如果你是初學者(或你從未學過霎哈嘉靜坐),如果你仍無法感覺到生命的能量(vibration),建議您暫時不要看此部落格。本部落格乃針對霎哈嘉瑜伽靜坐的中階以上的練習者,因為譯者已假設讀者已有初步Sahaja Yoga 的知識,且熟悉許多基本名詞的涵義。所有文章皆歡迎轉載,但請註明出處。Enjoy!! -----江瑞凱(部落格負責人)敬上 -----(註:部落格電腦版的網頁左上方有搜尋工具,輸入中英文關鍵字,如純真、detached、1996-03-03 等,即可找到所有相關文章。本部落格全部文章的分類及網址請看:https://sahajataiwan.blogspot.com/2019/02/blog-post.html)
2018年5月27日 星期日
2018年5月24日 星期四
When your mind becomes the other way round, I mean, when it is thoughtlessly aware, then you will buy something that is joy giving, something artistic, something beautiful, something useful to that person. It will be a kind of a mind that will be extremely full of generosity, enjoying its generosity. And all the time it will guide you to the projection of your attention to things by which you can give happiness to others. Small, small things – not necessarily expensive things. If you have money better spend money in buying things that you can give to others, that you can – express your love, your gratitude, your Shraddha.
It is very remarkable how people give money to these sadhus and babas in thousands and thousands and crores of it. Because, I think in them it has come that to satisfy their Shraddha they must give it, and so they give. And they have amassed and amassed so much money, they have no sense of it. They don’t understand the value of that. To them it is nothing but money.
So, in the modern times I think the worst thing of ego is money. I have seen people who are very rich, supposed to be great business “wallahs” and something like that, they must meet Me separately, “We must come, Mother, and see You.” But they’re useless people, absolutely useless. So they’ll come and tell Me, “You know, I’m having a loss in this, I’m having a loss in that, can you help us in this way or that way?” I just don’t say anything to them, but they have said, “Mother we have recovered because of Your blessings.” Maybe. But it’s stupid. Like Lao-Tse described that you are going through the Yangtze river, it’s beautiful. On the sides you see beautiful scenes, but you better be on the boat and reach the ocean. In the same way, supposing we have to catch a plane, and we see something very nice on the road and get down there, how can we catch the plane?
So these side-effects of this mind are these, that we divert our attention to wrong things and waste our energy into it. Ultimately we are not happy, as you know that the – in general – wants are not satiable. It’s the love that you give and the love that you receive, which is not a love which is entangled into anything with any purpose, with any idea, but just to feel that love, pure love within yourself and within others. Is the greatest gift of the Divine.
All other things are useless, you’ll find it. You find it every day. Today you want to have a car, all right, have it. Then you want to have a house, have it, but you are not bothered about the car now you want to have a house. Now you get the house, then you are not satisfied. Then you want to have something else and something else. So then, which is that ‘want’ which is satisfying? It’s this pure love, genuine love that you feel for the others, and others feel for you.
2018年5月20日 星期日
你的想法與觀念都是虚構的 (下)
*** 你的想法與觀念都是虚構的 (下) ***
另外,我再來舉一個有關"自我"的制約(譯者:被自我宰制)的例子,這在印度尤其明顯。許多丈夫認為必須主宰他們的妻子,如此才像一個男人,這種想法完全是被他們的自我所控制。請問這種主宰在夫妻關係中可以獲得喜悅快樂嗎? (我們都知道)只有關心與愛才可以獲致一個喜樂的夫妻關係。這種宰制的錯誤想法也帶來另外一種反彈及反作用力,即現在社會有許多女人變得極端有掌控欲,這只是另一種來自自我的錯誤想法而已。
註二:請參考相關的譯文:''用無思慮靜觀來超越你的想法''( http://sahajataiwan.blogspot.co.nz/2017/11/mind-myth-ego-superego-reality-limited.html
)及 "達到無思慮狀態的練習方法" ( http://sahajataiwan.blogspot.co.nz/2018/05/mind-mind-mind-mind-shri-mataji-mind.html
註三:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 在生日普祭(Birthday Puja)的談話1996-03-21。JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。
That’s why they are all fighting among themselves, and you know for definite that no religion is exclusive. But they fight. The reason is, the mind is conditioned that, ‘you must fight for your religion’.
Now, they have no religion within; there’s no religion that is working out in their lives. They might be the most corrupt, most immoral people, but they belong to a particular religion, like a club. And then they start, you see, identifying themselves as something, and they have a right to do these things, because they belong to a particular religion or to cult, and this and that. .......
You have to go beyond this mind. And to go beyond this mind the most helpful thing is Kundalini awakening. Because She passes through your limbic area, pierces through your – fontanel bone area and just takes you away, out into the realm of reality – and the Yoga takes place between your brain, I should say, your heart, with this All-pervading Power. ......
Because, once you can take this attention to anything you want, immediately there is light on that issue, on that person, on that problem, and you see how it works out, how it helps. In Sahaja Yoga you have said, “Mother, there have been lots of miracles with Your Attention”, or something like that. I agree, but your attention also is quite capable of doing things which normal people can’t do, because now your attention is purified, firstly, and secondly it is manipulated with the Divine Power, and is manifesting its powers. ......
