------無所不在的神聖力量( Chaitanya)------
這個流通在宇宙每一處的大能, Chaitanya, 是Mahamaya(母親)的力量(Shakti)。這個力量會思考,祂清楚知道所有的事情,而且祂會安排一切。更重要的是,這個力量是愛你的-----無條件地愛你!祂的愛是完全不要求你的回報,祂只希望對你付出,希望你有所成長,希望你幸福。至於那些在你前進路上的荆棘和阻礙,或是要給你麻煩的人,這些通通都會被消滅。但是你不用耗費力量在這上面,你只要請求這個力量去毁滅這些邪惡的勢力即可。Chaitanya有祂毁滅的一面,你不要接近這毁滅力量,你只要祈求(desire),這個力量就會自行去運作。
進入無思慮的靜觀狀態( Nirvichar)是你的避難所,可以避開那些試圖要掌控你、給你麻煩或差辱你的人們。你應該進入靜觀的狀態來看這些人。例如有一個瘋狂的人一直纏著你,你要如何應對呢?你但就靜觀他的瘋狂、他所受的心智折磨、他的困難,你可以笑看他的演出,欣賞他是何等的愚蠢,你不要去承受任何他給你的麻煩。你只要進入你的堡壘-----無思慮的靜觀。當你在這之中,那些愛你、給你喜樂、養育你的大能都會來幫助你。但是假如你仍然忙著想我如何消滅這些、如何處理這些,那麼這些麻煩將繼續糾纏著你,而非對方。
註一:Shri Mataji 有時也用 Divine Power 來表示 Chaitanya。
But this power of destruction, you should not go near it, you only have to desire and these Shakties will start working on their own.
This work – this Chaitanya – that is flowing in the Universe – is this Mahamaya’s Shakti – and with this Mahamaya Shakti only all the work is being done. This Shakti – thinks, knows, understands everything properly and organises everything. And most important thing is that it “Loves” you and this love is ‘without interest’ (Nirvajya). This love does not want anything from you, it only desires to give you, it desires your progress, it desires your well being. But along with this, those things who want to be thorns, put obstacles in your way, put up fights or in any way trouble you, all those people should essentially be destroyed. But for this you don’t put in your energy. You should only invite this power ‘avahan’ (call) the Devi and then you tell them to destroy these demonic people. This is a big thing and you have a relief that anyone who is trying to trouble you, abuse you, dominate you, you have a special state in you which is “Nirvichar”. Everything you should see in a ‘witness state’. Like a mad person is after you, what do you have to do with him? Watch his madness, mental torture, his difficulties and you laugh at him. What a fool he is? You do not have to take any trouble for him. For this you only have to enter your fort – that is ‘Nirvicharita’. In Nirvicharita all the Shaktis which are loving, joy giving, nurturing will come to you. But so long as you remain busy with this, or remain busy with this thought that how I shall remove this, how to destroy this or how to remedy it. This will reflect on you not on him.