2016年5月2日 星期一

基督與復活(Christ and Resurrection)

------基督與復活(Christ and Resurrection)------



註一:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 的談話1988-04-03 復活節普祭(Easter Puja). JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正.

Today we are here to celebrate the resurrection of Christ. Resurrection of Christ has the greatest significance for all the Sahaja Yogis. And we have to understand that He resurrected Himself so that we could resurrect ourselves. The message of His life is His resurrection and not His cross. He bore the cross for us and we don’t have to bear anymore. I see lots of people having this drama going on. They are carrying the cross across to show as if we are going to do the job for Christ, as if He has left some work to be done by these people who play a drama. But all this drama is to deceive yourself and to deceive others. There’s no sense in playing such useless things to show how Christ suffered. To make you weep and to make you cry Christ did not suffer. He suffered that you should enjoy, that you should be happy, that you should lead a life of complete bliss and gratitude to the Almighty who has created you. He would never like you to be unhappy. Which father would like his son to be unhappy?
So we have to understand that His message of His life, why He came on this earth to do the greatest job is that of resurrection. If He had not resurrected Himself, I could not have worked out Sahaja Yoga. So we have to be eternally thankful to His life and to Him. That the way He did all these difficult tasks, taking upon Himself. That we cannot do, we human beings, cannot do it. It’s only He being the divine, He being the Aum, He being the Logos, He being the Brahma could do it.
But now you all have ascended. I can see on your faces Christ writ large on your faces, beautifully shining in your eyes and twinkling. He’s there within us, in our hearts, in our eyes, and He has resurrected Himself and He has resurrected you, too. But now it is for you to resurrect other people. You can resurrect other people. This is the power. You have got it. Through Him maybe, or through your Kundalini, but you have this power to resurrect other people.