2016年5月28日 星期六

什麼都是可能的 ------一個上帝的故事

*** 什麼都是可能的 ------一個上帝的故事 ***

有一個人要去見上帝(God),在途中他碰見一位苦行者。這位修行人住在森林中,每天從事諸如倒立、單腿站立等等的苦行。這位苦行者得知這個人要去見上帝,就請他代為稟告上帝。他說:"我一直祈望能有看見上帝的福德(darshan, 註一),我每天這麼努力做這麼多的苦行,但是為什麼我還是看不見上帝,我什麼時候可以看到上帝呢?",他回答道:"好,我一定代爲轉告。"。之後他又繼續前行,他又碰到另一個人。這個人懶散地躺在樹旁,揮手對他說:"你過來,你過來!我聽說你要去看上帝,請你幫我告訴上帝,祂今天還沒送食物給我,我肚子已咕嚕

他終於看到上帝,辦完他的事情後,他稟告上帝:"我來的途中碰到一位苦行者,他有如此如此的疑問。",上帝答道:"你告訴他要再努力一些,他需要更多的苦行。"。他接著問:"我另外還有碰到一位肚子餓的人.......",上帝說:"什麽!他還沒有收到食物? ",上帝立即叫來服務人員,吩咐他們即刻送去食物。上帝接著說:"我知道你一定有些疑惑,你回去之後只要告訴那兩個人如下的故事,你就會明白了。你告訴他們你在這裏看到我將一隻駱駝穿過一個針眼。"




註二 : 這是一個Shri Mataji 講過許多次的故事,是印度的一個古老的故事。

註三:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 的談話1988-07-27. JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正

I have told you the story about My father’s aunt. She told Me once a story, very nice story about God. She said that there was one gentleman who was going to see God. I mean, it’s a grandmother’s story, so you can understand. And he was going, on his way he met a gentleman who was doing lots of tapasya, standing on one leg, one foot, one head, like that. He was going on and on. So he said, “You are going to see God?” “Yes.” “Will you tell God that I want to take Your darshan, when will You come? I am working very hard, I am doing all these things. I have done all the rituals, everything, when will I see You?” He said, “All right. I’ll tell Him.”

So then he met a gentleman who was lying down near the tree on the way and he said, “Oh. Come along, come along. You are going to see God?” “Yes.” “Please tell Him, He has not sent my food so far, I am waiting for Him.” He was quite amazed – look at this lazy lump sitting there and ordering God.

So he went to God and saw Him. And then all his work was done, whatever it was.

And while coming, he said that “Sir I have a problem. There are two people. One is working very hard and he is doing fasting and doing all kinds of things and he wants to know when will You meet him.” He said, “Tell him still to work little more. Still he needs working.” And then he said that, “I met another one, a lazy lump, he just said he has not yet received the food, and what about the food?” He said, “No. He hasn’t received? Oh God!” He called people, come along, this that. “You must arrange, immediately. How is it he has not received the food?”

He was quite amazed, this fellow. God said, “Now you see why I was worried. You will not understand. But you do one thing. When you go down you tell them one story. Tell them that when you went to God, you saw that He passed one camel through the nose of a needle. And see, you will get your answer.”
He went down. First he met this man who was doing all these exercises and this and that. He said, “What did God say to you?” “He said yes, you have to do some more and still work hard. Still not all right.” So he said, “But what did you see, you had been there?” He said, “I saw a very great miracle that God passed a camel through the eye of a needle.” “Passed through the eye of a needle? How can it be? It’s impossible. What was the needle size?” “Just normal size.” He said, “How can that be? What was the size of the camel?” “Just normal size.” “How did it pass?” “He did.”
So he went to another man, and he said, “Oh, I have got the food. I just wanted to test you. It’s all right. I know God will look after me.” So he said, “What did you see?” He said, “I saw a miracle that a camel was passed through the eye of a needle.” He said, “What is there a miracle? It’s God. You know He is God. He is God almighty. What is there for one camel? He can pass universes after universes. He is God after all.”
That’s what He is, God. And He is God almighty. Anything is possible.