2017年9月15日 星期五


***** 覺醒的愛與愛的力量 *****

在我們的裏面有許多力量(powers) ,如摩訶迦利(Mahakali), 摩訶莎娃斯娃蒂(Mahasaraswati), 摩訶拉希什米(Mahalakshmi), 昆達里尼 (Kundalini)等的力量。這些力量都是用來幫助我們昇進。假如適當使用及了解這些力量,則你的昇進就可以持久。一旦你得到自覺並進入上帝的王國,所有這些力量就會被照亮覺醒(enlightened),而這些覺醒的力量是完全充滿愛。我們必須了解這一點,即我們是經由愛而獲致完全的覺醒,所以在自覺開悟之後,我們只用一個力量,那就是愛。一旦你得到自覺後,你會體會到你的愛變成一個如此美麗的喜樂海洋。







註一: 江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 錫呂力量普祭(Shri Shakti Puja)的談話1993-08-03. JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正.

You know within us there are many powers of Maha Kali, Maha Saraswati, Maha Lakshmi, Kundalini.

All these powers are there for us to ascent. If these powers are properly used and understood, then your ascent can be permanent. Once you achieve your ascent and enter into the kingdom of God, all these powers get enlightened. And these powers which are enlightened are absolutely filled with Love. Enlightenment, we have to understand that we get completely enlightened by Love. So after enlightenment, after realisation we use only one power which is of Love. .....

But once you get your enlightenment you realise that your love becomes a beautiful ocean of joy for yourself.

This love is not the same which you had before enlightenment. It’s transformed into a new dimension, into a new form. Before enlightenment you are attached to yourself, first of all, very much: to your body, to your mind, to your conditionings, to your intellect, to your ego. And that is how you develop darkness of many horrible things within yourself. If you are too much attached to your body then you may eat too much or you may not eat at all or you may exercise too much or you may work it out for a particular form of your figure. But when you become enlightened and you understand that your body is the temple of God, then you keep your body clean and also you try to avoid all that is destructive for your body.

The another attachment we have is very limited, say for your own family, for your children, for your wife, for your husband, something like that. Despite that a human being can be extremely selfish and could only bother about himself and first of all him and then the rest. Also he may spoil his children or spoil her husband or his wife in any way just to pamper their ego. Some people might indulge into alcoholism or drugs or all kinds of things. Also to help their families they may draw(drop?) other people because they are very self-centered and their vision is very narrow.  ......

Then there’s enlightenment and they see for themselves that whatever I’m doing is neither good for me nor for my family, nor my relations. After enlightenment you think collectively. Also when you think about your wife and your children, your family, you think what is the right thing for them to do. Immediately you become attentive to their problems and to their destructiveness.  .......

Because of the enlightenment there’s detachment. And the power of detached love is the greatest. It’s like the sap in the trees which rises from the Mother Earth, goes up into the smallest of leaves and then it is either evaporated or goes back to the Mother Earth. It doesn’t stay in one flower because it likes it or in one leaf because it likes it. It nourishes every part of the tree, whatever is need, and is not attached. But supposing it gets entangled or involved in one flower or in one leaf, the tree will die and that leaf or that flower will also die.

So detached love only gives, doesn’t expect anything. It is complete prosperity and the goodness of the tree. In the same way a saintly person, who is a Sahaja Yogi, behaves towards his family, towards his friends, towards everything.
We have used only the power of hatred so far. In the politics, especially, one country believes that they must hate another country, they are born for that. Because hundred years back some quarrel took place or a war took place, so the children are still fighting among themselves.   ........

This power of Love is the greatest power and after Sahaja Yoga we have to use only our power of Love. It’s the most powerful, effective weapon that we have. Because this is Divine Love. We are getting the source of Divine Love from the all pervading power of God’s Love.
They say that God is Almighty. Then who can be more powerful than God? And if we are connected with God Almighty, who could be mightier than us? In His Love He protects us, He gives us whatever we want, He blesses us and He makes us enjoy ourselves. His government is the most efficient one and is very quick and very fast.  ..........

There are so many miracles that in this short speech I won’t be able to tell you all of them. But you’ll find it in your life itself, how this power of Love, that you have within your heart, has protected you. I have seen people who are very hot tempered, who are angry type and who are all the time making other’s life miserable, become extremely beautiful, nice people. With this Light of Love you love yourself in the right way and give up all that is wrong, all that is immoral. This Love is eternal, is very powerful and gives you a confidence in the collectivity of human beings. Because it’s the Spirit which enlightens all your power. And the Spirit is the source of collectivity and love for every human being in the world. ......