2016年6月30日 星期四

無所不在的神聖力量( Chaitanya)

------無所不在的神聖力量( Chaitanya)------

這個流通在宇宙每一處的大能, Chaitanya, Mahamaya(母親)的力量(Shakti)。這個力量會思考,祂清楚知道所有的事情,而且祂會安排一切。更重要的是,這個力量是愛你的-----無條件地愛你!祂的愛是完全不要求你的回報,祂只希望對你付出,希望你有所成長,希望你幸福。至於那些在你前進路上的荆棘和阻礙,或是要給你麻煩的人,這些通通都會被消滅。但是你不用耗費力量在這上面,你只要請求這個力量去毁滅這些邪惡的勢力即可。Chaitanya有祂毁滅的一面,你不要接近這毁滅力量,你只要祈求(desire),這個力量就會自行去運作。
進入無思慮的靜觀狀態( Nirvichar)是你的避難所,可以避開那些試圖要掌控你、給你麻煩或差辱你的人們。你應該進入靜觀的狀態來看這些人。例如有一個瘋狂的人一直纏著你,你要如何應對呢?你但就靜觀他的瘋狂、他所受的心智折磨、他的困難,你可以笑看他的演出,欣賞他是何等的愚蠢,你不要去承受任何他給你的麻煩。你只要進入你的堡壘-----無思慮的靜觀。當你在這之中,那些愛你、給你喜樂、養育你的大能都會來幫助你。但是假如你仍然忙著想我如何消滅這些、如何處理這些,那麼這些麻煩將繼續糾纏著你,而非對方。

註一:Shri Mataji 有時也用 Divine Power 來表示 Chaitanya

註二:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 的談話1988-10-16. JSM ! 敬請 Sahaja 兄弟姊妹們指正.

But this power of destruction, you should not go near it, you only have to desire and these Shakties will start working on their own.
This work – this Chaitanya – that is flowing in the Universe – is this Mahamaya’s Shakti – and with this Mahamaya Shakti only all the work is being done. This Shakti – thinks, knows, understands everything properly and organises everything. And most important thing is that it “Loves” you and this love is ‘without interest’ (Nirvajya). This love does not want anything from you, it only desires to give you, it desires your progress, it desires your well being. But along with this, those things who want to be thorns, put obstacles in your way, put up fights or in any way trouble you, all those people should essentially be destroyed. But for this you don’t put in your energy. You should only invite this power ‘avahan’ (call) the Devi and then you tell them to destroy these demonic people. This is a big thing and you have a relief that anyone who is trying to trouble you, abuse you, dominate you, you have a special state in you which is “Nirvichar”. Everything you should see in a ‘witness state’. Like a mad person is after you, what do you have to do with him? Watch his madness, mental torture, his difficulties and you laugh at him. What a fool he is? You do not have to take any trouble for him. For this you only have to enter your fort – that is ‘Nirvicharita’. In Nirvicharita all the Shaktis which are loving, joy giving, nurturing will come to you. But so long as you remain busy with this, or remain busy with this thought that how I shall remove this, how to destroy this or how to remedy it. This will reflect on you not on him.

2016年6月22日 星期三

大幻相 (Mahamaya)

-------大幻相 (Mahamaya,註一)------

過去的導師或降世神祇並無法給人類自覺,只有 Mahamaya 才能給你自覺,古書早已記載此點。當 Mahamaya (母親) 給你自覺時,我是如此地像凡人(人類)一般,我的實相又隱藏起來,所以你可能無法認出我( 註:認出母親為太初之母,Adi Shakti)。每次你若試著想更了解我的實相( reality),你就會陷入圍繞在 Mahamaya 周遭層層的網中,你又發覺我非常不同於人類。所以我以 Mahamaya 的形相出現在這一世,對你而言可能會造成一些問題,但這也是一個特別的安排。試想假如我像以前的女神一樣,隨時都握著一把劍,坐在老虎背上,誰會靠近我呢?誰敢來問問題?此世我必須給你忠告,必須指出你的問題,我必須做許多事,這些都是以前那些女神無法做到的。所以我這一世以 Mahamaya 的形相出現,你可以靠近我,你可以對我講話,可以聽取我的建議。我同時也可以告訴你們許多事、解析許多事的祕密。當你們知道坐在你們對面的是 Mahamaya,對你們是很有助益,你們才較不容易迷失在 Mahamaya 的陷阱之中。