Supposing you are born in some other religion then what would have happened? You would have believed something different, but this mind has been injected with the ideas which has gone into your head and that’s how you are so much without any freedom. You are tied down with these conditionings. .......
For some people, money is very important. We must get money, somehow or other. If I don’t get money, what’s the use of being in Sahaja Yoga? Money is very important. We are living in a money-oriented world, no doubt. But I have told you that what’s the use of having money that makes you a fool, which takes you – now, see the countries which are very much money- oriented, who are supposed to be very rich, all the Scandinavian countries and Switzerland, whatever may they have, they might have done to get that money, doesn’t matter, but they are people with money. People are committing suicide, young people are committing suicide, there’s a competition going on, they’re very unhappy. Why? That means money cannot bring happiness. ........
So, in the modern times I think the worst thing of ego is money. I have seen people who are very rich, supposed to be great business “wallahs” and something like that, they must meet Me separately, “We must come, Mother, and see You.” .............
What do you get? You don’t get any joy, you can never be joyous. If you try to dominate another person you can never be joyous. Never be joyous. It’s only through loving and affection and care that you can feel the joy, because joy has these symptoms, joy is not domination, or demanding, or asking. These are not the signs of a person who is joyous. The joyous person is that who just enjoys the caring, the loving, the gentle relationship. ...............
2018年5月16日 星期三
*** 你的想法與觀念都是虚構的(上) ***
前言:這是一個重要的談話,Shri Mataji 多次談及此,但以1996-03-21講得最詳盡。本談話較長,譯者嘗試譯其大要,做為大家看全文或影帶的參考。文長,分成上下。
一般人並不了解人的心智及其產生的觀念、想法 ( mind, 請務必看註一 ),而只是活在這些觀念及想法當中。對霎哈嘉的練習者而言,應該是很容易了解到:人類就是容易反應的動物,習慣性地對外界的種種作出反應。因為人類的腦袋裡有兩個氣球,就是''自我''(ego)及''非我''(superego, 或譯"超我",指的是人的制約,即人被訓練而養成的習慣)。這兩個氣球會使人有反應的傾向,即人類的自我及非我無時不刻在對外界做出反應,這個反應的機制是內建在人類的裡面。人類的思維、想法等即是這個反應機制下的產物,它們隨時轟炸你的頭腦,你也不知道它們從何而來。也正因為這個反應的動作及這些思維想法,使人類無法看到外在事物的實相(reality)。當人類倚靠其心智產生的種種觀念及想法時,他就沒有了解好壞對錯的明辨力,這些人們創造的觀念及想法往往是各種罪惡的根源,帶來爭端、衝突、佔有,最後甚至造成戰爭。
人們往往以為人的心智頭腦可以創造出各種發明,這是完全錯誤的概念,不論是愛因斯坦的相對論,或是牛頓的萬有引力,或是盤尼西林的發明,並不是因為人們心智頭腦的探索研究而發現的,而是經由一些未知的力量進入他們的腦袋,其實他們當中的大部分人知道這個事實。愛因斯坦是在花園玩肥皂泡沫時,突然間不知從何而來,相對論的概念降臨他腦袋。牛頓也曾經說過:'' 這個(萬有引力的)概念是從我所未知的來源而來的''。我們霎哈嘉練習者都知道這個來源就是''神聖力量''(Divine Power),即無所不在的力量(Paramchaitanya)。你們是知道這個力量,因為你們可以感覺到它,你們知道它在那裏,所以你們應該要知道:你們必須超越你們的心智的種種想法(beyond your mind),來達到無思慮的覺知狀態(thoughtless
註一:mind這個字並不容易找到合適的中譯。譯者以為Shri Mataji所講的mind最接近"想法、觀念",有時候也代表 "頭腦心智" (即產生"想法、觀念"的主體)。譯者嘗試列出一些Shri
Mataji曾提過的 "人類的想法" (即人的腦袋心智虛構出來的錯誤想法),以恊助讀者明瞭mind。例如:科學能証明的才是真的;神是不存在的;曰耳曼民族是最優秀的種族;人應該不要受任何拘束來做任何他想做的事;真正的自由就是做任何我喜歡的事;收費超高的導師才可能教上乘的法門;女人也可以做男人做的任何事,這才叫男女平等;人要拚命賺錢;流行就是對的;人類社會就要追求經濟成長。
So, both the things, our ego and conditionings, are all the time acting outside. This reaction, which is built-in within us, is just like bubbles in the ocean. And these bubbles keep us away from reality. These bubbles are of thoughts, and they just blast you all the time in your head, and you don’t know why they are coming.
When you depend on this artificial mind of yours then you have no discretion as to understand what is good and what is bad. This mind is the one where all kinds of evil things start, all kinds of quarrels, fights and – possessiveness, lastly the war also comes there.
