2018年9月6日 星期四


*** 關於能量測試()  ***

我們(常人)都有能力做一般的溝通,比如我們可以和他人交談、可以談某事、也可以用手指去表達自己、可以用手來溝通。但是要和能量(vibrations)溝通,則你必須先有能量(vibrations)才可以做得到,否則你是無法去感測他人。但假如你只是在額輪的層次,即你是用你的心智的力量 (you are mental. 註一),只是完全在頭腦的層次,那麼你的能量也會逐漸減弱,如此你就無法真正知道能量倒底在說什麼。(此時)你是無法判斷你所感測到的能量,因為這些(感測到的)能量是來自頭腦。有人對我說:"母親,我們有去問能量(We asked the vibrations)",我說:"真的嗎?但是你沒有任何能量,你如何能去問能量呢?"。我常聽見練習者如此說:"我們已經問過能量了,我們從能量得到答案了!",這是不可能的,因為你只是用你的腦袋、用你的心智力量而已(You are just mental !)。耶穌基督所做的,就是將你從心智的層次拉出來,這可說是最困難的工作。但是令我最訝異的是,那些宣稱信仰基督的人,反而是最用頭腦的一群人。這(心智的執障)就像德里的霧霾,人們是很難穿越過去。耶穌基督打破了這霧霾,我們是無法充分地感謝祂為我們所做的這一切,正是祂除去了人類往上演化的最大障礙,即穿越過額輪,穿越了人類內在的心智。

註一: 這一段談話最關鍵的一個字是 mental ,中文並無完全恰當、相應的字眼,根據譯者的理解,Shri Mataji 所指的是:"心智的活動"換言之,即是一般所謂的 "用頭腦、用思維"。在相信頭腦、思維之下,人類往往是不自知地為自我及制約所掌控。

註三:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji在聖誕節普祭(Christmas Puja)談話1998-12-25JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

We can have general communication, like we can talk to people, we can say things, we can also use our fingers to express ourselves, our hands to communicate. But to communicate vibrations, you have to have vibrations. Otherwise you cannot feel another person. But if you are at the Agnya level, means you are mental, absolutely MENTAL, then your vibrations also are dwindling, in the sense you don’t know really what they are saying. You can’t judge your vibrations because these vibrations are mental. They say: “Mother, we asked the vibrations.” I say: “Really? But you don’t have any vibrations, how can you ask the vibrations?” Very common thing: “We asked the vibrations, we found from the vibrations”. It’s not possible, because you are just MENTAL. Now what Christ has done is to put you AWAY from the mental level, that is the most difficult. While I am surprised, those who follow Christianity have the WORST mental position, they are mentally absolutely there, I don’t know how to call, like the fog of Delhi… [laughs] that you can’t cross! That fog was broken by Christ. How much we should be obliged to Him, that He removed the greatest hurdle in the human ascent and that one was to break this Agnya, the mental being within us.