其實太靠近我反而對你不好,舉例來說,我的女兒和我最接近,她們反而無法接受我( 註:接受我是太初之母),我的丈夫也無法接受,我的孫子則需要一段時間才可以接受我( 註二)。我的親戚也無法接受我,假如他們可以接受( 認出)我的整体形相( 註:指包括太初之母),則他們必然是靈性很高的人。


註一:譯者說明:Maya 是幻相( illusion) 的意思,指遮掩真相的烏雲。舉例來說,錢、身份、地位、"我的"家人、名校、名牌等等皆是幻相。Maha 是大的意思,Mahamaya 字面上的涵義則是"大幻相"Shri Mataji 是太初之母的化身,Mahamaya 是太初之母( Adi Shakti) 這一世在地球降世的身份。其人身 ( 家庭主婦、印度人、為人之母、為人之妻......) 則只是一種幻相。這種幻相本身也是一種保護,讓Shri Mataji 可以安全完成的許多使命,而不會被邪惡力量或無知的人們所攻擊。但是這幻相也阻卻許多人認出她是太初之母,而喪失了昇進的机會。而在實相與幻相的交錯之中,也會讓霎哈嘉練習者產生許多的困擾及懷疑。Shri Mataji 在談話時常說:我是Mahamaya,你們不要試圖了解我,這對你們沒有好處。

註二:Shri Mataji 的兩個女兒均非霎哈嘉練習者,丈夫亦不靜坐,孫子則有幾位是霎哈嘉練習者Shri Mataji 離世後,兩位女兒甚至爲了霎哈嘉一些組織的控制權,還對簿公堂,着實驗證了Shri Mataji 當年的先見之明:"我的家人不在霎哈嘉之内是比較好。譯者以為這些為一些幻相而起的紛爭並不是什麼醜聞,而只是一齣戲劇(drama),正是給霎哈嘉練習者一個機會來更看清楚什麼是幻相?而什麼才是霎哈嘉裡的珍寶!

註三:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 的談話1988-10-141988-10-15. JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正.

‘The problem is this, one more is, that I am Mahamaya’. Only the Mahamaya will give you that, which is written down already. Now when Mahamaya gives you that. I am so human, that I can recede, you can not make me out. Every time you try to come nearer to reality, you just get into the web of Mahamaya. I am so inhuman. This is the problem with you, but also is a solution. Like supposing, I was like anyone of these Goddesses that you have heard of, all the time with a sword, nobody will go near them. Sitting on a lion sitting on a tiger, Who will go near them? Who will ask question? Who will explain ? I have to counsel you. I have to do so many things. I have to tell you how I have to point out your problems. These none of them would do. They just take a………. (Shri Mataji laughs)………… no joking, nothing. No entertainment. So it is like a great guru. See a musician for example – if he sees his disciples putting one note in wrong way he just slaps them. But Mahamaya can’t do that.’ Otherwise nothing is tolerated. They are intolerable to Gods and Goddesses.. All of them, they are within me, I know they are there. I control them, because I am Mahamaya, so I control them. I say Now see it will all work out. Both ways, but I am so close and the closer I am, worse it is for you, for example – my own children won’t accept me, grand children won’t accept me very fast, my husband won’t accept me, my relations won’t accept me, if they accept me in the full form, then they are very very great people. In a way, it is good also because supposing you see the whole family is with me, they will think- I have floated an organisation or something. So this looks nice that they are kept out, as long as possible.(1988-10-14)