It is in this mind only, which is nothing but a myth, all these concrete, destructive ideas, somehow or other come up, and then they start growing and growing. Then you find people whom you can impress also, put ideas into their heads – by reading, they learn, or by their lectures, or by mesmerism, whatever kinds of things they can do. They put your mind into such a frame that you accept these destructive ideas, for yourself individually, or maybe for the collective. So this mind is just a myth and we are working through this mind. We are all the time satisfying ourselves by saying, “Oh, that’s my mind, my mind wants it.”
You see, like one Indian Sahaja Yogi went to America, and he told Me that, “Americans are maneuverer.” Maneuverer means they are mad after their mind. I said, “What do you mean?” He said, “I gave money to my wife to buy one bush shirt for me. She went and bought some skirts. And she has many skirts, but she bought some skirts. So I asked her, ‘Why did you buy the skirts?’ (Shri Mataji laughing) So she said, ‘My mind said that, “you should buy the skirts”, so I bought skirts’.”
So, this is what it is, that the mind can take you to all kinds of wrong things because it has no connection with reality, firstly, and secondly it is a mythical thing, absolutely mythical.
You see, people think that whatever they have created, it is out of their mind. Is a wrong idea, absolutely wrong idea. All great scientists, say – Einstein has said that, “I was tired trying to find out the Theory of Relativity, very tired.” He had some concept, like all scientists take up some sort of a concept, and they tried to build up their research on that, “And then I thought, it’s a wrong concept that I have taken up. Suddenly”, he said, “I went into the garden, I said let’s try and play with the soap bubbles.” He was playing with the soap bubbles like a small child, “and suddenly, from somewhere unknown”, he says, the Theory of Relativity dawned upon him. Many scientists have said that – that they don’t know from where they get this idea. From where did they get it? It has a special – study now people are doing to find out how these scientists got these things.
As Sahaja Yogis you know it is the Source of the Divine Power, which is all-pervading, the Paramchaitanya. You know, because you can feel it, you know it is there. But, even when you know, you must know you have to go beyond your mind into thoughtless awareness, minimum. Always I tell you, “Meditate, meditate”, because you should be in thoughtless awareness, where you do not react. So, what happens, you become a witness, you become the witness of the whole drama, of the whole scene, and you are absolutely at ease with yourself, no problem. And what you are doing that you become an instrument of this Paramachaitanya, of this all-pervading power. You are just watching, you are a witness, and as watching everything, you realize that whatever you watch cannot react on you. But you know what it is, and this is what is the state in which you understand the reality of the whole situation.
2018年5月8日 星期二
前言:如何在霎哈嘉自處,如何看待在霎哈嘉碰到的人,這是初學者的功課之一。霎哈嘉對所有人開放,又對成員極其包容,這也造成一些初學者會因某些練習者的行為,得到錯誤的印象,從而誤判霎哈嘉。其實那些有問題的人並不能代表霎哈嘉,Shri Mataji 在談話中常提醒這一點,這譯文只是其中之一。
另外有一些人則是來霎哈嘉展現他們的自我、滿足他們的存在感、展示他們的重要性,"你看,我是這個、那個"。他們也會試圖拉攏同黨、組小團體。和這非常類似的、也十分常見的,即有人來霎哈嘉搞政治,他們試圖去找負責人的麻煩、反對這個那個,說:"負責人有這個問題、那個問題" 等等。
2018年5月1日 星期二
*** 達到無思慮狀態的練習方法 ***
我們必須超越(我們的)想法和觀念(mind, 註一),這個想法、觀念只是(人)虚構出來的東西,但是人們却活在其中,(以為那是真實的)。這就為什麼你們問我這麼多問題(註二),這些疑惑都來自你固有的想法、觀念。假如你可以超越這些想法、觀念,你心中將没有任何疑問了。因為你没有處在那狀態,所以你問這些問題。或許(有時候)你可以短暫地處在那狀態,但(往往)你一下子又掉下來了。如何更多的時間處在那狀態?如何讓你超越你的想法、觀念呢?有一個很有效的練習方法:
另外還有一個練習的方法也很有助於進入無思慮的狀態,即當你看著某物時,例如看著一朶花,立即地,你的腦袋心智會反應,會冒出一個想法,此時試著去觀察它在說什麼,然後告訴它:"我不想聽!我不想聽!",而只是(繼續)去看著這個對象(譯者:即 "花"),若如此練習,你就會逐漸成長。這就是禪的方法,這是用來訓練人超越其"頭腦心智及想法觀念" (mind)的方法。
註一:mind這個字並不容易找到合適的中譯。譯者以為Shri Mataji所講的mind最接近"想法、觀念",有時候也代表"頭腦心智"(即產生"想法、觀念"的主體)。譯者嘗試列出一些Shri
註二:這個談話從Shri Mataji回答練習者的發問開始。
註三:請參考相關的譯文:''用無思慮靜觀來超越你的想法''( http://sahajataiwan.blogspot.co.nz/2017/11/mind-myth-ego-superego-reality-limited.html
)及 ''如何穩固你的注意力''( http://sahajataiwan.blogspot.co.nz/2017/11/bodhidharma-paramchaitanya-shri-mataji.html
Mataji對香港練習者的談話1996-03-10。JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。