*** 錫呂瑪塔吉有關憤怒的談話 ***
假如你的生氣是來自你個性上的傾向,或是你的失控,那麼這種生氣是不好的。假如發脾氣是來自失控,那麼(絕對)是不好的。我有時候會很生氣,但是完全是在我的掌控之中,我知道我在生氣,我知道亡魂、負面在那裡,我也清楚看見它們如何跑走,我可以看得見它,但是你們看不見亡魂,你們看不見這些東西,所以你們沒有必要生氣,或展現你的脾氣。假如你的憤怒讓你有些失控 ,那麼有一個來祈求Shanti (即peace,平靜)
的口訣 :“Ya Devi
sarva bhuteshu Shanti
rupena samsthita.”,你必須來祈求這個祝福、這個平靜。要控制你的脾氣,你必須對自己念誦這個口訣,Shanti
註一:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji在倫敦靜室的談話1982-08-06。JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。
Sahaja Yogi: Mother, if you become angry at any point with people,
is that because it’s a tendency or a negative entity? Or is it just a tendency
to react like that?
Shri Mataji: You see, if you get angry within yourself, and if
you are sure that you are not doing anything wrong, for a Sahaja Yogi there is
no need to say outside you are angry. There’s no need. That anger itself is a
And you should do your bandhan and anything that you want to do.
But you should not show that you are angry. You should be absolutely silent.
Because you can be; you are in the axis, you are not on the periphery.
Actually, the anger is just to see your anger and use that anger for that
purpose. And once you start doing that, that anger will itself work out. That
anger will itself work out the person. And you’ll be amazed how it… but you
must learn to see your anger that is working. All these things are important.
You have seen that sometimes only shouting at the bhoots – they go away. And
many mad people have been cured like that.
But you don’t do all that, that’s for Me. You must be always
decent, with decorum and all that. But if the anger is because of your nature,
or a tendency, or out of control – than it’s a bad thing. If it is an
out-of-control, than it’s a bad thing. If you get into a temper because it is
out of control, than it’s a bad thing. I can get very angry, but I am
completely under control: I know I am angry, where the bhoot is, how he is
running away; I can see it. But you can’t see the bhoot, you can’t see
anything. So there is no need for you to get angry, show temper. But if you
have an anger – say, for example, which makes you uncontrollable – then there
is a mantra for that: Shanti [peace]. “Ya Devi sarva bhuteshu Shanti rupena
samsthita.” You must ask for that bliss, for that peace. This is a mantra for
you. For controlling your temper, you have to tell yourself, “Ya Devi sarva
bhuteshu Shanti rupena samsthita.” So Shanti is the point – the axis point is
that – from where you witness everything. You are in Shanti, you are in
complete… you are not in a turmoil even if you are angry. You are not in a
turmoil. Whatever is anger is the power, and the power is taking charge. But
unless and until that is achieved, what you have to do is to put yourself in a
position that you are peaceful.
So I think that’s a very good mantra – is to say, “Ya Devi sarva
bhuteshu Shanti rupena samsthita.” Can you say that? So the Shanti is your
fort. But peacefulness never means cowardice. Never call cowardice as peace. A
person who is peaceful is never coward, because nothing can transgress it,
nothing can overpower it. It is never never possible that cowardice and peace
can go together. But your power is inside, not outside. So you don’t show your
power of your anger outside. But just little anger with anybody – you will see
it will work out.
But first establish that… that position within you where you are
the axis, where you do not allow anger to sit on your head. That is the growth.
That is the growth, that you are at peace. Also… Another question? All right,
satisfied now? Both ways you should know: that one is the anger that is
detached – is perfectly all right; anger which involves you – work it out. So
judge yourself as to what it is.