2018年5月1日 星期二


*** 達到無思慮狀態的練習方法  ***

我們必須超越(我們的)想法和觀念(mind, 註一),這個想法、觀念只是()虚構出來的東西,但是人們却活在其中,(以為那是真實的)。這就為什麼你們問我這麼多問題(註二),這些疑惑都來自你固有的想法、觀念。假如你可以超越這些想法、觀念,你心中將没有任何疑問了。因為你没有處在那狀態,所以你問這些問題。或許(有時候)你可以短暫地處在那狀態,但(往往)你一下子又掉下來了。如何更多的時間處在那狀態?如何讓你超越你的想法、觀念呢?有一個很有效的練習方法:



另外還有一個練習的方法也很有助於進入無思慮的狀態,即當你看著某物時,例如看著一朶花,立即地,你的腦袋心智會反應,會冒出一個想法,此時試著去觀察它在說什麼,然後告訴它:"我不想聽!我不想聽!",而只是(繼續)去看著這個對象(譯者:即 ""),若如此練習,你就會逐漸成長。這就是禪的方法,這是用來訓練人超越其"頭腦心智及想法觀念" (mind)的方法。


註一:mind這個字並不容易找到合適的中譯。譯者以為Shri  Mataji所講的mind最接近"想法、觀念",有時候也代表"頭腦心智"(產生"想法、觀念"的主體)。譯者嘗試列出一些Shri  Mataji提過的"人類的想法",以恊助讀者明瞭mind。例如:科學能証明的才是真的;神是不存在的;曰耳曼民族是最優秀的種族;人應該不要受任何拘束來做任何他想做的事;女人也可以做男人做的任何事,這才叫男女平等;人要拚命賺錢;流行就是對的;人類社會就要追求經濟成長。


註二:這個談話從Shri  Mataji回答練習者的發問開始。

註三:請參考相關的譯文:''用無思慮靜觀來超越你的想法''http://sahajataiwan.blogspot.co.nz/2017/11/mind-myth-ego-superego-reality-limited.html )及 ''如何穩固你的注意力''http://sahajataiwan.blogspot.co.nz/2017/11/bodhidharma-paramchaitanya-shri-mataji.html


註四:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji對香港練習者的談1996-03-10JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

All right, now we have to go beyond the mind, as I said it that mind is a myth and we live on a mental level all the time. And that’s why so many questions and so many things they come from your mind. If you reach a state where you are beyond the mind you won’t have any questions because you will be there. Because you’re not there you’re asking these questions. You are there for a short time and then you come down. So how to be more on that level, I’ll tell you. I don’t have that problem. I can be all the time beyond the mind but for you people I’ve tried to find out why, how to make it, to keep you beyond the mind.

Now the best way I told people and it has worked wonders that when you are, whether you are free, whether you are meditating or not, whether you are freely standing or doing, try to see what is your mind is thinking. You separate, now because you’re realized souls, you have to be, first of all, connected; if you’re not connected you can’t do this practice. But if you’re connected to the mains then what you should do is to see that your mind is thinking. Now watch your mind. Ask the mind, “Now what are you thinking? Let’s see, what are we to think?” And you will be surprised you’ll go on watching and suddenly you’ll reach a point that you have become thoughtless.

So always watch the mind. What is it doing? What is it thinking? What is it working out? And the mind will just not think because it cannot answer. It cannot answer a realized soul, you see. But for that, you have to be beyond the mind; to begin with you should separate yourself from your mind. You ask questions to your mind. “Now let’s see what are you thinking, sir. Where are you?” In the mirror also you can see, you shouldn’t suffer from narcissism, of course not, but what you have to do is to ask.

You see, if you try to understand how to become thoughtless, the best way is to look at something, now you look at something, say, look at the flowers. Now immediately it will react, your mind will react. Now you try to see what is your mind is saying. “I don’t want to hear, no, I don’t want to hear.” Just say, “I don’t want to hear anything. I don’t want to know anything.” You just want to watch, that’s all. Gradually you’ll grow. You see, this is the system Zen. Try to do it, but it was such a thing, you know, that time, they were no such nice people like you, perhaps. So he had to use other methods to make people go beyond the thought.