2017年9月20日 星期三


*** 錫呂克里希納與正法及懲罰 ***

錫呂克里希納(Shri Krishna)是我們内裏非常重要的神祇,因為祂是毗濕奴(Vishnu)(的轉世),毗濕奴是駐在幻海(Void)、臍輪(Nabhi),正是祂(譯者:應該是指錫呂毗濕奴)產生我們内裏的正法(dharma)。假如錫呂毗濕奴被喚醒,祂會帶給你光,去除你的無明,去除你的黑暗面,你會開始看清楚任何帶給你毀滅的行為,就是這樣來建立(内在的)正法。當然正法也是由十大導師(Ten Gurus)所建立,十大導師是以先知的身份來到地球,來教人們正法。所以錫呂毗濕奴加上十大導師,就是來建立人們内在的正法。





註一: 江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 錫呂克里希納普祭(Shri Krishna Puja)的談話1993-08-15. JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正.

We have to understand clearly that Shri Krishna is a very, very important deity within us because He is the Vishnu, who resides in the Void, in the Nabhi. He is the one who generates dharma within us.   ...............

He is in the Void and if He is awakened He brings you to the light, removes your ignorance, removes your darkness, and you start seeing that whatever you were doing was destructive for you, and that’s how the dharma is established. Of course, the dharma was established also by all the ten Gurus who came on this earth, the prophets, who taught us about dharma.

So this combination of Shri Vishnu and the ten Gurus is to establish dharma within us.   ........

But Shri Krishna is the one who says that “I come on this earth when there is a glani, means demise, of dharma.” When the dharma becomes weak then He comes on this Earth, and then He destroys the people who are responsible for bringing dharma to this level of doom. The second thing He says, that “I protect the saints. I protect the saints and I kill all those who are devils or who are satanic, who are destructive.” These are His promises which He gave long time back as Shri Krishna. As Vishnu we know Him only as the one who is the giver of dharma, mainly. But all His potent qualities really were expressed when He came as Shri Krishna.   .........

So Shri Krishna’s first half of His life He spent in Gokul and Vrindavan where He showed His beautiful expression of His character, as He made it, what He calls as leela, leeladhara, the one who said that you become a witness; you witness the whole world like a drama, sakshi swarupa. And then once you see the whole world as just a child watches, in a child-like mirth and joy, you enjoy life. That has happened to you people that you have become like citizens of Vrindavan and Gokul, the way you are enjoying yourself, enjoying each other’s company, enjoying the bliss of God. Then He showed also by killing Kaliya, by killing Putana and other people, that if anybody tries to trouble such joyous children of God, He is the one who will definitely protect and kill all such evil forces which are troublesome.

But later on He becomes the king, and when He becomes the king He uses His powers in a different way. First of all, if you see His own uncle, His own relation, His own uncle, mother’s brother, was Kansa, and was such a bad man. So Shri Krishna didn’t spare him, He killed him. He killed so many people. Before becoming the king, He killed so many people. Now what does that mean, that His own uncle He killed? One quality that He has, which Christ had, we can say, or so many saints had, is forgiveness. He did not believe in forgiveness. He’s the only one who said that, “I have to punish.” We have to have somebody who should punish also.

If you are like Shiva, then Shiva used to even love rakshasas and in His innocence He used to give them also blessings. But Shri Krishna did not believe in forgiveness at all because it was important that there should be somebody with a very stern mind, with such a stern understanding that a devil is a devil, and devil must be killed.

He has done in His lifetime, if you see, killing of so many people. That doesn’t mean that we have right to kill anybody. He was Shri Krishna; we are not. We have to forgive because we are human beings. Once we forgive we transfer all our anger, all our attitude of taking revenge, to Shri Krishna. He takes over. Once you say that “I forgive,” then He takes over, because He does not forgive. He will immediately take over from you and if it is justifiable, if it is necessary He will punish the people who are torturing saints, who are destroying the dharma.