But to recognize me is rather difficult because I am a Mahamaya and so normally you might come into that mess created as a Mahamaya. But as I told you the other day that you could not have faced me in my other form. Imagine a person with a sword in the hand sitting on a lion. Could not have faced it. So I had to be Mahamaya and this is what it is, that in this form you can come close to me, you can talk to me, you can also take my advice, if you want. So this counselling can be done better. I could decode everything to you. I could tell everything about it. But to know that you are sitting before Mahamaya Itself  is very helpful. So don’t get lost into the garb of Mahamaya.(1988-10-15)

2016年6月17日 星期五

靜坐的力量(Meditative Force)

--------靜坐的力量(Meditative Force)--------

對自覺的靈而言,面對事情的態度是非常不一樣。先說我,當我面臨一個困難時,我會立刻進入靜坐的狀態,這個困難就即刻獲得解決,因為這就是母親的力量(power)。相同的,當你碰到一個問題時,假如你立即進入靜坐狀態,這個問題就變成母親的責任了。但是若你開始用腦筋或用嘴巴嘗試去解決它,你就會掉入陷阱之中。所以最好的策略即是碰到困擾你的問題,你應該就只是進入靜坐狀態,甚至連祈禱都不要,就只是帶著問題進入靜坐狀態 ( go into meditation with that problem ),如此你將可以成功地離開此困境。

只要你處在靜坐狀態的堡壘之中,你是非常安全。也只有在此狀態,你才能成長。離開此,你是不可能有所成長的,就如同缺乏陽光的樹木是不可能成長的。你必須處在無思慮的靜觀(Nirvichara)之中,你不必去反對什麼,也不必去贊同什麼,也不必去說什麼。尤其對其他的霎哈嘉練習者(yogis)更不必去說什麼。當你發覺有人(譯者註:根據上下文應是指練習者) 行為舉止可笑時,你只要進入靜坐狀態,你會驚訝到事情如何地變好。這就是你的力量!在這個世上得到自覺的人是非常少,這些覺醒的靈都在成長、都在逐步走出他們的路,但是他們最缺乏的就是這個靜坐的力量 (Meditative Force)

最好的方法即是順服(surrender),你只要隨時將母親放在你的心中,就這麼簡單。當你常這麼做之後,你甚至没辦法不這樣做,你會感覺你融入這宇宙之中,這就像一種不執着的愛(detached love),你感到十分舒服、滿足與充滿祝福。這種狀態是每一個人都要努力去達成的。對你們而言,這其實是不難的,因為母親隨時都與你們同在。唯一的問題是:你必須認出母親。有時認出我是有些困難,因為這一世我是一個大幻相(Mahamaya),你們可能陷在伴隨大幻相而來的錯覺之中。

註一:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 的談話1988-10-15. JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正

The whole attitude about facing anything is very different for a Realised soul. Like me, I would say – if I see a problem, immediately I go into meditation, immediately, and the problem is solved. Because that’s my power. In the same way if you see a problem and if you go into meditation, the problem will be solved by me. That means in meditation you surrender to me, then it is my job. But if you start solving it mentally or orally, you will fall into traps. So, the best thing is, any such problem that bothers you, you should just go into meditation, don’t have to even pray- just go into meditation with that problem and you will come out victorious.
What today you have been asking me for the victory, I have to tell you that you are very safe in the fort of your meditative state and very well in meditation only you can grow, you cannot grow otherwise. It is like the sunshine for any tree. You have to be in meditation, in Nirvichara, you don’t have to oppose anybody, you don’t have to agree anybody, you don’t have to say anything. Specially for other Yogis, you don’t have to say anything. Anybody whom you find to be funny, just go into meditation and you will be amazed how things will change, and that is your power. How many people have got Realisation in this world ? Very few. They are growing up – alright, they are working it out. But what is lacking in them is the Meditative Force.
The best way is to surrender and the surrendering is easier. You just put me in your heart, all the time, the simplest way. Then you cannot exist without it. You feel completely lost. It’s a kind of a very detached love. You just feel absolutely rested, blissful, and content. Then you don’t want anything. That is the state, one has to establish. It is easy for you because I am in person with you. Only problem that is there, as I told you in Sahaja Yoga, that you have to recognize Me to begin with. But to recognize me is rather difficult because I am a Mahamaya and so normally you might come into that mess created as a Mahamaya.

