)

The other day very clearly I said, that he is like a squatter you see. He was very clever, was never with Christ. He had nothing to do with Christianity. He actually killed one disciple of Christ whose name was Steven. Then he was epileptic. And he says he saw some cross. So what? This is supraconscious experience is not Spiritual experience, whatever he might say. But he thought that it’s a very good platform for him, and because he is a, person with a, administrative capacity, he was an officer, with the Roman Government. So he thought it would be a nice now idea that he should jump on the platform and he should take over, and that’s how because he was like that you see they were fishermen, Matthews and all these were fishermen so, he started dominating. And he said I’ll organize Christianity. I’ll do this.

And he gave his own color to Christianity and they, really the way he talked about Christ his Mother and all that, was such that nobody can say definitely that they were Divine personalities. He also didn’t like to talk about the Immaculate Conception which was a fact, and Thomas ran away from there because, He was surprised the way he was trying to twist everything to his advantage. And He came down to Egypt where He wrote all His treatise and put them in a jar there, and then He came to India. Now about fifty years back they have discovered that jar, and found it out it’s known as the Gnostic knowledge.

He used to call them Gnostics ‘Gn’ word means knowledge as you people are Gnostics, ‘those who know’ you see. Not mentally but you know it, on your central nervous system. There’s a word in Sanskrit for that is bhod, from where the word Buddha has come, to know on your central nervous system and another is veda from where the word Veda has come. So he ran away but, I read the history of that place is that, that when people started telling them that: ‘We are Gnostics,’ and this thing, for days together I mean not it’s only during his time but even, three hundred years after that, anybody who said that he was a Gnostic and he had the knowledge of these things, anyone anywhere, was murdered and killed by these bishops you see. So the whole religion went into the hands of these bishops and, also you can call them the people who were appointed by the pope.

So it became hierarchy and priesthood and this and that without any Realization. So the religion became absolutely a superficial thing. That’s why they may be Christians anything. There is a, religion not within, it’s without. No experience of it. That’s why those who are Christians can commit any sin, Muslims can commit any sin they talk the same thing because whether you read Koran or Bible it’s just the same, not much of a difference any one of these books. But when it comes to explain they’re very good at explaining, but to their private lives it has done nothing. It’s all in the Bible you see. As they say: ‘The Saying of Puranas are in Puranas.’ They don’t go inside. Only after Realization these things you can absorb and you understand, and then automatically you become that. You don’t have to be told do this do that, is not necessary.

So Paul is absolutely… but the whole Christianity is based on Pauline methods and all that. (1992-02-25)