我一再說:"請靜坐,請每天靜坐!" ,但人們仍是不了解它的重要性,像有些不靜坐的人對我說:"母親,我已是自覺的靈,為什麼要靜坐呢?",就像我前面的麥克風,它已是完美的工具,但假如它沒有一直連接到電源,那它有什麼用處呢?在靜坐中,你將會感受到愛、上天的愛、上天大愛的美麗,這將會是完全的改變,一個靜坐的人會有非常不一樣的態度及氣質,非常不一樣的生命,而且會在生活中對自己有完全的滿足感。
註一: 江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 在錫呂太初之母普祭(Shri Adi Shakti Puja)的談話1993-06-06. JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。
Now for that I
have to raise my own Kundalini like that: every time in a public program I
raise mine also. And in my Kundalini itself I catch all your problems. It is
painful, that is why after Puja I become very, sort of… like a atone I should
say, for a while. (The) reason is I’m absorbing all that is within you, like I
have put you all in my body. You are part and parcel of my body. Every cell
that I have is for you, for your abode, and you have to be that subtle to
understand that if we own something or if we have something to be done about
Sahaja Yoga, anything, if we want to start an ashram, or anything, immediately
I know. flow do I know is because you are inside Me.
Most of the
things I know very clearly, but some of these things T do not know that clearly
because of one thing: the relationship between you and Me is of course very
intimate, that you should be in my body. But if you people are not meditating –
it is very mundane thing, I must tell you – dhyana gamya, if you are not
meditating then I have no relationship with you. You are not my relation, you
have no right to me, you have no question to be asked “Why is this happening,
why is that happening?”. So, if you do not meditate – I always say “Meditate,
meditate”- I have nothing to do with you, you are no more there for me. There
is no connection with you, then you are like all other people.
You may be
Sahaja Yogis, you might have got your Sahaja Yoga degree from your leaders,
maybe, I don’t know and maybe (that) you are regarded as something very great,
but if you do not do your meditation every day, evening, morning or evening,
you will be really not any more in the realm of Shri Mataji. Because the
connection is only through dhyana, through meditation. I know people who do not
do meditation, then they suffer, their children suffer, then something happens,
then they start coming and telling me… but I see clearly that the person is not
meditating, I’ve no relationship with him, he has no right to ask me anything.
In the
beginning of course meditation take some time, but once you (will) know what
meditation is, how you enjoy my company, how you are one with me, how we can
have a rapport with each other, there is no need to have anything else in
between like writing letters or maybe some sort of a special connection,
nothing of that kind. Only thing that is needed is the meditation. In
meditation you grow, in that spiritually you become higher, and when that
happens you start In a way, I would say that… when you reach a state of that, I
should say, maturity in Sahara Yoga, then you do not to give up your
meditation, because at that time you are absolutely One with Me.
That does not
mean that for three or four hours you should do meditation. How much intensely
you are with Me is important, now, it is not how much time you are with Me.
Then I am responsible for you, for your children, for everyone. I am
responsible for your ascent, for your protection, to save you from all your
negativity. So it’s not like a father who will directly punish you. It is not
that, but it is just “Alright, you are not my relation, I am out”. That is the
only thing that can happen- If you ace not meditating, alright, I cannot force
you, I have nothing to do with you.
I have been
telling all of you “Please meditate, please meditate every day”. But I think
people also do not understand the importance of what I am saying, because they
tell me “Mother, we don’t meditate”. “Why?” “Now we are realized souls, so why
should we meditate?’’. Now this instrument is fully made, but if it is not all
the time connected to the mains, what’s the use of having it? In that
meditation you will feel the love, the Divine love, the beauty of that Divine
A complete
panorama changes, A meditative person has a very different attitude, a very
different temperament, a very different life, and he lives always In complete
satisfaction with himself. ..........
You should not
just get satisfied with one, we can say, one nice drama, one this thing, one
that, but you should have a full oneness with the Divine, full oneness, and
that is possible only if you really meditate, which is quite an easy thing to
do, to meditate.
Some people say
“Mother, we cannot get overtime”, “We are all the time thinking something”, or
“At that time we want to see the watch”. In the beginning you may have a
little, little problem, I am not saying you may not have, you may have, but
that’s only in the beginning. But gradually you will be alright, gradually you
will master it, gradually you will know it so well that you would not like to
have anything else of a cheaper type, you wouldn’t care for such things. You
see, so to get to your beauty, to get to your glory, to get to your own great
personality, which is now exposed, the only thing you have to do really,
religiously is to meditate. That is not that “Tonight I came very late so I did
not meditate, tomorrow, you see, I have to go for work so I cannot meditate”.
Nobody wants to know the excuses, it is between you and yourself. It is your
gain, nobody else’s. It is for your gain everything is happening. .......
the first and
foremost thing is that whatever you may be, you may consider yourself to be a
very high-class Sahara Yogi, you have to be humble about meditation. This
meditative quality even when I am talking to you I am just getting into it, it
is so joy-giving, you just jump into the ocean of joy. First It will be
difficult, but after some time you will know that this connection that you have
with Shri Mataji is the only connection that you are looking for.
Also there is
another point people get lost with, which I have seen very common with some
people who get lost. They meditate individually very much, it is very correct.
Individually they will meditate. And they will sit down, meditate, will do Puja
but collectively they will not meditate. So this is another point one has to
remember, that you have to be collectively meditating, because I am a
collective being of all (of you), and when you meditate collectively you are
really very close to He. So even if you have a program or something, you must
do some meditation: always have meditation as the priority for any program. You
sing the songs. It is over, everything is done, then you meditate. If I’m
insisting on something you must know that this must be the truth I am telling
you, absolutely the basis of it, though it looks rather mundane, but it is very