2016年6月9日 星期四



假如你的根輪(Mooladara) 有問題,你可以坐在這塊土地上( Maharastra 這個地方,註一),前面放母親的相片,左手掌朝相片
(註#)右手掌貼地,然後唸Shri Ganesha Atharvasheersha 的口訣(mantra),如此你的左脈的問題將會得到治療。我説左脈會得到治療,乃是指首先你的左腹輪(left Swadistana)會得到清潔。你們當中有許多人去找過假導師等等,也做過一些錯事,這些都會獲得療癒。尤其在西方世界,婦女流產(註二) 是非常普遍,這可能是由於不好的根輪或左腹輪。無論是什麼,我們也不必管是什麼原因或過去如何,只要你清潔左脈,當左脈的能量(vibration)流通,你就清除根輪的阻塞,也解決了根輪的毛病。這對所有的練習者都非常重要。當然你也可以在任何地方做此方法,因為到處都是母親大地,但是效果可能無法像此地(Maharastra)這麽好,因為此地是根輪的一個特殊地點。此處的大地可以清潔你,也會讓你充滿神聖(holiness) 與吉祥(auspiciousness),所以你們在此地要儘可能坐在大地上。此外你們也要試著左手掌朝太陽(註#),右手掌貼地來靜坐。


註一:Shri Mataji 1985年起為了加速全球練習者的成長,開始舉辦印度之行(India Tour),其行程都是到 Maharastra一帶。Maharastra 是印度中西部以孟買為首府的一個行政區。Shri Mataji 指此地有很好的能量,因為自古就有許多聖人居住在此,Shri Rama(羅摩)Sita(悉妲) 也曾經光腳在此行走。也正因為如此,此地的居民都有很好的根輪,他們都非常純真。此篇談話即1988 年印度之行開始時對練習者的講話。
Shri Mataji 也說在其他地方亦可用此方法。

註二:Shri Mataji abortion 這個字,應是指流產,而不是指墮胎。

註三:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 的談話1988-12-07. JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正.

Now, if you have any problem of Mooladara, for example, on this land if you sit down on the ground and put My photograph in front of you and put your left hand towards the photograph and the right hand on the Mother Earth and say the mantra of Shri Ganesha or Atharvasheersha your left side will be cured. Left side is cured means left swadistana first of all. So many of you have been to so many gurus, this, that and have done wrong things. That gets corrected. Also you have seen that in the west abortion is very common thing that happens to women. May be because of bad Mooladhara or may be by left Swadisthana. Whatever it is, we don’t have to bother about the past or about reason why it is so? So if you take your vibrations on the left hand side, then you clear out your Mooladhara in such a manner that the problems of Mooladhara are solved. That is very important for all of us.

But this you can’t do anywhere else, I think that good. I mean, you can, of course. Mother Earth is everywhere. But here it is a special place for Mooladara chakra. Where it clears you very much and fills you up with holiness and auspiciousness. These are the two qualities of Shri Ganesha which you can imbibe very easily in this place. So, try to sit on the ground as much as you can. And try to meditate with your left hand towards the Sun and right hand on the Mother Earth. Can you do that now? Let’s see. Left hand towards the sun and right hand on the Mother Earth.


Better. Clears out.


So, instead of cleansing it through your Agnya you can cleanse it through your Mooladara. There are only two ways you can clear out your left side. Is, one is your Agya and another is your Mooladara. This is the easiest thing to do here.

And you must have noticed that the people have very good Mooladhara in Maharastra. They have no problem of their Mooladhara. The way they dance, the way they become innocent. Are so innocent, [sort of looking as if some]. Gods have come down here. Moreover, this place is very vibrated otherwise also because lots of saints have lived here. Have left their vibrations and Shri Rama and Sita have walked on this soil bare feet. So it is a very vibrated place.

2016年6月2日 星期四




Shri Mataji:不,不是這樣。從事任何職業,你必須以霎哈嘉的方式來做這些工作。即不需要有過多的人為思量與計劃,事情自然會配合你來發展。假如你相信整個宇宙都會試圖幫助你,整個宇宙自然會將一切必要的呈現在你面前,事情也會自然成就。你不必須去花太多的功夫,不必去籌劃太多,不必去想我應該選這個或那個等等。你需要做的只是仔細觀察,等待那機會的到來,你也必須讓這機會有呈現出來的空間。用太多的頭腦去思量這個那個,並不會有太大的幫助。你會驚訝到事情如何自然而然地順利完成。

這中間的關鍵在於你的順服是到達什麼程度?你與無所不在的神聖力量 (Divine)又是多接近?你不必思量太多、擔心太多。只要你處在天父的王國裡,事情總會朝著你的期望來發展。你的所有的事都會被照顧到,連最小的部分、最微小的細節都會被照顧到。你們每一個練習者都會被照顧到。這就為什麼常有練習者告訴我:"母親,我不知道為什麼事情會這麽順利完成。當你沈浸在這大洋之中,是海水帶著你上上下下,你只要去享受,把其他的一切都交給海洋來幫你決定。

註一:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 的談話1988-07-27. JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正.

Q9 (Gentleman): Mother, You have spoken about the importance of us establishing ourselves in society with careers and professional jobs. How do we know how far to go in our professions, in our careers, and how important they are and when we have to say enough of that and live our lives as Sahaja Yogis, because I feel that sometimes the things we have to do as Sahaja Yogis come into conflict with our professional [UNCLEAR WORD].

Shri Mataji: No. It cannot be you see. Now take your profession of any kind that you have. You have to do it in a Sahaja manner that you don’t too much deliberately plan it and think about it. It will come your way. If you believe that the whole cosmos is trying to help you, the whole cosmos will bring forth everything before you. And it will work out. You don’t have to do much effort, to think about it, what should I choose, whether I should take this or whether I should take that. Only thing what you have to do is just to see for yourself that you are watching and seeing an opportunity coming to you. And allow the opportunity to appear before you. It does. Don’t have to deliberately bother your head, what to take, what to do. That you need not do. It will just be there. You’ll be amazed how it works. I will give you an example. Recently, there’s one Mr. Hari Jayaram. He is a mediocre, I would say, he is not very great scientist or anything. But he did Physics, M.Sc. or something. And he was not doing very well. As such he was just mediocre. Suddenly, he discovered a switch by which he could change the waves of the microwave thing or something. And he didn’t know how he discovered it. He was quite amazed. And they gave him a promotion, everything. And then they said that you have to come and give a lecture about it. And he didn’t know how he did it. So he telephoned to Me, “Mother, please tell me how You did it.” I said, “You just close your eyes, think of Me and give a lecture.” And he was amazed how he could explain everything.

tm’s a question of how far you are surrendered. How far you are one with the Divine. It all works out. Don’t have to do deliberations much. Don’t have to worry too much about things. It will all come your way, because you have now entered into the kingdom of God. Right? Everything is looked after. Can’t imagine how small, small things it works out. How in details it works out. It’s very surprising. Not for Me, for everyone. For everyone, and they tell Me, “Mother, I don’t know how it has worked out.” So when you are dissolved in that ocean, it is that ocean which takes you up and down, and enjoy, that’s all. So you should leave it to that ocean to decide for you.